0.0.4 • Published 8 years ago

protractor-error v0.0.4

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Last release
8 years ago


A Jasmine wrapper for re-running failed Jasmine tests in Protractor.


npm install --save-dev protractor-errors or npm install -g protractor-errors to add cli


Require the protractor-error module inside the Protractor config onPrepare function. This will execute the function that adds a JUnitXmlReporter to the Jasmine environment. If the params.errorsRun flag is set, the module will execute only errored specs from the most recent run inside the directory params.errorsPath. The error output is written to the directory params.errorsPath + params.currentTime.


The module is configured by passing the following args or setting them inside the Protractor config:

params.errorsPath: string, directory where the JUnitXmlReporter will write output and the module will look for previous run data. I recommend setting this in the Protractor configuration file since this should not change often.

params.currentTime: string, timestamp of the current test run. Triggering the test with the protractor-error cli runner will set this value automatically.

params.errorsRun?: boolean, default false, should the module limit the current run to previous errors

params.errorsTag?: string, mark the current run/reference previously tagged run for errors


protractor config.js --params.errorsPath 'jasmineReports' --params.currentTime '2017-01-24T23:53:06' --params.errorRun true


protractor-errors config.js --params.errorsPath 'jasmineReports' --params.errorRun true


To automate setting the param.currentTime argument, trigger your protractor tests using the cli.

To run, either install protractor-errors globally and call: protractor-errors <config> [args] from the command line, with the same parameters you would call protractor. Or call the script by referencing the node_modules file directly: ./node_modules/protractor-errors/bin/protractor-errors.js <config> [args].