protractor-screenshot-utils v1.0.6
A simple utility to capture fullpage screenshot, screenshot of any element and crop the screenshot by any screen coordinates from your e2e protractor tests out-of-box.
- This module can take fullpage screenshots of any webpage.
- It can take screenshot of any given WebElement.
- It also has the ability to crop the screenshot with given co-ordinates of screen.
- Automatically save the captured screenshot in given path.
- Overrides default
method to capture full page screenshots.
How to install
npm install protractor-screenshot-utils
Add add the below code to protractor config file:
var screenShotUtils = require("protractor-screenshot-utils").ProtractorScreenShotUtils;
exports.config = {
framework: 'jasmine2',
onPrepare: function() {
global.screenShotUtils = new screenShotUtils({
browserInstance : browser
That's it. Now you can take fullpage screenshots from your tests by just using any of the below code.
Taking fullPage screenshot
//logic to save the image to file.
or you can also directly save the image as file using
saveTo: "fullpageScreenshot.png"
Above code will automatically saves the screenshot as fullpageScreenshot.png
Taking screenshot of any element
element : element("header")), //you can pass any protractor element
saveTo: "headerElement.png"
Taking screenshot by screen co-ordinates
dimensions : {
x:20, //starting x point
y:40, //startng y point
width : 200,
height: 200
saveTo: "croppedImage.png"
You can also crop the screenshot of an element by using
element : element("main-container")),
dimensions : {
x:20, //starting x point
y:40, //startng y point
width : 200,
height: 200
saveTo: "croppedElementImage.png"
Additional Funtionalities:
Override default browser.takeScreenshot()
If your using any html-screenshot reporter in your test,then those reporters will call browser.takeScreenshot()
to capture the screenshot of webpage in case of any failures in test. If you want to override default behaviour of browser.takeScreenshot()
to caputer full page screenshot, you can use,
global.screenShotUtils = new screenShotUtils({
browserInstance : browser,
setAsDefaultScreenshotMethod : true //this will override default browser.takeScreenshot() method to take full page image.
And you can now take fullpage screen shot, element screenshot using browser.takeScreenshot() with all options given in above examples.