1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

proto-lib v1.0.0

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8 years ago


The namespace friendly prototype library.

There's nothing wrong with modifying built-in prototypes, as long as you do it right.

Some of the magic from Javascript comes from the ability to modify built-in types—but it's also taboo.
It can lead to dangerous library collisions.

That's where ProtoLib comes to the rescue. It's is a fast, Node.js and browser friendly JavaScript library that "tucks" utility methods inside a single, customizable property added to Object.prototype.

Static utility methods are cumbersome and don't lend themselves to easy reading. Basically, I grew tired of using static libraries and re-writing utility methods over various projects... enter ProtoLib.

Currently tested and working in Node.js, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE 10 & 11.


  • Over 100 library methods
    • See the list below...
    • Methods are attached to Object.prototype, which means terse, readable code.
    • Iterating functions like each, every, and any work on objects, arrays, strings, numbers, and functions.
  • Collision Free
    • You define the property attached to Object.prototype.
    • The default is _ (underscore), but this can be set to any string.
    • No ES6 for browser compatibility.
  • Extensible
    • ProtoLib allows you to extend the library for any prototype.
    • Extend both custom objects and primitives.
  • Switch the library on and off, on the fly


  1. Install
  2. Getting Started
  3. Available Methods
  4. Extending ProtoLib
  5. Advanced


$ npm install proto-lib --save

Getting Started


// Require the protolib library.
var ProtoLib = require('proto-lib');

// Get a new instance, specifying the accessor property (i.e. "handle").
// This will default to '_' if unspecified.
var lib = ProtoLib.get('_');

// That's it!
// All objects now have access to the defined library methods from the '_' property.
var str = 'hello world!';

str._.titleCase() // -> 'Hello World!'
str._.ucFirst()   // -> 'Hello world!'
str._.reverse()   // -> '!dlrow olleh'

// Chaning with ProtoLib:
str._.titleCase()._.reverse()) // ->'!dlroW olleH'

Oh Noes! I'm using a library that uses '_', what can I do?

var ProtoLib = require('proto-lib');

// Just get a new ProtoLib instance with a different handle.
var lib = ProtoLib.get('lib'),
    obj = { foo: 'hello', bar: 'world' };

obj.lib.invert()        // -> { hello: 'foo', world: 'bar' }
   .lib.histogram()     // -> { 'foo': 1, 'bar': 1 }
   .lib.size()          // -> 2

Any handle attached to Object.prototype by ProtoLib is both configurable and writable.

Do not use new with ProtoLib

Use ProtoLib's static function: ProtoLib.get.
It should be used to prevent the instantiation new ProtoLib instances across files. By using ProtoLib.get you can retrieve the same instance of the library across namespaces.

// Bad, don't do it.
var lib = new ProtoLib('_');

// Correct way to instantiate ProtoLib...
var lib = ProtoLib.get('_');

// You can create multiple instances using get...
// Not sure why you'd want to, however.
var lib  = ProtoLib.get('a');
var lib2 = ProtoLib.get('b');

Example: Cross-file use:

var ProtoLib = require('proto-lib'),
    lib      = ProtoLib.get('_');

// Library now available to objects...


// If called after foo.js, bar.js will still have the library methods attached.
// This still works...

// However, just to be safe you should include the library at the top of each file.
// If you don't need a reference to the class itself, just call:

Browser Use

Use /dist/protolib.min.js... /index.js is for Node.js only.


<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/protolib.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="my-script.js"></script>


var lib = window.ProtoLib.get('_');
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

arr._.rotate('left', 2)                 // -> [3, 4, 1, 2]
arr._.intersect([1, 5, 6], [9, 3, 4])   // -> [3, 4, 1]
arr._.without(4, 1)                     // -> [3]

// Chaining some methods together:
arr = [1, 2, 'hello', 'world', { foo: 'bar' }];

arr._.only('string')                   // -> ['hello', 'world']
   ._.each(function (val, key) {       // -> ['dlrow', 'olleh']
        this[key] = val._.reverse();

Available Methods

Note: npm truncates this file... view the full read me on GitHub


Methods available to all Objects (objects, arrays, strings, functions, etc.).

anyLoops through each item in an object until a non-undefined value is returned
cloneClones an object using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse
copyCreates a shallow copy of an object
eachLoops through each item in an object, with an optional start and end range
everyLoops through each item in an object until false is returned
findChildAtPathWalks an object's children and returns the child specified by a string path
firstGets the first n items of an object
getCallbackGets the callback (last) value from a set, or returns an empty function
getNumericGets an object's numeric equivalent (or NaN)
histogramComputes an object's histogram of values
implementsDetermines if an object has the given property, and that property is a method
implementsOwnDetermines if an object has the given property, and that property is a method which belongs to the object
invertInverts an object's keys and values, or computes the mathematical inverse of a number
isArgumentsDetermines if the given objects are all Arguments objects
isArrayDetermines if the given objects are all arrays
isBooleanDetermines if the given objects are all booleans
isEmptyDetermines if the given objects are all empty (not null, not undefined, and not an empty string)
isFunctionDetermines if the given objects are all functions
isNumericDetermines if the given objects are all numeric (can be parsed as a number)
isNullDetermines if the given objects are all null
isPureObjectDetermines if the given objects are all objects (and not arrays)
isStringDetermines if the given objects are all strings
isUndefinedDetermines if the given objects are all undefined
keyOfMaxReturns the key of the highest value in an object
keyOfMinReturns the key of the highest value in an object
keysGets an object's key set
lastGets the last n items of an object
maxFinds the maximum value in an object
minFinds the minimum value in an object
occurrencesOfCounts an object's occurrences of the provided arguments
randomGets a random item from the object
sizeGets the size ("length") of an object
toArrayConverts an object to an array
toNumberGets an object's numeric equivalent (or NaN)
toIntGets an object's integer equivalent (or NaN)
onlyFilters an object by the given types
uniqueIdGets a unique id for non-literal types
whereFilters an object using a predicate function
whereKeysFilters an object by its keys using a predicate function


Methods available to all String objects.

