0.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

qonverte v0.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago


qonverte is a very simple pipe-based command line tool to convert between multiple data representation formats (hex, base64, base85, binary).

The project is bad on a few aspects. It's node, so it's probably slow and quite large for something that won't be used often. I built this as a kind of exercise where I'm trying to make the whole tool look polished (i.e. autocompletion, actual data streaming), while simple. I don't really recommend using it in prod, but it it great for manual use in your shell.


  • echo "Hello world" | qonverte to hex > h.txt --> qonvertes Hello world to hex and writes it to a file
  • curl https://pastebin.com/raw/qTDyLpPT | qonverte base64 --> Queries a URL and prints its base64-decoded content


npm i -g qonverte


When you install qonverte, it comes packaged with autocompletion support for bash, zsh and fish. You can manually reinstall them by typing npm run postinstall in the module directory.


The syntaxes are relatively natural / human-readable. 3 syntaxes are supported:

  • qonverte hex to base64
  • qonverte hex --> Input is hex, will be qonverted to binary/text
  • qonverte to base85 --> Input is binary/text, will be qonverted to base85

Remember that qonverte is built around pipes, you give it something, it outputs something. There aren't — and won't be — any ways to use files or string arguments as input arguments. To input static data, use echo ... or < file. Output data will be sent to stdout by default, and you can use > file to store it as usual.