1.0.1 • Published 1 year ago
qb-type-format v1.0.1
Function for converting type objects or portions of type objects into concise strings. The end result is still valid JSON, but with some objects converted to flat-strings.
For example:
var format = require('qb-type-format')
var obj = {
a: [ 'string', 'foo', { k: 'hi' } ],
b: 'item b',
c: { nested: 'object' }
console.log('Plain', JSON.stringify(obj, null, ' '))
console.log('Formatted', JSON.stringify(format(obj), null, ' '))
Plain: {
"a": [
"k": "hi"
"b": "item b",
"c": {
"nested": "object"
Formatted: {
"a": "[string,foo,{k:hi}]",
"b": "item b",
"c": "{nested:object}"
npm i qb-type-format