addSlashesCreates an eval-safe string, by escaping /['"\t\n\f\r\u0000]/
camelizeConverts a string to camel case
decamelizeConverts a camel cased string to sentance form
ellipsesTruncates a string, adding ellipses if the string is longer than length
htmlDecodeUnescapes HTML special characters
htmlEncodeEscapes HTML special characters
lcFirstLowercases the first character of a string
ltrimLeft trims whitespace from a string
newlineToBreakReplaces newlines with br tags
padPads (or truncates) a string to length
randomStringGenerate a random string with the given length
regexpSafeReturns a regular expression safe string
repeatRepeats a string n times
reverseReverses a string
rtrimRight trims whitespace from a string
spliceSplices a string like Array.splice
shuffleShuffles a string
tabsToSpanConverts tab characters to a "tab" span
titleCaseConverts a string to title case
toJSValueConverts 'true', 'false', 'null', and 'undefined' to it's JS equivalent and parses numeric values as a number
ucFirstUppercases the first character of a string
withoutTrailingSlashRemoves trailing slashes from a string
withTrailingSlashAdds a trailing slash to a string


Methods available to all Array objects and their inheritors.

ascendingSorts an array in ascending order
descendingSorts an array in descending order
differenceComputes the set difference of the given arrays
intersectComputes the set intersection of the given arrays
makeUniqueRemoves duplicates from the array (modifies the array)
uniqueReturns a new array with duplicates removed
rotateRotates an array's contents left or right
rotateLeftRotates an array's contents left
rotateRightRotates an array's contents right
shuffleShuffles the contents of an array
unionComputes the unique union of the given arrays
withoutReturns a new array with all occurrences of the arguments omitted


Methods available to all Function objects and their inheritors.

inheritsInherit the prototype methods from one constructor into another


Methods available to all Number objects and their inheritors.

chooseComputes n choose k
clockTimeReturns a string in the HH:MM:SS:MSEC format
daysAgoGets a date that occurs n days ago
daysFromGets a date that occurs n days from the given date
daysFromNowGets a date that occurs n days from the current date
factorialReturns the factorial of a number
formatMoneyReturns a money formatted string
hoursAgoGets a date that occurs n hours ago
hoursFromGets a date that occurs n hours from the given date
hoursFromNowGets a date that occurs n hours from the current time
isIntTrue if all arguments are integers, false otherwise
minutesAgoGets a date that occurs n minutes ago
minutesFromGets a date that occurs n minutes from the given date
minutesFromNowGets a date that occurs n minutes from the current time
monthsAgoGets a date that occurs n months ago
monthsFromGets a date that occurs n months from the given date
monthsFromNowGets a date that occurs n months from the current date
padPads a number with leading (or trailing) zeros
randomNumberInRangeGet a random number in the range min, max
randomIntInRangeGet a random integer in the range min, max
secondsAgoGets a date that occurs n seconds ago
secondsFromGets a date that occurs n seconds from the given date
secondsFromNowGets a date that occurs n seconds from the current time
toReturns a random integer (if passed an int), or float (if passed a float) in the given range
withPlaceholdersAdds commas to a number
yearsAgoGets a date that occurs n years ago
yearsFromGets a date that occurs n years from the given date
yearsFromNowGets a date that occurs n years from the current date
yyyymmddReturns a number in the YYYY-MM-DD format


Methods available to all Date objects and their inheritors.

advanceDaysAdvances the date n days
advanceMonthsAdvances the date n months
advanceYearsAdvances the date n years
clockTimeReturns a string in the HH:MM:SS:MSEC format
yyyymmddReturns a number in the YYYY-MM-DD format

The examples below assume you have set 'lib' to a new instance of ProtoLib and that you're using the default handler ('_'), that is...

var ProtoLib = require('proto-lib'),
    lib = ProtoLib.get('_');

// Or in the browser...
var lib = window.ProtoLib.get('_');



Returns an object containing a frequencies of values.
For objects (arrays and pure objects), it will count the frequency of values. For strings, it will count character frequencies. Numbers and functions will be converted using toString.

instancehistogram() → {Object}
statichistogram({...*} items) → {Object}
[1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 5, 5]._.histogram()
// Returns { 1: 4, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1, 5: 2 }

// Returns { r: 2, a: 2, c: 2, e: 1 }

// Returns { A: 4, a: 4 }

// Returns { 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1 }

// Returns { '-': 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, 4: 1 }

{ foo: 'bar', hello: 'world', number: 5, five: 5 }._.histogram()
// Returns { bar: 1, world: 1, 5: 2 }

/* Static Use */

lib.object.histogram([1, 2, 3], 'a string', function () {});
// Returns { 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, a: 1, ' ': 1, s: 1, t: 1, r: 1, i: 1, n: 1, g: 1, 'function': 1 }

lib.object.histogram([1, 2, 3, [3, 4, 5], ['a', 'b', 'c']]);
// Returns { 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 1, array: 2 }


Returns a shallow copy of an object.
For non-objects, the provided value is simply returned. For objects, a shallow copy is made.

instancecopy() → {*}
staticcopy({*} item) → {*}
[1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c']._.copy();
// Returns a copy of the above array.

{ foo: 'bar' }._.copy();
// Returns a copy of the above object.

