1.5.1 • Published 5 years ago

pub-pkg-font-open-sans v1.5.1

Weekly downloads
MIT AND Apache-2....
Last release
5 years ago


  • Enables Open Sans for any pub-server design.
  • Serves fonts to browsers in woff, woff2, and eot formats.


  1. npm install --save pub-pkg-font-open-sans
  2. add pub-pkg-font-open-sans to your pub-config pkgs
  3. use the font-family in your CSS E.g.
body {
  font-family:"Open Sans";
  -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
  -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;


This package will inject a link pointing to /css/open-sans.css into your main template.

When you generate to output, the css and font files will be included under /css and /css/fonts.

Why distribute fonts with your website?

  • to work offline
  • to reduce the number of 3rd parties visitors to your site will need to trust.

The drawback is that the fonts are less likely to be in readers' cache, and will consume bandwidth.

Including only eot, woff and woff2 formats makes the site lighter to host, without significantly reducing browser platform coverage.

npm dependencies

Font files are npm installed via open-sans-fontface

Font Attribution

Steve Matteson - Apache License 2.0