1.0.0-alpha.9 • Published 5 years ago

quasar-mixin-colorize v1.0.0-alpha.9

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Last release
5 years ago


A Vue mix-in specifically for Quasar Framework to handle color and background-color rendering


yarn add quasar-mixin-colorize

# or

npm install quasar-mixin-colorize


import { Colorize } from 'quasar-mixin-colorize'

export default Vue.extend({
  name: 'my-component',

  mixins: [Colorize],


  render (h) {
    return h('div', this.setBothColors(this.color, this.backgroundColor, {
        staticClass: 'my-static-class-1',
        class: {
          'droppable': this.dragOver
        style: {
          marginRight: this.scrollWidth + 'px'

The above is a simple example. Basically, if color and backgroundColor are not set, then nothing will happen. The third parameter, takes and object and the function returns the same object, with style modifications.

Another use case might be where you want to use the values provided by colorize to set your own variables. See this example of how QRibbon handles it (simplified version for illustrative purposes).

// Import all Quasar's colors as CSS vars so we can use e.g --q-color-red-5
import 'quasar-mixin-colorize/src/qColors.styl'

import { Colorize, calculateColor } from 'quasar-mixin-colorize'

export default Vue.extend({
  name: 'my-component',

  mixins: [Colorize],
  props: {
    backgroundColor: {
      type: String,
      default: 'primary' // any color
  computed: {
    styles () {
      let style = {}
      style['--qribbon-text-color'] = calculateColor(this.color, 'white')
      style['--qribbon-background-color'] = calculateColor(this.backgroundColor) // Notice default is against the prop in this instance
      return style


  render (h) {
    return h('div', {
      style: this.styles
    }, [
      slot(this, 'default')


This mix-in only adds a color property to your component. Not all components need a background-color property. If all you need is color, then instead of calling this.setBothColors, then just call this.setTextColor.

So, what can be in a color? Any CSS color or one from the Quasar Color Palette. And, by CSS color, it can be a named css color, like ghostwhite, a hex value (#c0c0c0), or rgb/rgba/hsl/hsla (rgb(120, 12, 152)). Pretty much whatever you can throw at it as long as it is valid. Even CSS vars will work!

Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
colorStringAny css color or from the Quasar Color Palette

Vue Methods

Vue methodArgsDescription
setTextColorcolor, {}The color and object containing style
setBackgroundColorbackground-color, {}The background-color and object containing style
setBothColorscolor, bgColor, {}The color, background-color and object containing style

Exported Functions

Vue methodArgsDescription
isNamedCssColorcolorReturns true if passed in color is a css named color
isCssColorcolorReturns true if passed in color is a named color, hex color or rgb/rgba/hsl/hsla color
isCssVarcolorReturns true if passed in color is a CSS variable starting with '--'
calculateColorcolor, defaultColor = 'black'Check if a color is a standard CSS color or a quasar color
makeQuasarColorVarcolor, defaultColorGenerate a CSS variable definition based on the quasar color or existing variable passed in i.e var(--q-color-red-5, 'default')


If you appreciate the work that went into this mix-in, please consider donating to Quasar.