1.0.7 • Published 3 years ago

pxg-js v1.0.7

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3 years ago


A convenient JS library for interacting with PXG.eth ENS names.

What are PXG.eth names?

PXG.eth names are extended ENS names which include functionality supporting verified NFT avatars. This means that you can set one of your owned NFTs as a decentralized avatar which can be pulled in by any platform on the internet that connects to your web3 wallet.

PXG.eth names also include a free NFT profile which integrates your default avatar. You can register a PXG.eth name at pxg.wtf.


Do this first

You will need to install web3 as a peer dependency within your project.

yarn add web3@^1.5.2

Then you can install pxg-js

yarn add pxg-js

Setting up

Basic set up

By default the PXG JS library will try to use the Ethereum client connected to the users web browser (ie MetaMask). Here's what a basic set up might look like within your app.

import PxgLib from "pxg-js";

export const pxgLib = new PxgLib({
  network: "live",

if (pxgLib.hasProvider) {
  pxgLib.enable().then(() => {
    // Wallet connected
} else {
  // Install metamask

Advanced set up

Using a modified version of Web3

Sometimes you may want to use a modified version of web3, such as alchemy-web3. You can do this by utilizing the initWeb3 function. You can also specify the initAccounts function which can be used to modify the default method of accessing the connected ETH wallet. It may look something like this:

import { createAlchemyWeb3 } from "@alch/alchemy-web3";

import PxgLib from "pxg-js";

const initWeb3 = (provider) =>
  createAlchemyWeb3(ALCHEMY_URL, { writeProvider: provider });

export const pxgLib = new PxgLib({
  initAccounts: () => window?.ethereum.enable(),
  network: "live",

The initWeb3 function will receive a provider as an argument. This will default to the Ethereum provider found in the browser (MetaMask), if one is available.

Usage in a Node environment

You can use PXG JS within a Node environment. You will need utilize initAccounts and initWeb3 functions. Here is an example of how you can do it:

import PxgLib from "pxg-js";
import Web3 from "web3";

export function getHttpProvider() {
  return new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(process.env.HTTP_URI));

const pxgLib = new PxgLib({
  network: "live",
  initAccounts: async () => [],
  initWeb3: () => getHttpProvider(),
  provider: getHttpProvider(),


// Library is ready to use :)
const owner = await pxgLib.ownerOfNode("nftboi");


Class: PxgLib

Creating a new instance of the PxgLib class will allow you to use the library. It extends the Web3Util class.

import PxgLib from "pxg-js";

export const pxgLib = new PxgLib({
  network: "live",

The PxgLib class takes one argument which is an Object that has the following properties:

  • network - Required. One of the following strings: live or rinkeby.
  • initWeb3 - Optional. A function that returns an initialized instance of Web3. The first argument is the provider passed in, or found from the browser.
  • provider - Optional. A web3 provider.
  • initAccounts - Optional. A function which returns an array of connected accounts.


A boolean which states if the current instance has an available provider. If false that means the user should install a wallet like MetaMask.


A function which enables Web3 and connects the current users wallet. Before calling this function you should check that pxgLib.hasProvider is true.

const enable = async () => {
  try {
    await pxgLib.enable();
  } catch {
    // User denied connection request.


A function that returns an initialized Web3 Contract instance. This function takes one argument which is the name of the contract. Valid names are

  • glyphs - String. Will return the Pixelglyph NFT smart contract.
  • registrar - String. Will return the PXG.eth registrar smart contract.
  • resolver - String. Will return the PXG.eth resolver smart contract.
const contract = pxgLib.getContract("registrar");


An async function that will return a list of all the Pixelglyphs the current connected wallet owns.

Returns a list of objects that contain the following information:

  name: string;
  image: string;
  tokenId: string;


An async function which returns the number of PXG.eth names the current connected address owns.


An async function that returns information about an owned PXG.eth domain at a specified index. This function takes two arguments:

  • index - Number. The index of the token.
  • address - String. The address of the owner. Defaults to the current connected address.

If you are familiar with the ERC-721 spec this method will look familiar to you. The difference is this method will return details about the given token ID:

  tokenId: string;
  label: string; // example 'nftboi.pxg.eth'
  name: string; // example 'nftboi'


An async function that returns the current owner of a given PXG.eth name. This function takes one argument, a string which is the name of the PXG.eth domain.

const owner = await pxgLib.ownerOfNode("nftboi");


An async function that allows a wallet to claim a PXG.eth name using a Pixelglyph they own. This function takes two arguments:

  • glyphId - String. The token ID of an unclaimed Pixelglyph NFT.
  • input - String. The requested PXG.eth name


An async function that can be used to set an NFT avatar for a given name. This function takes three arguments:

  • subdomain - String. The PXG.eth subdomain.
  • collectionAddress - String. The contract address of the NFT smart contract containing the NFT to be used as an avatar.
  • tokenId - String or Number. The token ID of the NFT to be used as an avatar.
await pxgLib.setDefaultAvatar("nftboi", CRYPTO_PUNK_ADDRESS, "259");


An async function that will return information about the NFT avatar for a given name. This function takes on argument, a string which is the PXG.eth subdomain.


An async function which can be used to get a default NFT avatar by wallet address. This method will look up the ENS reverse record, verify if it is a PXG.eth name, and then check if a default avatar has been set.

This function takes on argument, a string which is the users wallet address.

This function returns an object containing information about the default avatar. If no avatar is set the address property will contain a zero address.

const avatar = await pxgLib.getDefaultAvatarByWalletAddress(MY_WALLET_ADDRESS);

The object returned will look like this:

  // The NFT smart contract address. May be empty address if not set
  // pxgLib.constants.ZERO_ADDRESS can be used to check
  address: string;
  // Token ID of NFT.
  tokenId: string;
  // The metadata object containing information about the NFT
  metadata: {

3 years ago


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3 years ago