0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

prototypeextender v0.0.1

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9 years ago

#Prototype Extender

A small collection of extensions to the prototypes of String, Array, and Number. Kind of like underscore, but simpler and it directly affects the prototype.


##String prototype


Takes a string and reverses the order of characters.

'abc'.reverse(); //cba


Replaces the last occurrence of a substring

'abca'.replaceLast('a');  //abc


Replaces all occurrences of a substring

'abca'.replaceLast('a');  //bc


Finds the amount of times a substing occurs. Takes an optional allow overlapping argument that defaults to true.

'sss'.findOcc('ss'); //1
'sss'.findOcc('ss', true); //2


Returns true if a string has a substring.

'abca'.contains('a');  //true
'abca'.contains('f');  //false


Splits a string at the first occurence of a word.

'dabcad'.splitFirst('a');  //['d', 'bcad']


Splits a string at the last occurence of a word.

'dabcad'.splitLast('a');  //['dabc', 'd']


Takes a list and checks if the string is an item of that list.

'b'.is(['a', 'b', 'c']);  //true
'd'.is(['a', 'b', 'c']);  //false


Returns the first word of a string.

'once upon a time there was a very small cat named steve'.firstWord(); //once


Cuts a string between substrings.

'abcdef'.cut('c'); //def
'abcdef'.cut('b', 'd'); //c


Loops over a string. Provides the letter, index of letter, and persistent variable that defaults to an empty string.

    'abcdef'.loop(function(item, i, persist){
        return persist + item.toUpperCase() + i;
}  //A1B2C3D4E5F6

##Array prototype


Pop returns the last item of string. invPop returns everything but the last item.

['a','b','c'].invPop(); //['a', 'b']


Returns everything but the first item.

['a','b','c'].invShift(); //['b', 'c']


Replaces all occurences of a string in every item of the list.

['ab','b','cd'].replace('b'); //['a','','cd']


Splits a list.

['aba','b','c'].split('b'); //['a', 'a', '', '','c']


Removes falsy values.

['a', 'a', '', false, 1, undefined, null, '','c'].clean(); //['a', 'a', 'c']


Compares every item and replaces it.

['ab','b','c'].replaceItem('b', 12); //['ab', 12, 'c']


indexOf for lists.

['a','b','c'].whereIs('b'); //1


Loop for lists.

    'abcdef'.split('').loop(function(item, i, persist){
        return persist + item.toUpperCase() + i;
}  //A1B2C3D4E5F6

##Number Prototype


I think you get the idea by now. Gives the nmber and persistent, but no index for this one.

    7.0.loop(function(i, persist){
        return persist + i.toString();
}  //1234567