'hello world'._.copy();
// Returns 'hello world'

/* Static Use */


Counts the number of occurrences of what.

instanceoccurrencesOf({*} what) → {Number}
staticoccurrencesOf({*} item, {*} what) → {Number}
[1, 1, 1, 1, 3]._.occurrencesOf(1);
// Returns 4

[1, 1, 1, 1, 3]._.occurrencesOf('1');
// Returns 0

{ foo: 'bar', hello: 'world' }._.occurrencesOf('bar');
// Returns 1

// Returns 2

'the rain falls mainly in the plain in spain'._.occurrencesOf('ain');
// Returns 4

/* Static Use */
lib.object.occurrencesOf(haystack, needle);


Returns the object's key set.
Note: For numbers and functions, this will always return an empty array.

instancekeys() → {Array}
statickeys({*} item) → {Array}
[1, 1, 1, 1, 3]._.keys();
// Returns ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4']

{ foo: 'bar', baz: 'biz' }._.keys();
// Returns ['foo', 'bar']

'a string'._.keys();
// Returns ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']

// Returns []

(function () {})._.keys();
// Returns []

/* Static Use */


Returns the "size" of an object (length).
For strings, it will return the string's length, for numbers: the number of digits, for objects: Object.keys(...).length, for arrays: Array.length, and for functions: 1.

instancesize() → {Number}
staticsize({*} item) → {Number}
[1, 1, 1, 1, 3]._.size();
// Returns 5

{ foo: 'bar', baz: 'biz' }._.size();
// Returns 2

'a string'._.size();
// Returns 8

// Returns 4

// Returns 5

(function () {})._.size();
// Returns 1

/* Static Use */


Determines if the object "is numeric".
Returns true if the object can be parsed as a number and is finite, false otherwise.
If used in the static context, it will return true if and only if all arguments are numeric.

instanceisNumeric() → {Boolean}
staticisNumeric({...*} items) → {Boolean}
[]._.isNumeric();               // false
{}._.isNumeric();               // false

'string'._.isNumeric();         // false
'1234'._.isNumeric();           // true
'-1234'._.isNumeric();          // true
'1e7'._.isNumeric();            // true
'0xFF'._.isNumeric();           // true

(1234)._.isNumeric();           // true
(-1234)._.isNumeric();          // true
(1e7)._.isNumeric();            // true
(0x64)._.isNumeric();           // true

(function () {})._.isNumeric(); // false

/* Static Use */
lib.object.isNumeric(a, b, c...);


Get's an object's number equivalent.
Returns the number represented by the given value, or NaN.
If used in the static context, it will return an array with the results for each argument if more than one argument is supplied.

instancegetNumeric() → {Number|NaN}
staticgetNumeric({...*} objs) → {Number|NaN}
[]._.getNumeric();               // NaN
{}._.getNumeric();               // NaN

'string'._.getNumeric();         // NaN
'1234'._.getNumeric();           // 1234
'-1234'._.getNumeric();          // -1234
'-1234.56'._.getNumeric();       // -1234.56
'1e7'._.getNumeric();            // 10000000
'0xFF'._.getNumeric();           // 255

(1234)._.getNumeric();           // 1234
(1234.56)._.getNumeric();        // 1234.56
(-1234)._.getNumeric();          // -1234
(1e7)._.getNumeric();            // 10000000
(0x64)._.getNumeric();           // 100

(function () {})._.isNumeric();  // NaN

/* Static Use */
lib.object.getNumeric('1', '0xFF', 'hello world', 7); // Returns [1, 255, NaN, 7]
lib.object.getNumeric('90'); // Returns 90


Determines if the given objects are "empty".
That is, if obj !== null && obj !== undefined && obj !== ''. So zero (0) isn't empty.
For collections, it will assert that the object has a length of more than zero.

If used in the static context, it will return true if and only if all arguments are empty.

instanceisEmpty() → {Boolean}
staticisEmpty({...*} objs) → {Boolean}
[]._.isEmpty()                // true
{}._.isEmpty()                // true
[1]._.isEmpty()               // false
{ foo: 1, bar: 2}._.isEmpty() // false
(0)._.isEmpty()               // false
''._.isEmpty()                // true
'hello world'._.isEmpty()     // false
function () {}._.isEmpty()    // false

/* Static Use */
lib.object.isEmpty(0, '', 1, []);    // false
lib.object.isEmpty([], {}, []);      // true
lib.object.isEmpty(null, undefined); // true


Determines if the given objects are all arrays.
If used in the static context, it will return true if and only if all arguments are arrays.

instanceisArray() → {Boolean}
staticisArray({...*} objs) → {Boolean}
[]._.isArray()                // true
{}._.isArray()                // false
[1]._.isArray()               // true
{ foo: 1, bar: 2}._.isArray() // false
'hello world'._.isArray()     // false
function () {}._.isArray()    // false

/* Static Use */
lib.object.isArray(0, [], [1, 2, 3]);               // false
lib.object.isArray([], [1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c']); // true
lib.object.isArray(null, []);                       // false


Determines if the given objects are all objects, but not arrays.
If used in the static context, it will return true if and only if all arguments are "pure objects".

instanceisPureObject() → {Boolean}
staticisPureObject({...*} objs) → {Boolean}
[]._.isPureObject()                // false
{}._.isPureObject()                // true
[1]._.isPureObject()               // false
{ foo: 1, bar: 2}._.isPureObject() // true
'hello world'._.isPureObject()     // false
function () {}._.isPureObject()    // false

/* Static Use */
lib.object.isPureObject({}, {}, {}); // true
lib.object.isPureObject([], {});     // false
lib.object.isPureObject(null, {});   // false


Determines if the given objects are all strings.
If used in the static context, it will return true if and only if all arguments are strings.

instanceisString() → {Boolean}
staticisString({...*} objs) → {Boolean}


Determines if the given objects are all booleans. If used in the static context, it will return true if and only if all arguments are booleans.

instanceisBoolean() → {Boolean}
staticisBoolean({...*} objs) → {Boolean}


Determines if the given objects are all functions.
If used in the static context, it will return true if and only if all arguments are functions.

instanceisFunction() → {Boolean}
staticisFunction({...*} objs) → {Boolean}


Determines if the given objects are all null.
If used in the static context, it will return true if and only if all arguments are null.

instanceisNull() → {Boolean}
staticisNull({...*} objs) → {Boolean}


Determines if the given objects are all undefined.
If used in the static context, it will return true if and only if all arguments are undefined.

instanceisUndefined() → {Boolean}
staticisUndefined({...*} objs) → {Boolean}


Determines if the given objects are all arguments objects.
If used in the static context, it will return true if and only if all arguments are Arguments instances.

instanceisArguments() → {Boolean}
staticisArguments({...*} objs) → {Boolean}
[]._.isArguments()                // false
{}._.isArguments()                // false
[1]._.isArguments()               // false
{ foo: 1, bar: 2}._.isArguments() // false
'hello world'._.isArguments()     // false
function () {}._.isArguments()    // false

