1.0.5 • Published 6 years ago

queued-socket.io v1.0.5

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6 years ago


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Socket.io client with offline queue


Install using npm:


npm install queued-socket.io

Basic Usage

const socket = require('queued-socket.io');

// Before there is a socket connection, add events. These will be queued and run after the connection is established.
socket.on('ping', () => console.log('ping'));
socket.on('disconnect', () => console.log('disconnected'));
socket.once('ping', () => console.log('One time ping'));
socket.emit('authentication', { token: 'loginToken' }, 1);

const options = {
  path: '/socket',
  transports: ['websocket']

const client = socket.connect('http://localhost:5000', options);

console.log(`Socket is ${socket.isConnected() ? 'connected' : 'disconnected'}`);

API Reference

Socket module

socket~getClient() ⇒

Retrieve the client

Kind: inner method of socket
Returns: socket.io client
Access: public

socket~isConnected() ⇒ Boolean

Check if the socket is connected

Kind: inner method of socket
Returns: Boolean - socket connection status
Access: public

socket~emit(event, data, priority)

Send an event to the socket, when the socket is not connected, add an emit event to the queue.

Kind: inner method of socket
Access: public

eventStringThe event name that needs to be added to the socket.
dataObjectThe data to send to the socket when the event is triggered.
priorityNumber2The priority of the event.

socket~on(event, callback, priority)

Wrapper around socket.on that adds priority and caching

Kind: inner method of socket
Access: public

eventStringThe event name that needs to be added to the socket.
callbackfunctionThe callback function that the sockets call when the event is triggered.
priorityNumber2The priority of the event.

socket~off(event, priority)

Wrapper around socket.off that adds priority and caching

Kind: inner method of socket
Access: public

eventStringThe event name that needs to be added to the socket.
priorityNumber2The priority of the event.

socket~once(event, callback, priority) ⇒

Wrapper around socket.once that adds priority and caching

Kind: inner method of socket
Returns: socket.io client
Access: public

eventStringThe event name that needs to be added to the socket.
callbackfunctionThe callback function that the sockets call when the event is triggered.
priorityNumber2The priority of the event.

socket~connect(uri, options) ⇒

Connect to socket.io, if socket is already connected, returns that socket.

Kind: inner method of socket
Returns: socket.io client
Access: public

uriStringThe connection uri of the host.
optionsObjectOptions object used by socket.io.

Events module

events~add(event, callback, priority)

Adds a socket event to the socket, when the socket is not connected, add the add event to the queue.

Kind: inner method of events
Access: public

eventStringThe event name that needs to be added to the socket.
callbackfunctionThe callback function that the sockets call when the event is triggered.
priorityNumber2The priority of the event.

events~once(event, callback, priority)

Adds a single run socket event to the socket, when the socket is not connected, add the once event to the queue.

Kind: inner method of events
Access: public

eventStringThe event name that needs to be added to the socket.
callbackfunctionThe callback function that the sockets call when the event is triggered.
priorityNumber2The priority of the event.


Remove all socket events from the socket, when the socket is not connected, add the clear event to the queue.

Kind: inner method of events
Access: public

priorityNumber2The priority of the event.

events~get() ⇒ Array.<Object>

Retrieve all registered events

Kind: inner method of events
Returns: Array.<Object> - Registered events
Access: public

events~remove(event, priority)

Remove a socket event from the socket, when the socket is not connected, add a remove event to the queue.

Kind: inner method of events
Access: public

eventStringThe event name that needs to be added to the socket.
priorityNumber2The priority of the event.


queued-socket.io makes use of debug. To see the output in the console run this in the console:

localStorage.debug = 'queued-socket.io*';


Please submit all issues and pull requests to the anchorchat/queued-socket.io repository!


Run tests using npm test.


Make sure your working directory is clean!

git checkout master && git fetch && git merge origin/master
npm run prepare
npm version <patch|minor|major> -m '<commit message containing changes for this release>'
git push origin master
git push --tags
npm publish


If you have any problem or suggestion please open an issue here.


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago


6 years ago