0.0.5 • Published 4 years ago
pubsub-ddp-client v0.0.5
Do not use this library yet. Its work in progress. Even the name will likely change
A modern isomorphic DDP client for easy pub/sub integration on the site.
This client features
- Serverside Rendering
- Promise and async/await based methods
- An event emitter to listen for incoming messages
npm i pubsub-ddp-client
yarn pubsub-ddp-client
On either the server or browser:
import DDPClient from 'pubsub-ddp-client';
const URL = 'ws://localhost:3001/websocket';
(async () => {
const client = new DDPClient(URL)
await client.connect()
const items = []
client.on('items.added', (payload) => items.push(payload))
await client.subscribe('items')