2.0.0-alpha.5 • Published 3 years ago

q-colorize-mixin v2.0.0-alpha.5

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Last release
3 years ago


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QColorizeMixin is a Vue Mix-in library for components created with Quasar Framework. It is only for components that use a render function. It does not work with template formats found with SFC (single file components).

Release Notes

v2.0.0 (alpha) does not have any breaking changes, but it does add new functionality to support Quasar v2 and Vue v3. If using Quasar v1, use this mixin as you normally would. If using Quasar v2, with Vue 3 composition API, there are exposed the useColorizeProps and useColorize methods. The later exposes the methods:

import { useColorizeProps, useColorize } from 'q-colorize-mixin'

// ...

props: {
  // your other prop definitions

setup (props) {


Allows you to "skin" your component with customized text, background and border colors. You can use: 1. any color from the Quasar Color Palette, 2. any # color (ex: #c0c0c0), 3. rgb/rgba/hsl/hsla color (ex: rgb(255,0,0)), 4. any css named colors (ex: ghostwhite) or 5. any Quasar colors from css var (ex: --q-color-red-10) 6. any Quasar colors as border- (ex: border-blue-grey-10)

This is a lot of choices!


To add this mix-in to your Quasar application, run the following (in your Quasar app folder):

yarn add q-colorize-mixin

# or

npm install q-colorize-mixin


To remove this mix-in from your Quasar application, run the following (in your Quasar app folder):

yarn remove q-colorize-mixin

# or

npm remove q-colorize-mixin

Documentation and Examples

Examples with code can be found here.

Demo Project (source)

Source for the demo application can be found here.

Building the Projects


$ yarn


$ cd ui

# start dev in SPA mode
$ yarn dev

Building package

$ cd ui

$ yarn build

Building Demo

# first time prep
$ cd ui
$ yarn link
$ cd ../demo
$ yarn link "q-colorize-mixin"

# for interactive - browser opens automatically
$ quasar dev

# for build - goes to docs folder
$ yarn build-demo


If you appreciate the work that went into this, please consider donating to Quasar or Jeff.


MIT (c) Jeff Galbraith jeff@quasar.dev