(function () {
    arguments._.isArguments()     // true

/* Static Use */

(function () {
    lib.object.isArguments(arguments); // true

lib.object.isArguments([]);            // false


Alias for getNumeric


Get's the object's integer equivalent.
Returns the integer value represented by the given value(s), or NaN. If used in the static context, it will return an array with the results for each argument if more than one argument is supplied.

statictoInt({...*} objs)
[]._.toInt();               // NaN
{}._.toInt();               // NaN

'string'._.toInt();         // NaN
'1234.12'._.toInt();        // 1234
'-1234.000112'._.toInt();   // -1234
'1e7'._.toInt();            // 10000000
'0xFF'._.toInt();           // 255

(1234.789)._.toInt();       // 1234
(-1234.00012)._.toInt();    // -1234
(1e7)._.toInt();            // 10000000
(0x64)._.toInt();           // 100

(function () {})._.toInt();  // NaN

/* Static Use */
lib.object.toInt('1', '0xFF', 'hello world', 7); // Returns [1, 255, NaN, 7]


Returns a random item from an array or object, a random digit from a number, or a random character from a string.
Functions are cast to strings with Function.toString

instancerandom() → {*}
staticrandom({*} obj) → {*}
[1, 2, 3, 4].random()._.random();         // Could be any of: 1, 2, 3, or 4
{ foo: 'a', bar: 'b', baz: 0 }._.random() // Could be any of: 'a', 'b', 0,
'string'._.random()                       // Could be any of: 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g'

/* Static Use */
lib.object.random([[1, 2, 3], ['a', 'b', 'c'], 9]);
// Returns either one of the arrays or 9


Invokes the provided callback for "each" item in the collection.
For each item in the collection, a callback (onIteration) is invoked with the following arguments: this refers to the object being iterated over within the body of onIteration.

Functions and Numbers are cast to strings with Function/Number.toString.

instanceeach({Number=} startRange=0, {Number=} endRange=obj.length - 1, {Function} onInteration) → {*|null}
staticeach({*} obj, {Number=} startRange=0, {Number=} endRange=obj.length - 1, {Function} onInteration)) → {*|null}

Arguments passed to onInteration:

{*} valueThe value of the current item being iterated over
{String} keyThe key of the current item
{Number} iterationThe current iteration count.For arrays key and iteration will be the same.
{Function} exitA function that, when called, will break the loop and return the arguments passed to it as an array (or if a single value is passed, the value itself)
{*} parentThe object being iterated over.Typically, this and parent will be equal, however the parent argument exists in the event that onIteration has been bound. If using an arrow function this will be lexically block scoped, so parent should be used instead.

Note: All ranges are inclusive. If startRange is greater than endRange it will perform a decrementing loop.

var total = 0, keyTotal = 0;
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]._.each((val, key) => {
    total    += val;
    keyTotal += key.toString();
// total    = 15
// keyTotal = '01234'

{ hello: 1, world: 'foo', array: [1, 2, 3] }._.each((val, key, i, exit) => {
    console.log(val + ',' + key + ',' + i);
// Logged on 0th iteration: 1, 'hello', 0
// Logged on 1st iteration: 'foo', 'world', 1
// Logged on 2nd iteration: 1,2,3, 'array', 2

var truncated = '';
var result = 'hello world!'._.each((val, key, i, exit) => {
    if(val === ' ') return exit(val);
    truncated += val;
// truncated = 'hello'
// result    = ' '

/* Using Ranges */
/* All ranges are inclusive */

var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
arr._.each(0, 3, function (val, key, i, exit) {
    this[key] *= 7;
// arr = [7, 14, 21, 28, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
arr._.each(4, 3, function (val, key, i, exit, parent) {
    parent[key] *= 7;
// arr = [1, 2, 3, 28, 35, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

// If rangeA > rangeB, a decrementing loop will be performed!
arr = ['d', 'l', 'r', 'o', 'w', ' ', 'o', 'l', 'l', 'e', 'h'],
str = '';
arr._.each(10000, 0, function (val, key, i, exit) {
    str += val;
// str = 'hello world'

/* Static Use */
var myArray = ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    onInteration = () => { /* Do something... */ }

lib.object.each(myArray, 0, 1 onInteration);
// Iterates through 'a' and 'b', but not 'c'.


Invokes the provided callback for "every" item in the collection.
Loops through each item in the object and calls onIteration. If false is returned, the loop will break and return false, otherwise it will return true. This is similar to Array.every except that it works for all objects, and will break only on false and not a falsy return (null, undefined, 0, etc.). this refers to the object being iterated over within the body of onIteration.

Functions and Numbers are cast to strings with Function/Number.toString.

instanceevery({Function} onInteration) → {Boolean}
staticevery({*} obj, {Function} onInteration)) → {Boolean}

Arguments passed to onInteration:

{*} valueThe value of the current item being iterated over
{String} keyThe key of the current item
{Number} iterationThe current iteration count.For arrays key and iteration will be the same.
{*} parentThe object being iterated over.Typically, this and parent will be equal, however the parent argument exists in the event that onIteration has been bound. If using an arrow function this will be lexically block scoped, so parent should be used instead.
var obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 },
    keys = [],
    vals = [];

obj._.every((val, key) => {
// vals = [1, 2, 3], keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']

var didLoopThroughAllItems = obj._.every(val => {
    if(val === 3) return false;
// didLoopThroughAllItems = false

didLoopThroughAllItems = obj._.every(val => {
    if(val === 999) return false;
// didLoopThroughAllItems = true

/* Static Use */
var myArray = ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    onInteration = () => { /* Do something... */ }

lib.object.every(myArray, onInteration);


Invokes the provided callback for every item in the collection and breaks when any value (other than undefined) is returned.
Loops through each item in the object and calls onIteration. If a "non-undefined" value is returned, the loop will break and return that value.

