3.0.0 • Published 4 years ago
publicbotlist v3.0.0
*NPM:** npmjs.com/package/publicbotlist
If you have trouble with the installation, please feel free to visit our discord address.
npm i publicbotlist
1. Where can I get publicbotlist.xyz api?
Ans: JavaScript
2. How do I install it?
Ans: JavaSciprt: npm i publicbotlist or npm install publicbotlist Python: pip install publicbotlist
3. Does it have any GitHub Repository?
Ans: Yes It Is Here
4. What is it's uses?
Ans: To get the daily vote count, server count and information about your bot. Examples: avatar, botID, discriminator, shortDescription, prefix, votes, serverCount, ownerID, owner, co-owners, tags, longDescription, certificate etc.
5. How can I get my bot's server count?
Ans: JavaScript:
const disbot = require("publicbotlist");
const dbl = new disbot("TOKEN-HERE", client);
client.on("ready", async () => {
console.log("Server count posted")
6. How can I get my bot's vote count?
let hasVote = await dbl.hasVoted("Your-bot-id");
if(hasVote === true) {
} else {
console.log("Vote please.")
let search = await dbl.search("Your-bot-id")
7. Full Example?
const disbot = require("publicbotlist");
const dbl = new disbot("TOKEN-HERE", client);
client.on("ready", async () => {
console.log("Server count posted")
let hasVote = await dbl.hasVoted("your-bot-id");
if(hasVote === true) {
} else {
console.log("Vote please.")
let search = await dbl.search("Your-bot-id")
/* SearchResults
avatar: '',
botID: '',
username: '',
discrim: '',
shortDesc: '',
prefix: '! [changable]',
votes: 31,
ownerID: '',
owner: '',
coowners: [ '' ],
tags: [ 'Moderation', 'NSFW', 'Music' ],
longDesc: longDesc,
certificate: 'Certified'