0.0.11 • Published 7 years ago
proxy-validation v0.0.11
A very basic and simple validation utility that can be used as a helper when validating JS-objects. No smart built-in validators because - different business rules often requires custom/special validators.
You'll need to implement your own validate
Code examples
Simple example #1:
const ProxyValidation = require('proxy-validation');
const UserValidationFields = {
name: {
validate(value, field, propertyName) {
// Just validate that the value is not "falsy"
if (!value) {
throw new TypeError(`Cannot set ${propertyName} to: ${value}`);
const user = ProxyValidation.from({}, UserValidationFields).initializeValidation();
user.validate(); // OK
user.name = ''; // Throws TypeError: Cannot set name to ''
Simple example #2 (using ES6 class):
const ProxyValidation = require('proxy-validation');
const { StringValidator } = require('proxy-validation/lib/validators');
const UserValidationFields = {
firstName: {
min: 3,
max: 10,
validate: StringValidator.validateField
email: {
regexp: /^\w+@[a-zA-Z_]+?\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$/,
min: 5,
max: 200,
// Custom (naive) validation method.
validate(value, field, propertyName) {
StringValidator.validateField(value, field, propertyName);
if (!field.regexp.test(value)) {
throw new TypeError(`Expected ${propertyName} to be a email address`);
class User extends ProxyValidation {
return super.initializeValidation();
const user = new User();
user.firstName = '1'; // Throws RangeError (string should be between 3 and 10 characters)
user.firstName = 1; // Throws TypeError (not a string)
user.email = 's@@@@error'; // Throws TypeError (expected email to be a email address)
user.unknown = []; // Throws Error (Unknown field)
Examples with validation options
const user1 = ProxyValidation.from({}, UserValidationFields);
user1.name = null; // OK
user1.validate(); // TypeError: Cannot set name to null
const user2 = ProxyValidation.from({}, UserValidationFields).initializeValidation();
user2.name = null; // TypeError: Cannot set name to null
const user3 = ProxyValidation.from({ name: 'foo' }, UserValidationFields);
user3.unknownField = 'bar';
user3.validate({ allowExtraProperties: true }); // OK
const user4 = ProxyValidation.from({}, UserValidationFields);
user4.unknownField = 'bar';
user4.validate({ allowExtraProperties: true, ignoreUndefinedProperties: true }); // OK
For more examples, see /test.
Node 6+
# install dependencies
npm i
# run tests
npm test
# lint
npm run eslint
# check coverage
npm run coverage
# install, lint, test & coverage
npm run build-all