Functions and Numbers are cast to strings with Function/Number.toString.

instanceany({Function} onInteration) → {*|undefined}
staticany({*} obj, {Function} onInteration)) → {*|undefined}

Arguments passed to onInteration:

{*} valueThe value of the current item being iterated over
{String} keyThe key of the current item
{Number} iterationThe current iteration count.For arrays key and iteration will be the same.
{*} parentThe object being iterated over.Typically, this and parent will be equal, however the parent argument exists in the event that onIteration has been bound. If using an arrow function this will be lexically block scoped, so parent should be used instead.
var obj = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 },
    keys = [],
    vals = [];

obj._.any((val, key) => {
// vals = [1, 2, 3], keys = ['a', 'b', 'c']

var result = obj._.any(val => {
    if(val === 3) return val;
// result = 3

result = obj._.any(val => {
    if(val === 999) return val;
// result = undefined

result = 'hello world'._.any(function (val, key) {
    if(key == 4) return 'got the letter o';
// result = 'got the letter o'

/* Static Use */
var myArray = ['a', 'b', 'c'],
    onInteration = () => { /* Do something... */ }

lib.object.any(myArray, onInteration);


Converts an object to an array.
Useful for converting arguments objects to arrays. If an array is passed, a shallow copy of the array will be returned.

instancetoArray() → {Array<*>}
statictoArray({*} obj) → {Array<*>}
var string = 'a string',
    chars  = string._.toArray(); // chars = ['a', ' ', 's', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g']

var obj = { foo: 1, bar: 2 },
    arr = obj._.toArray(); // arr = [1, 2]

(function () {
    var args = arguments._.toArray();
    // args = [1, 2, 3, 4]
}(1, 2, 3, 4));

/* Static Use */
var converted = lib.object.toArray({ a: [1, 2], b: { foo: 'bar' }});
// converted = [[1, 2], { foo: 'bar' }]


Returns the first n items of an object.
If n is 1, the first item will be returned. If n is more than 1, an array/object of the first n items will be returned. IF a string is passed, a single string will always be returned... in this way it works like String.slice. Strings, numbers and functions will be cast to string using toString.

instancefirst({Number=} n=1) → {*|Array<*>|Object<*>}
staticfirst({*} obj, {Number=} n=1) → {*|Array<*>|Object<*>}
var string = 'a string',

    first = string._.first(),
    // first = 'a'
    firstFour = string._.first(4);
    // firstTwo = 'a st'

var array = [1, 2, 3, 4],

    arrayFirst = array._.first(),
    // arrayFirst = 1

    arrayFirstThree = array._.first(3);
    // arrayFirstThree = [1, 2, 3]

var object = { foo: 'bar', hello: 'world' },

    objectFirst = object._.first(),
    // objectFirst = 'bar'

    objectFirstThree = object._.first(3);
    // objectFirstThree = { foo: 'bar', hello: 'world' }

/* Static Use */
var staticFirst = lib.object.first([1, 2, 3]);
// staticFirst = 1


Returns the last n items of an object.
Works similar to first, except it returns the last n items, rather than the first n,

instancelast({Number=} n=1) → {*|Array<*>|Object<*>}
staticlast({*} obj, {Number=} n=1) → {*|Array<*>|Object<*>}


Always returns a callback.
If the last item in the object is a function, it will be returned, otherwise an "empty" function is returned. This is useful for ensuring that you always have a valid callback when used against an arguments object.

This method is useless against strings, numbers, and functions. It will however, return an "empty" function if called on one.

instancegetCallback() → {Function}
staticgetCallback({*} obj) → {Function}
// For this example EMPTY_CALLBACK_REPLACEMENT is a "blank" function.
// EMPTY_CALLBACK_REPLACEMENT === function () {}

var cb = [1, 2, 3, 4].getCallback();         // cb === EMPTY_CALLBACK_REPLACEMENT

cb = [1, 2, 3, function someFunction () {}]; // cb === someFunction
cb = { foo: 'bar', hello: 'world' };         // cb === EMPTY_CALLBACK_REPLACEMENT
cb = { foo: 'bar', hello: () => {} };        // cb === anonymous arrow function

(function (argA, argB, argC) {
    cb = arguments.getCallback();
    // cb === argC === exampleCallbackFunction
}('argA', 'argB', function exampleCallbackFunction () {}));

(function (argA, argB, argC, argD, argE) {
    cb = arguments.getCallback();
    // Since exampleCallbackFunction wasn't the *last* argument,
    // the empty function was assigned to cb.
}('argA', 'argB', function exampleCallbackFunction () {}, 'argD', 'argE'));

/* Static Use */
var staticFirst = lib.object.getCallback(someObject);


Finds the child of an object specified by the given string path.
Finds the child specified by the given string "path" and delimiter (default '.') by walking the objects keys.

instancefindChildAtPath({String} path, {String=} delimiter='.', {Function=} done) → {*|null}
staticfindChildAtPath({*} obj, {String} path, {String=} delimiter='.', {Function=} done) → {*|null}
var someObject = {
    a: {
        aa: {
            aaa: 1,
            aab: 'hello'
        ab: {
            aba: 2,
            abb: 'world'
    b: {
        ba: {
            baa: 3,
            bab: 'foo'
        bb: {
            bba: 4,
            bbb: 'bar'
    c: [
            example: 'value'

var aa = someObject._.findChildAtPath('a.aa'),
    // Returns the object labeled by 'aa'

    aaa = someObject._.findChildAtPath('a.aa.aaa'),
    // Returns the value labeled by 'aaa' (1)

    bba = someObject._.findChildAtPath('a.bb.bba'),
    // Returns the value labeled by 'bba' (3)

    xxy = someObject._.findChildAtPath('a.bb.xxy'),
    // Returns null

    // Works on arrays too...
    c1 = someObject._.findChildAtPath('c.1'),
    // Returns 200

    c1 = someObject._.findChildAtPath('c.2.example'),
    // Returns 'value'

    d = someObject._.findChildAtPath('d'),
    // Returns null

    xxx = someObject._.findChildAtPath('');
    // Returns someObject

// If a function is passed for parameter *done*, it will be invoked
// with the item at the path, the parent of the item, and the item's key
aa = someObject._.findChildAtPath('a.aa', function (value, parent, key) {
    // this   = someObject
    // value  = { aaa: 1, aab: 'hello' }
    // parent = the object labeled by 'a' above.
    // key    = 'aa'

aaa = someObject._.findChildAtPath('a.aa.aaa', function (value, parent, key) {
    // this   = someObject
    // value  = 1
    // parent = the object labeled by 'a.aa' above.
    // key    = 'aaa'

