0.0.2 • Published 10 years ago

proximous v0.0.2

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10 years ago

Proximous - NPM Module

Proximous allows you to easily proxy some or all requests to a destination server. All requests that are not proxied will be passed through to the Express app.


// Load the module
var proximous = require('proximous');

// Create a proxy with target destination using factory function
var proxy = proximous('http://www.mysite.com:80');
// or
var proxy = proximous({
    host: 'www.mysite.com',
    secure: false,
    port: 80

// Configure proxy, uses LIFO when checking requests.

// all requests to '/index.html' are proxied, including GET and POST

// proxy only GET requests that match URL

// proxy only POST requests that match URL

// proxy using wildcards
proxy.matchGet('/css/*.css'); // matches '/css/styles.css' as well as '/css/subdir/morestyles.css'

// proxy using regular expression
proxy.matchGet(/^\/css\/.*\.css$/); // same as '/css/*.css'

// proxy everything!

// blacklist ensures matched URLs are not proxied
proxy.excludeGet('/profile/*');            // ensures that all profile pages are never proxied
proxy.excludePost('/submit-photo.html');   // POSTs to this URL will never be proxied
proxy.excludeAll('/chat.html');            // GETs and POSTs to this URL will never be proxied

// Observe events
proxy.onMatch(function(req, res) {
    // Will be called each time a request matches the proxy configuration

proxy.onNotMatch(function(req, res) {
    // Will be called each time a request does not match the proxy configuration

// Register callbacks to bypass rule matching (supports async!)
proxy.matchGet('/foo/bar', function(req, res, result) {
    setTimeout(function() {
        result(true); // or `false` to force a no-match
    }, 100);

// Once configured, set up proxy as middleware
var http = require('http');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

http.createServer(app).listen(3000, function() {
    console.log('Express server with proxy listening on port 3000');

10 years ago


10 years ago