1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

pull-stream-to-net-socket v1.0.0

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Converts a pull-stream duplex into a net.Socket

const toSocket = require('pull-stream-to-net-socket')


Ever tried to use native TLS or any other nodeJS thing that requires net.Sockets or a net.Server with pull-streams?

It's way too complicated...

That's why I created pull-stream-to-net-socket


toSocket(duplex[, options, callback])

  • duplex: A pull-stream duplex stream
  • options: An object containing the options

    • createServer: Custom function used instead of net.createServer()
    • createClient: Custom function used instead of net.connect(server.address())

    Both createServer and createClient listen for secureConnect(ion) instead of the connect(ion) event if the return value is a tls.TLSSocket or tls.Server instance

    • prefire: Start sending data from the duplex immediatly instead of waiting for .run() to be called
    • inverse: Reverse the stream-flow direction

    This will make the server socket the primary and the client socket the secondary

  • callback: Function which will be called with (err, primary, secondary)

    • err is the error that occured anywhere in the process
    • primary is the socket that can be used to send data through. By default no data is sent unless primary.run() is called.
    • secondary the socket used to establish a connection. Not intended to be used to sent data with.


First a server is created using createServer(). That server is then listening on a random port.

A client that connects to the server is created using createClient(server.address()). When the client successfully connects and prefire is enabled the circuit is established (duplex -> client -> duplex OR if inverse is true duplex -> server-side client -> duplex).

After that it is being listened for the connect(ion) event (or secureConnect(ion) for tls.TLSSockets or tls.Servers) on both sides (prefire prevents deadlocks if one side is tls and another plain net as secureConnect wouldn't be called).

If no error occured the callback is called with cb(null, primary, secondary) otherwise cb(err).


It's very complicated to understand the purpose without examples

TLS client

duplex is a pull-stream connection to a TLS server

toSocket(duplex, {
  createClient: dest => tls.connect(dest), //use tls instead of net
  prefire: true //prevent said deadlock
}, (err, client) => {
  if (err) throw err //possibly some cert error. try setting "rejectUnauthorized: false"
  //client is a tls.TLSSocket instance that can be converted to a pull-stream
  client.run() //call this after async io or just before you convert the stream to a pull-stream
    pull.values(["hello world"]),

TLS server

duplex is a pull-stream connection to a TLS client

toSocket(duplex, {
  createServer: () => tls.createServer({ //for this to work you also need a self-signed/x509 cert.
  prefire: true, //prevent said deadlock
  inverse: true //make the server the primary target / "connect to client" mode
}, (err, client) => {
  if (err) throw err //most likely a crypto error
  //client is a tls.TLSSocket instance that can be converted to a pull-stream
  client.run() //call this after async io or just before you convert the stream to a pull-stream
    pull.values(["hello world"]),