/* Static Use */
var child = lib.object.findChildAtPath(someObject, 'somePath');


Clones an object using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse.
Throws an error if the object is circular. The optional replacer argument will be passed to JSON.stringify (see MDN's JSON.stringify).

instanceclone({Function=} replacer) → {*}
staticclone({*} obj, {Function=} replacer) → {*}
var foo, bar;

foo = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
bar = foo._.clone(); // bar = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }

foo = [1, 2, 3, 4, { a: 1, b: 2}];
bar = foo._.clone(); // bar = [1, 2, 3, 4, { a: 1, b: 2}]

/* Static Use */


Returns a new object with only the given types.
Filters an object by the specified list of types ('string', 'number', 'object', 'array', 'function', 'object object'). Any typeof type can be used, and multiple arguments can be specified. object will return both arrays and objects, object object will return only objects, and array will filter only arrays.

Plural forms of the types can be used as well.

instanceonly({...String} types) → {*}
staticonly({*} obj, {...String} types) → {*}
var foo, bar;
foo = [1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c', 4, 5, 6];

bar = foo._.only('numbers');            // bar = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
bar = foo._.only('strings');            // bar = ['a', 'b', 'c']
bar = foo._.only('numbers', 'strings'); // bar = [1, 2, 3, 'a', 'b', 'c', 4, 5, 6]

foo = {
    a: [1, 2, 3],
    b: 'a string',
    c: function () {},
    d: null,
    e: { z: 9, y: 8 }

bar = foo._.only('object');         // bar = { a: [1, 2, 3], d: null, e: { z: 9, y: 8 } }
bar = foo._.only('array');          // bar = { a: [1, 2, 3] }
bar = foo._.only('object object');  // bar = { d: null, e: { z: 9, y: 8 } }
bar = foo._.only('function');       // bar = { c: function () {} }

// Useless on strings, numbers, and functions...
bar = (5)._.only('string')              // bar = 5
bar = ('hello world')._.only('string')  // bar = 'hello world'
bar = (function () {})._.only('string') // bar = function () {}

/* Static Use */
lib.object.only(myObject, 'typeA', 'typeB', 'typeC'...);


Returns a new object, filtering by a predicate function.
Filters an object by using a predicate function. If the predicate returns true the item is included in the results. The predicate function will be invoked for each item within the object with the following signature: onItem ({*} item, {String} key).

instancewhere({Function} predicate) → {*}
staticwhere({*} obj, {Function} predicate) → {*}
var foo, bar;
foo = [1, 2, 3, 4];

bar = foo._.where(item => item > 2); // bar = [3, 4]
bar = foo._.where(item => true);     // bar = [1, 2, 3, 4]

foo = {
    a: [1, 2, 3],
    b: 'a string',
    c: function () {},
    d: null,
    e: { z: 9, y: 8 }

bar = foo._.where((item, key) => key === 'a');      // bar = { a: [1, 2, 3] }
bar = foo._.where(function (item, key) {            // bar = { b: 'a string' }
    return typeof item !== 'object' && key !== 'c';

/* Static Use */
lib.object.where(myObject, predicateFunction);


Returns a new object, filtering an object's keys by a predicate function.
The same as where, except that the predicate function is invoked with the signature: onItem ({String} key, {*} item).

instancewhereKeys({Function} predicate) → {*}
staticwhereKeys({*} obj, {Function} predicate) → {*}


Inverts an object's keys and values.
For numbers it computes the mathematical inverse (x-1).
For strings, it reverses the string.
For functions, invert returns a new function that wraps the given function and inverts it's result.

instanceinvert() → {*}
staticinvert({*} obj) → {*}
(1)._.invert()     // -> 1
(0)._.invert()     // -> Infinity
(789)._.invert()   // -> ~0.00126742712

[6, 7, 8]._.invert() // -> { 6: 0, 7: 1, 8: 2 }
{ a: 'foo', b: 5 }   // -> { foo: 'a', 5: b }
'string'._.invert()  // -> 'gnirts'
true._.invert()      // -> false

// For functions, invert returns a new function that wraps the
// given function and inverts it's result.
function alwaysTrue = () {
    return true;

var alwaysFalse = alwaysTrue._.invert();
alwaysFalse() // -> false

// Under the hood alwaysFalse was turned into something like this...
function () {
    return alwaysTrue.apply(alwaysTrue, arguments)._.invert();

/* Static Use */


Get's the highest value from an object.
For numbers, strings, functions, and booleans, the object is simply returned. An optional predicate function is available to determine the max for objects. The predicate is called with the current value in the collection, whatever is returned from the predicate is used in the evaluation to determine the if the value is the max.

instancemax({Function=} predicate) → {*}
staticmax({*} obj, {Function=} predicate) → {*}
[1, 4, 7, 5, 99, 1, 2]._.max()          // -> 99
['a', 'e', 'i', 'q', 'b', 'z']._.max()  // -> 'z'
[1, 'a', 4, 'r', 999]._.max()           // -> 999, since 999 > 'r' char code
{ a: 43, b: 123, c: 0 }._.max()         // -> 123

// Predicate example
var data = [
        name: 'foo',
        value: 1
        name: 'bar',
        value: 2
        name: 'baz',
        value: 3

var max = data._.max(function (item) {
    return item.value;

// max = { name: 'baz', value: 3 }

/* Static Use */


Get's the lowest value from an object.
Same as max, except it returns the minimum value.

instancemin({Function=} predicate) → {*}
staticmin({*} obj, {Function=} predicate) → {*}


