0.1.1 • Published 7 years ago

qiot-io-cli v0.1.1

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7 years ago

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The qiot-io-cli allows an authorized user to access the APIs for any instance of the qiot-io platform.

Command Summary

  Usage: qc [options] <command> ...


    init [options]                                initialize general configuration settings
    signin|si [email] [password]                  signin a local user with email and password
    impersonate|i [userid]                        impersonate a userid, or clear impersonation if none provided
    whoami|?                                      dump current user information
    accounts|a                                    list visible accounts
    collections|c                                 list collections for an account
    things|t [options]                            list things for an account or collection
    users|u                                       list users
    messages|ms [options] [thing_token]           list most recent messages
    rest <method> <path> [body]                   make a REST api call
    register|r [options] <identity>               register a thing with an identity in the form of [<type>:]<value>[,[<type>:]<value>...]
    log|l <thing_token> <message>                 log a message for a thing
    mailbox|mb [options] <thing_token> [message]  receive the mailbox entry for a thing without a message, send with one
    fota <thing_token> <specs...>                 send mailbox FOTA specs (<target>,<version>[,<url>]) to the thing (experimental)
    cota <thing_token> <settings...>              send mailbox <key>=<value> settings to the thing (experimental)
    socket|io <service> <event> <data>            connect using socket.io to a service
    mqtt|mq <thing_token>                         connect using an MQTT client for a thing


    -h, --help                     output usage information
    -V, --version                  output the version number
    -a --account <id-or-token>     target account (save-able)
    -c --collection <id-or-token>  target collection (save-able)
    -n --limit <number>            limit used for some queries
    -s --save                      remember the applicable options as "current"
    --clear                        forget the applicable options as "current"
    --raw                          do not output any ansi special characters
    --csv                          output query results to CSV format
    --tsv                          output query results to TSV format
    --json                         output query results in JSON format
    --silent                       do not output query results
    --debug                        turn on debugging for this command
    --timestamps                   add timestamps to logs
    -v --verbose                   display maximal output

One special note: Anywhere that a "thing_token" is specified as a command line argument, you may use the special symbol @ to represent a "current thing" stored in the configuration file. This "current thing" can be captured automatically with the qc register command and the --save option.

A few commands have command-specific options such as the following:

  Usage: init [options]

  initialize general configuration settings


    -h, --help  output usage information
    --defaults  prompt with defaults instead of current settings
    --reset     reset settings to defaults
  Usage: messages|ms [options] [thing_token]

  list most recent messages


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -f --filter <field-names>  a comma-separated list of field labels to display    
    --socket                   message socket only available when a thing_token is given
    --from <datetime>          return messages after the given datetime
    --to <datetime>            return messages before the given datetime
  Usage: things|t [options]

  list things for an account or collection


    -h, --help  output usage information
    --socket  thing socket only available when an account is given

Getting Started


You can install globally as follows:

npm install qiot-io-cli -g

Start by using qc init to setup your initial configuration settings.

If you are accessing the standard public site as a user, you can accept the defaults.

If you want to access the "thing-proxy" to simulate device communications, you will need to provide an account_token -- you can find your account_token on the settings page when logging in as a web user.

This information is stored in the current working directory called .qc.json.

NOTE: qc is sensitive to current working directory where .qc.json is stored. this allows you to have different profiles for execution by changing working directory.

Sign In or Capture API Token

If you are a superadmin on your qiot.io deployment, use qc signin to sign in to the services layer to receive a user_token that will be used to authenticate your API requests.

NOTE: At this time, only local users are able to use the qc signin command.

Otherwise, you can capture the "API Token" to clipboard on the "Settings" page of the web application. Paste this as the user_token when prompted in the qc init command.

Next Steps

  • Support loading message bodies from the file system
  • Support centralized storage of multiple profiles
  • Support more/all REST actions of the API (e.g., PUT (more), PATCH, DELETE)

Tips and Tricks


If you are running development instances of the qiot-io services, you can manually change the .qc.json configuration file to reference all APIs and socket endpoints (e.g., MQTT and socket.io) on localhost. To do this you need to make the following changes:

  "host_service": "http",
  "host_dns":     "localhost",
  "host_port":    3000,
  "proxy_dns":    "localhost",
  "mqtt_port":    1883

The qc mqtt command will accept a JSON message payload when prompted and will 1) verify that the JSON is valid and 2) put add it as the contents of {"messages":[ ... ]} to construct a properly complete message to the server. However, sometimes you might want to test invalid JSON so simply use the --raw option when executing the command, but keep in mind that you will then be required to include the full message payload if needed.

How to contribute?

You are welcome to help add/extend this tool.

To do so, please use pull requests and follow the general style of the code already in place.

For a pull request to be accepted, it must maintain the commitment to 100% code coverage.

NOTE: This tool is designed to run using node v4.5.0 in order to support embedded Linux. This means that ES6 syntax should NOT be used.



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