0.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

qnorr v0.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
7 years ago


It will be a fully modular webstarter kit, for creating & deploying static website/webapps.
Right now is just a non-modular starter kit, but we'll get there.


  1. A computer.
  2. Node >=v6.10.0 and npm.


npm install -g qnorr


To get started with a new project, just run qnorr new <project-name>. A new folder will be created under project-name with the default scaffolding and tools (see below) for Qnorr, with git init-ed for you as well.


More documentation regarding deployment/usage can be found in the README.md of your newly created project folder.

In future quick overview guides will be created for some specific packages (Templating, CriticalCSS to name a few), in the meantime refer to packages own docs /shrug


Responsive boilerplateInherits all the good parts of your also good ol'friend Sassqit aligned with current Whitesmith Best Practivces
HandleBars TemplatingUsing Panini from Zurb.
Sass HandlingUsing LibSass with gulp-sass
Performance optimizationMinify and concatenate JavaScript, CSS, HTML and images to help keep your pages lean.
Swiper SliderBy iDangerous, if you need to quickly prototype touch related interactions or simply display a nice responsive carousel 
EditorConfigUniform spaces and tabs across text editors. Add it to your texteditor, your teammates will like it.
Optional critical path CSSrun npm run criticalCSS after build. It uses loadCSS and cssPreload.js polyfill from FilamentGroup
Page speed TestsBrought to you by google page speed insights. After deployment run npm run how_fast, it will use the domain set as homepage in your package.json for the test


Take Look at Issues & Board tabs.


To all open-source packages listed on package.json (we'll put a comprehensive list here soon), inuitcss for the ongoing css inspiration which is the foundation of this kit, Google web starter kit which inspired the creation of this project and ember-cli from which a lot is borrowed on how to make the installer work.