Returns the key of the highest value in an object.
For numbers, strings, functions, and booleans, the object is simply returned. An optional predicate function is available to determine the max for objects. The predicate is called with the current value in the collection, whatever is returned from the predicate is used in the evaluation to determine the if the value is the max. When a max value is found, its key is returned.

instancekeyOfMax({Function=} predicate) → {*}
statickeyOfMax({*} obj, {Function=} predicate) → {*}


Same as keyOfMax, except it returns the minimum value's key.

instancekeyOfMin({Function=} predicate) → {*}
statickeyOfMin({*} obj, {Function=} predicate) → {*}


Determines if an object has the given properties, and those properties are methods.

instanceimplements({String} method) → {*}
staticimplements({*} obj, {String} method) → {*}
var MyClass = function () {
    this.foo = function () {};
    this.bar = 5;
    this.baz = function () {};

var x = new MyClass();
x._.implements('foo', 'baz'); // -> true
x._.implements('bar', 'baz'); // -> false, baz is not a method

var y = {
    orange: function () {},
    apple: false

y._.implements('orange'); // -> true
y._.implements('apple'); // -> false, apple is not a method

/* Static Use */


Determines if an object has the given properties, and those properties are methods which belongs to the object.
Same as implements, except with added hasOwnProperty check.

instanceimplementsOwn({String} method) → {*}
staticimplementsOwn({*} obj, {String} method) → {*}


Returns a unique id for non-literals.
Returns a unique hex string for objects and functions. Throws on numbers and strings. The id is generated on a as requested basis, so the first time it's called 0x0 is returned, then 0x1, etc. etc. However, once assigned to the object, the same id will always be returned for that object.

instanceuniqueId() → {String}
staticuniqueId({*} obj) → {String}
var obj = { foo: 1, bar: 2 },
    id  = obj._.uniqueId();  // -> '0xN', where N is some base 16 number

var arr = [1, 2, 3],
    id  = arr._.uniqueId();  // -> '0xN', where N is some base 16 number

var func = function () {},
    id  = func._.uniqueId(); // -> '0xN', where N is some base 16 number

(5).uniqueId();              // Throws an Error
('a string').uniqueId();     // Throws an Error

/* Static Use */



Converts 'true', 'false', 'null', and 'undefined' to it's JS equivalent and parses numeric values as a number.
The string will be trimmed. If the string value is numeric, a number will be returned. If the trimmed string is non-numeric or doesn't evaluate to true, false, null, or undefined the original (untrimmed) string will be returned.

instancetoJSValue() → {String}
statictoJSValue({String} myString) → {String}
'true'._.toJSValue()        // -> returns boolean true
'false'._.toJSValue()       // -> returns boolean false

'  true  '._.toJSValue()    // -> returns boolean true
'  false  '._.toJSValue()   // -> returns boolean false

'True'._.toJSValue()        // -> returns the original string
'falsE'._.toJSValue()       // -> returns the original string

'null'._.toJSValue()        // -> returns null
'undefined'._.toJSValue()   // -> returns undefined

'5.46'._.toJSValue()        // -> returns the number 5.46



Converts a string to camel case.
Replaces /[^a-z0-9$]/g with '' and makes the first letter of each word uppercase (except the first, of course).

instancecamelize() → {String}
staticcamelize({String} myString) → {String}
var myString = 'hello world!';
myString._.camelize(); // -> 'helloWorld'

// -> 'weDontLikeUnderscoresInJavascript'


Converts a camel case string to "somewhat" sentance form.

instancedecamelize() → {String}
staticdecamelize({String} myString) → {String}
var myString = 'thisIsCamelCased';
myString._.decamelize(); // -> 'this is camel cased'

// -> 'interesting behavior'

// -> 'interesting b e h a v i o r'


Repeats a string n times.

instancerepeat() → {String}
staticrepeat({String} myString) → {String}
var myString = 'repeat me ';
myString._.repeat(3); // -> 'repeat me repeat me repeat me '

'*'._.repeat(10);     // -> '**********'
'Racecar'._.repeat(3) // -> 'RacecarRacecarRacecar'

/* Static Use */


Left trims whitespace from a string.
Functions just like String.trim, except only on the left side of the string.

instanceltrim() → {String}
staticltrim({String} myString) → {String}


Right trims whitespace from a string.
Functions just like String.trim, except only on the right side of the string.

instancertrim() → {String}
staticrtrim({String} myString) → {String}


Escapes HTML special characters.

instancehtmlEncode() → {String}
statichtmlEncode({String} myString) → {String}
var myString = '5 is > 7, but 7 < 9';
myString._.htmlEncode(); // -> '5 is &gt; 7, but 7 is &lt; 9'

/* Static Use */


Unescapes HTML special characters.

instancehtmlDecode() → {String}
statichtmlDecode({String} myString) → {String}
var myString = '5 is &gt; 7, but 7 is &lt; 9';
myString._.htmlDecode(); // -> '5 is > 7, but 7 < 9'

/* Static Use */


Creates an 'eval' safe string, by adding slashes to ", ', \t, \n, \f, \r, and the NULL byte.

instanceaddSlashes() → {String}
staticaddSlashes({String} myString) → {String}
var myString = 'function () { return "hello world!" };';
myString._.addSlashes(); // -> 'function () { return \"hello world!\" };'

/* Static Use */


Returns the string with the first letter capitalized.

instanceucFirst() → {String}
staticucFirst({String} myString) → {String}
var myString = 'hello world!';
myString._.ucFirst(); // -> 'Hello world!'

/* Static Use */


Returns the string with the first letter lowercased.

instancelcFirst() → {String}
staticlcFirst({String} myString) → {String}
var myString = 'Hello world!';
myString._.lcFirst(); // -> 'hello world!'

/* Static Use */


Returns the string in title case.

instancetitleCase() → {String}
statictitleCase({String} myString) → {String}
var myString   = 'the quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog!',
    titleCased = myString._.titleCase();

// titleCased = 'The Quick Red Fox Jumped Over The Lazy Brown Dog!'

