1.3.1 • Published 9 years ago

puredom-rest v1.3.1

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9 years ago

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A high-level network abstraction that makes working with REST APIs simple.

If you prefer a server-synchronized resource model (sync() / fetch() paradigm), check out puredom-model.


Using AMD:

require('puredom-rest', function(rest) {
	var users = rest('/api/users');

	// users is a rest.Resource instance:
	alert(users instanceof rest.Resource);

Without AMD:

<script src="puredom-rest.js"></script>
	var users = rest('/api/users');

	// users is a rest.Resource instance:
	alert(users instanceof rest.Resource);


rest(url) / new rest.Resource(url)

Create a new rest.Resource instance for the resource at a given URL.

var users = rest('/api/users');
// equivalent to:
var users = new rest.Resource('/api/users');


Get a list of resources

users.index(function(list) {
	// list is an Array of users
	console.log('Users: ', list);

.get(id, callback)

Get a single resource

users.get('myid', function(user) {
	console.log('User "myid": ', user);

.post(data, callback)

Create a new resource.

	username : 'joe',
	password : 'super secret password'
}, function(user) {
	console.log('New user: ', user);

.put(id, data, callback)

Update an existing resource, indicated by its ID.

users.put('myid', {
	status : 'awesome'
}, function(user) {
	console.log('Updated user: ', user);

.del(id, callback)

Update an existing resource, indicated by its ID.
If you don't care about IE, you can also use this as: delete()

users.del('myid', function(res) {
	console.log('Delete response: ', res);

.param(key , value)

Get or set a querystring parameter to send on each request.

  • If value is set: adds a global querystring parameter key with a value of value
  • If value is empty: returns the current value of the global parameter key
  • If key is an Object: adds key's key-value property pairs as global parameters
// Send a token on all subsequent requests:
users.param('token', 'abcdefg');

// Get the current token value:
var token = users.param('token');



function handler(req) {}
Hook the req event to be notified prior to all requests.
Event handlers get passed the puredom.HttpRequest instance req.

users.on('req', function(req) {
	console.log('Request: ', req.method, req.url, req.body);


function handler(req) {}
Add an event handler for "req:" followed by relative URL (ex: req:/users) to be notified when a request is made to the given URL.
This is just a more specific version of the req event.

users.on('req:/users', function(req) {
	console.log('User list request: ', req.method);


function handler(req, res) {}
Hook the status event to be notified of the status of every response.
Event handlers get passed the puredom.HttpRequest instance (req), and the response object (res).

users.on('status', function(req, res) {
	console.log('Status: ', res.status);


function handler(req, res) {}
Add an event handler for "status:" followed by a specific response status code (ex: status:401) to be notified when a response is issued with that status.
This is just a more specific version of the status event.

users.on('status', function(req, res) {
	console.log('Status: ', res.status);


function handler(req, res) {}
Hook the res event to be notified of all responses.
Event handlers get passed the puredom.HttpRequest instance (req), and the response object (res).

users.on('res', function(req, res) {
	console.log('Response: ', req.url, res.headers, res.json);


function handler(req, res) {}
Add an event handler for "res:" followed by relative URL (ex: res:/users) to be notified when a response is received from the given URL.
This is just a more specific version of the res event.

users.on('res:/users', function(req, res) {
	console.log('User list response: ', res.headers, res.json);

9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago