0.1.7 • Published 2 years ago

psphost v0.1.7

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2 years ago

PSPHost Javascript package

What is it?

It is package that will help you with generating payment URL according to PSPHost documentation.

How to use?

Get payment page URL

  1. Install the package (with your package manager):
npm install psphost
yarn add psphost
  1. Require somewhere in your code, set parameters and get the URL:
const { Payment } = require('psphost');

// create psphost object with your account ID and secret salt
const e = new Payment('112', 'my_secret');

// set payment details 
e.paymentAmount = 1000;
e.paymentId = 'FFCD12-30';
e.paymentCurrency = 'USD';

// set another parameters, like success or fail callback URL, customer details, etc.

// get payment URL
const url = e.getUrl();

Now your can render payment url somewhere on your checkout page.

Receive callback from PSPHost

Example with Express:

const { Callback } = require('psphost');

app.post('/payment/callback', function(req, res) {
  const callback = new Callback('secret', req.body);
  if (callback.isPaymentSuccess()) {
    const paymentId = callback.getPaymentId();
    // here is your code for success payment

Note that Callback constructor throws Error if signature isn't valid.


2 years ago