/* Static Use */


Splices a string, like Array.splice.

instancesplice({Number} index, {Number} delete, {String=} append) → {String}
staticsplice({String} myString, {Number} index, {Number} delete, {String=} append) → {String}
var myString = 'the quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog!';
myString = myString._.splice(4, 5, 'slow');

// myString = 'the slow red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog!'

var helloWorld = 'hello world';
helloWorld._.splice(0, 6); // -> 'world'
helloWorld._.splice(5, 6); // -> 'hello'

/* Static Use */
lib.string.splice(myString, index, deleteCount, stringToAppendAtIndex);


Truncates a string, adding ellipses if the string is longer than length.
Truncates the given string to length. If the string is longer than length, ellipses will be added to the end of the string.

  • If the optional place argument is set to 'front', the ellipses is prepended to the string, rather than appended.
  • The optional ellipses argument allows '...' to be replaces with any string value.
instanceellipses({Number} length, {String=} place='back', {String=} ellipses) → {String}
staticellipses({String} myString, {Number} length, {String=} place, {String=} ellipses) → {String}
var myString = 'the quick red fox jumped over the lazy brown dog!';

myString._.ellipses(10); // -> 'the qui...'
myString._.ellipses(20); // -> 'the quick red fox...'

myString._.ellipses(20, 'front');          // -> '...the quick red fox'
myString._.ellipses(20, 'front', '•••');   // -> '•••the quick red fox'
myString._.ellipses(20, 'back', '??????'); // -> 'the quick red ??????'

/* Static Use */
lib.string.splice(myString, index, deleteCount, stringToAppendAtIndex);


Shuffles a string.
If the optional splitter argument is passed, it will be tokenized by the value of splitter before being shuffled. Otherwise the strings characters will be moved around.

instanceshuffle({String=} splitter) → {String}
staticshuffle({String} myString, {String=} splitter) → {String}
var aString = 'hello world';
aString._.shuffle() // -> 'lweol rhold' (this is one possibility)

'hello world'._.shuffle('hello ');
// Possibilities are...
// 'hello world', and 'worldhello '

'hello world'._.shuffle(' ');
// Possibilities are...
// 'hello world', 'world hello', 'worldhello ', ' helloworld'
// ' worldhello', and 'helloworld '

/* Static Use */
lib.string.shuffle(myString, splitter);


Reverses a string.

instancereverse() → {String}
staticreverse({String} myString) → {String}
var myString = 'hello world';
myString._.reverse()  // -> 'dlrow olleh';
'racecar'._.reverse() // -> 'racecar'

/* Static Use */


Removes a trailing slash from a string (or path).
On Node.js withoutTrailingSlash uses path.sep for a platform agnostic replacement.

instancewithoutTrailingSlash() → {String}
staticwithoutTrailingSlash({String} myString) → {String}
var path = 'path/to/some/directory/';
path._.withoutTrailingSlash() // -> 'path/to/some/directory'

path = 'path/to/some/directory/////';
path._.withoutTrailingSlash() // -> 'path/to/some/directory'

path = '/';
path._.withoutTrailingSlash() // -> ''

// If Node.js and Windows...
path = 'path\\to\\some\\directory\\';
path._.withoutTrailingSlash() // -> 'path\\to\\some\\directory'

/* Static Use */


Removes a trailing slash from a string (or path).
On Node.js withoutTrailingSlash uses path.sep for a platform agnostic replacement.

instancewithTrailingSlash() → {String}
staticwithTrailingSlash({String} myString) → {String}
var path = 'path/to/some/directory';
path._.withTrailingSlash() // -> 'path/to/some/directory/'

// If Node.js and Windows...
path = 'path\\to\\some\\directory';
path._.withoutTrailingSlash() // -> 'path\\to\\some\\directory\\'

/* Static Use */


Returns a regular expression safe string.
Prepends slashes to /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g

instanceregexpSafe() → {String}
staticregexpSafe({String} myString) → {String}
var money  = '$1,000.00',
    badRegExp, safeRegexp, result;

badRegexp = new RegExp(money, 'gi');
result = '$1,000.00 dollars would be nice.'._.replace(badRegexp, 'One thousand dollars');
// -> Throws 'invalid regular expression'

safeRegexp = new RegExp(money._.regexpSafe(), 'gi');
result = '$1,000.00 dollars would be nice.'._.replace(badRegexp, 'One thousand dollars');
// -> 'One thousand dollars would be nice.'

/* Static Use */


Pads a string (or truncates it) to the given length.
Prepends slashes to /[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g

instanceregexpSafe({String} length, {String=} delimiter= ' ', {Boolean=} pre) → {String}
staticregexpSafe({String} myString, {String} length, {String=} delimiter, {Boolean=} pre) → {String}
'hello world!'._.pad(3);  // -> 'hel'
'hello world!'._.pad(20); // -> 'hello world!        '

// Custom pad string
'hello world!'._.pad(3, '-');  // -> 'hel'
'hello world!'._.pad(20, '-'); // -> 'hello world!--------'

// If *pre* parameter is passed true...
'hello world!'._.pad(3, '-', true);  // -> 'ld!'
'hello world!'._.pad(20, '-', true); // -> '--------hello world!'

/* Static Use */
lib.string.pad(myString, length, delimiter, pre);


Replaces newlines with \<br> tags.

instancenewlineToBreak() → {String}
staticnewlineToBreak({String} myString) → {String}
'line 1\nline 2\nline 3'._.newlineToBreak();
// -> 'line 1<br>line 2<br>line 3'

/* Static Use */


Replaces tab characters with tags.

instancetabsToSpan() → {String}
statictabsToSpan({String} myString) → {String}
'line 1\tline 2\tline 3'._.tabsToSpan();
// -> 'line 1<span class="tab"></span>line 2<span class="tab"></span>line 3'

/* Static Use */


Generate a random string with the given length.
If the charPool argument isn't a string, the string below will be used:
0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSUVWXYZ_ `~!@#$%^&*()_+\\|][\';/.,|}{":?><

staticrandomString({Number=} length=10, {String=} charPool) → {String}
libs.string.randomString(10);      // ew@64cvll- is 

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