1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

qtools-asynchronous-pipe-plus v1.0.2

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3 years ago


asynchronousPipe() takes an array of asynchronous functions and executes them in sequence. As each completes, the next is called with the return result of the previous function.

The purpose of the package is to create a joint scope for a series of asynchronous operations.

The parameters are:

workList: an array of functions
initialValue:	optional initial value passed to the first function
callback:		optional function called after all the other functions are finished

The workList functions must have the signature:

(args, next)={
	const result= "some functionOf(args), probably the result of an I/O function";
	next(err, result); //mandatory

As of 6/7/19, there is a special value of err, skipRestOfPipe, eg:

next('skipRestOfPipe', result);

This will do as the symbol says, skip the rest of the pipe. It serves the role of 'continue' in loops. Practically speaking, it calls the callback with the current value of result and no error.

It is often good to have special code in the final callback to change a skipRestOfPipe error status for the next callback in case it's not an asynchronousPipe and treats it as an error. Eg, callback(err=='skipRestOfPipe'?'':err, result)

The optional callback function is called as:

callback(err, result);

asynchronousPipe() does not return anything.

============================================================================= EG, from test.js

#!/usr/local/bin/node 'use strict';

const asynchronousPipePlus = new require('qtools-asynchronous-pipe-plus')(); const pipeRunner = asynchronousPipePlus.pipeRunner; const taskListPlus = asynchronousPipePlus.taskListPlus;

const pipeFunction = (inData, callback) => { const taskList = new taskListPlus();

taskList.push((args, next) => {
	const localCallback = (err, localResult1) => {
		if (err == 'someParticularError') {
			next('skipRestOfPipe', err);
		console.dir({ 'only inboundData so far': args });
		args.localResult1 = localResult1;
		next(err, args);
	localCallback('', 'localResult1_value');

taskList.push((args, next) => {
	const localCallback = (err, localResult3) => {
		args.localResult3 = localResult3;
		next(err, args);
	console.dir({ 'shows localResult1 and inboundData': args });
	localCallback('', 'localResult3_value');

	(args, next) => {
		const localCallback = (err, localResult2) => {
			args.localResult2 = localResult2;
			next(err, args);
		console.dir({ 'shows localResult1 only': args });
		localCallback('', 'localResult2_value');


taskList.push((args, next) => {
	const localCallback = (err, localResult3) => {
		args.localResult3 = localResult3;
		next(err, args);
	console.dir({ 'shows all incoming values, 1, 2, hiding test': args });
	localCallback('', 'localResult3_value');

	(args, next) => {
		const localCallback = (err, localResult4) => {
			args.localResult4 = localResult4;
			next(err, args);
		console.dir({ 'shows localResult1 and inboundData': args });
		localCallback('', 'localResult2_value');
	['localResult3', 'inboundData']

const initialData = typeof inData != 'undefined' ? inData : {};
pipeRunner(taskList.getList(), initialData, (err, finalResult) => {
	console.dir({ 'final: shows localResult3, inboundData, and localResult4': finalResult });
	callback(err, finalResult);


pipeFunction({ inboundData: 'inboundData_value' }, (err, result) => { console.log('if you do not see errors, it works'); });