1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

qiwi-daemon v1.0.2

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Last release
3 years ago

QiWi Daemon

qiwi-daemon is a package that helps you work with qiwi transtactions.

How does it work?

Daemon will be checking for active transtaction sessions in storage (storage types will be shown later).
If daemon finds a session in storage by transaction comment, it'll fire up a listener in code, so you can get notified and process this event.


Install repo from NPM.

npm i qiwi-daemon

Using in your code

import { QiWiDaemon } from "qiwi-daemon";

// This will force daemon to use JSON file to store sessions
const daemon = new QiWiDaemon({ database: 'json' });

// This function will be called when daemon is stated.
daemon.listen("start", () => {
    console.log("Looks like somebody's watchin' my transactions!");
    // Manually creating session

    // With your own keyword
    daemon.createPaymentSession("bob", "bob_is_cool");

// Fires up when payement has confirmed
daemon.listen("confirm_transaction", (id: string) => {
    console.log(`${id} just paid!`);

// Does the same, but less code
daemon.onTransactionConfirm(id => {
    console.log(`Did I tell you that ${id} just paid?`);

    // Let's exit!

daemon.listen("stop", (msg) => {
    console.log("Oops, daemon stopped!", "Message: ", msg)



Enviromen variables

qiwi-daemon uses .qiwi.env file to process the most part of configuration data.
Values in this file contain sensitive information, so It's likely you store it in file rather than in code.
Here are all positions in this file.


  • PHONE_NUMBER - Phone number that you have used to create a QiWi Account
  • QIWI_TOKEN - A QiWi API token (Get it here)

    QiWi token must allow app to see transactions history. Other permissions are not required.

  • PAYMENT_AMOUNT - Amount of your currency to process this payment

Not required:

  • NO_LOGS - Don't show logs from daemon (Pass true to turn this on)

    Daemon also logs every transaction it has processed, it'll be turned off with this option set to true

  • DEBUG - Enable debug log
  • REDIS_PREFIX - Prefix for entiries in Redis Storage

    REDIS_PREFIX is usefull only if you've set storage type to "redis" Example for .qiwi.env you can find in this repository

In-code config

Daemon could accept config object, as you could see in example earlier.
All options are not required, since there are default values used.

storageCould be "redis" or "json". Defines how daemon will store sessionsstring"json"
updateTimeoutDefines how often daemon will check for new transaction in secondsnumber30
jsonNameName of the file containing storagestring"qiwi-daemon.db.json"

jsonName will be usefull only if you have set storage to "json"

When using json storage type, file for this fill be created in directory where you start yor program, as well as log file for transactions. Example config:

const config = {
    storage: "json",
    // Check for updates every 15 second
    updateTimeout: 15,
    jsonName: "mystorage.json"


qiwi-daemon uses winston to log data to the screen and files.
If NO_LOGS is not set to true, then all payment confirmations will be logged to qiwi-daemon.log file.


You can set event listeners for your daemon, to get notified what's happening to it. | Event name | Description | Callback Data | | -----------| ----------- | ----------- | | start | Daemon started and working | undefined | | confirm_transaction | Transaction confirmation | id: string - value that identifies user for the session | | stop | Daemon has stopped due to error or manually | message: string - message describes stopping reason | | watch_start | Daemon started watching for updates in your wallet | undefined |