0.0.1 • Published 11 years ago

pushalot-node v0.0.1

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11 years ago



pushalot-node is a very small NodeJS module for the Pushalot REST API (http://pushalot.com) to push notifications (toasts) to Windows 8 and Windows Phone with a straight forward API.


To send notifications to a device you need to obtain the corresponding authorization token. To test the service and send notifications to your own device you can use your default "api" token (https://pushalot.com/manager/authorizations) or create a custom app (https://pushalot.com/manager/apps).


var Pushalot = require('pushalot-node')

var client = new Pushalot( "aBcDEfAuthorizationToken" )

client.push('I am a test notification')
.on('success', function ( code , res ) {
.on('error', function (code , res ) {

new Pushalot(token)

The Pushalot method requires an authorization token and returns a client object

var client = new Pushalot(authorizationToken)


In order to send notifications to the user, simply call push on the client. The push method exposes different signatures

client.push(message, title, args)

 * @param {String} message    message that will be sent
 * @param {String} [title]    notification title
 * @param {Object} [args]     prepared object with additional information
client.push(message, title, args)

// examples
client.push('just testing')
client.push('another test', 'Headline')
client.push('something happened', 'Important', {IsImportant: true})


 * @param {Object} args         prepared object with all information

// example
client.push({ Body: 'text'
            , Title: 'Title'
            , Link: 'http://www.reddit.com/r/pushalot/'

Please see the Pushalot API (http://pushalot.com/api) docs for information on the available keys/values for the args object


push returns an EventEmitter so you can easily listen to the result

var toast = client.push('my cat can eat a whole watermelon')

toast.on('success', cb)

 * @param   {Number}  code      HTTP statusCode
 * @param   {String}  res       body of response (may contain additional information)
toast.on('success', function ( code, res ) {

code will always be 200 on success

toast.on('error', cb)

 * @param   {Number}  code      HTTP statusCode
 * @param   {String}  res       body of response (may contain additional information)
toast.on('error', function ( code, res ) {

If something went wrong, you can lookup the code at the Pushalot API (http://pushalot.com/api#basics) to debug your application. The response body (res) may also contain helpful information.


In case you want to display a custom application-wide source name instead of the registered name of your app, just assign a string to Pushalot.source

 var Pushalot = require('pushalot-node')

 Pushalot.source = 'my application'