1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

pssh-box-static v1.0.0

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Last release
6 years ago


Build Status

PSSH-BOX static binaries for Mac OSX, Linux and Windows.

Currently on supports 64-bit architecture in macOS, Linux and Windows (because that's the only machines that I have to compile the binaries). The current pssh-box is taken from shaka-packager version is 2.3.0.

Note: The version of pssh-box-static follows SemVer. When releasing new versions, we do not consider breaking changes in pssh-box or shaka-packager itself, but only the JS interface (see below). To stop pssh-box-static from breaking your code by getting updated, lock the version down or use a lockfile.


This module is installed via npm:

$ npm install pssh-box-static

Example Usage

Returns the path of a statically linked pssh-box binary on the local filesystem.

var pssh = require('pssh-box-static');
// /home/feedsbrain/workspaces/cool-project/node_modules/pssh-box-static/bin/linux/x64/pssh-box

Sources of the binaries

The build script will only compile the binary based on it's own build machine architecture. There are no cross architecture compilers at the moment. We will update this script if it's supported in the future.

Building the project

Run npm run build to build the project on UNIX like operating system. Run npm run build:win to build the project on Windows.