1.0.8 • Published 5 years ago

protractor-slow-down v1.0.8

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Last release
5 years ago

Protractor slow down

Protractor slow down! This is for customize speed for protractor tests ( make them slow or fast ).


Use the package manager ( npm i Protractor-slow-down ) to install Protractor slow down.

Steps to Integrate


npm i Protractor-slow-down

Step 1: Require the Package ( Your Protractor Config )

var protractorSlowDown = require('potractorSlowDown');

Step 2: increase or decrease time value

increase or decrease time value, its in millisecond - example 300 by deafult and change according to your needs in the file below code path:\node_modules\Protractor-slow-down\index.js

    return protractor.promise.delayed(300);


This will help you to debug your tests in better way, watch them slow closely or to speed up the test cases flow to make them better.

Protractor test speed Slow down protractor Protractor protractor sleep Protractor wait seconds Protractor helper Protractor plugins Angularjs testing Angularjs Protractor slow down


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

email : padmaraj.nidagundi@gmail.com
