0.0.73 • Published 4 years ago

qool-master-library v0.0.73

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


This library was generated with Angular CLI version 8.2.0.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name --project qool-master-library to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module --project qool-master-library.

Note: Don't forget to add --project qool-master-library or else it will be added to the default project in your angular.json file.


Run ng build qool-master-library to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.


After building your library with ng build qool-master-library, go to the dist folder cd dist/qool-master-library and run npm publish.

Running unit tests

Run ng test qool-master-library to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI README.


Versions not listed bellow aren't functional.

0.0.1 - Initial Build - Added object validator service 0.0.4 - iClearableCache - iLoadable - TimeService - LocaStorage (manager, model, factory, ...) 0.0.5 - Trying to get authentication working for build servers 0.0.6 - angular material - base-web.service - shared-config.service - config.service - cache-read-mode - date-range - date-range-key - date-range-factory - date-selection-type - enum-helper.service - iuser-access - list-item - model-types - module-import-guard - monatization-type.model - qool-response.model - listItem - model types - module import guard - monatization types - qool-response - Supported spend providers - subscription-manager - individual-series-options-with-column.model - individual-series-options.model - http-client.service - http-headers-builder.service - http-options-builder.service - spinner.module - spinner.service - spinner.component - has-user-context-guard.service - security-token.model - token-cache.service - user-profile-cache.service - user.web.service - user.model - angular-material.module 0.0.7 - auth-guard.service 0.0.8 - file-operations.service 0.0.10 - Adding GraphQL URLs to the ConfigService to reflect new features in Web.Console. 0.0.11 - Removing Supported provider (bad parrtern to have a none contextual list of supported providers) - Adding test service (Talking code) 0.0.12 & 0.0.13 - Session Manager - Removing test service - Adding ACL objects and services - Added UserId, ACLRole, and ACLPermissions to token service 0.0.14 - Removing SecurityTokenModel2 - now forRoot() - Base service - Fix Token service ClearAfterLogout. 0.0.15 - Spinner component (FIX) 0.0.17 - removing as root 0.0.18 - fix session manager. 0.0.19 - Http Client 0.0.20 - User Profile - Has user Context Guard 0.0.21 - Scrap 0.0.22 - updating core module 0.0.23 - Scrap 0.0.24 - Fix config service 0.0.26 & 0.0.27 - Snackbar service - Confirmation service 0.0.30 - Added a change to ListItem class 0.0.50 - Login - DataSource - Updated packages - Url Builder 0.0.52 - HttpClient Add DELETE Action 0.0.53 - Added metadata to ListItem class 0.0.54 - Removing login 0.0.56 - Creds/Auth service - Fix to User profile cacheservice 0.0.58 - Fix thank-you module 0.0.59 - HttpClient Add PostFile Action 0.0.60 - BatchService 0.0.61 - BatchService (getResults) 0.0.62 - BatchService (getResults) FIX 0.0.63 - Added navigation list items to the shared library to build navigation menus 0.0.64 - Refactored navigation list items to be lazy loaded 0.0.65 - Fixed a small bug with the navigation list 0.0.68 - Navigator 0.0.69 - More users having access to FFv2 0.0.70 - Adding kSPollen 0.0.71 - No more FFv2 Whitelist 0.0.72 - http/https on GraphQL (not published, still waiting for more changes as this is not a required change Remove this comment if you deploy and add your changes to this version).

0.0.73 - Access Control Service, Access Control Route Guard, Access Control Directive, Access Control Web Service