0.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

qute-bookshelf-repository v0.0.2

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6 years ago

# Qute Bookshelf Repository

A simple repository that manages a single bookshelf-modelbase model which is in turn a bookshelf model. This repository provides many commonly used methods that are found in repository classes / objects This repository should be used as as abstraction layer between the bookshelf model and services to prevent the bookshelf models from leaking into services (i.e. encourages loose coupling) This module should be extended / inherited to add additional functionality qute-bookshelf-repository will return JSON objects by default. This behaviour can be controlled by the bConvertResultToJson (defaults to true) variable that is passed to every method in the API . If bConvertResultToJson is set to false, the bookshelf model will be returned.

Unless there is a really good reason to do so, you should not be returning the bookshelf model which is passed to each method

### NOTE

This module wraps the original bookshelf-modelbase/ bookshelf errors with quantal-errors. The reason being that it makes handling certain bookshelf-modelbase / bookshelferrors easier e.g. (Collection.EmptyError and Model.NotFoundError are simply coerced to NotFoundError)


npm install quantal-base-model

Example Usage

The bookshelf model

// giphy-model.js
'use strict'
const bookshelf = require('./../../db')
const ModelBase = require('bookshelf-modelbase')(bookshelf)

const Giphy = ModelBase.extend({
  tableName: 'giphys',
  idAttribute: 'giphy_id'

module.exports = bookshelf.model('Giphy', Giphy)

The repository to manage the model

// giphy-repository.js
'use strict'
const BaseRepository = require('qute-bookshelf-repository')
const GiphyModel = require('./models/giphy-model')

class GiphyRepository extends BaseRepository {
   * Repositories must call BaseRepository constructor
  constructor () {

module.exports = GiphyRepository

The usage of the repository

// giphy-service.js

'use strict'
const GiphyRepository = require('./giphy-repository')
const giphyRepository = new GiphyRepository()

module.exports = Object.freeze({

  findOrCreate (data) {
    return giphyRepository.findOrCreate(data)



   * @param model {Object}  - The type (class type) of the model that this repository manages e.g. MyModel
  constructor (model)


      * Returns a single instance of a model
      * @param filter - the filter to pass fetch
      * @param options {Object} - the options to pass to model.fetch
      * @param {Boolean} [bConvertResultToJson=true] - if true, result will be converted to JSON, otherwise Bookself model instance will be returned
      * @returns {Promise}
     findOne (filter, options, bConvertResultToJson = true)


       * Naive add - create and save a model based on data
       * @param {Object} data
       * @param {Object} options (optional)
       * @param {Boolean} [bConvertResultToJson=true] - if true, result will be converted to JSON, otherwise Bookself model instance will be returned
       * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} single Model
      create (data, options, bConvertResultToJson = true)


       * Naive destroy
       * @param {Object} options - The bookshelf destroy options
       * @param options.id {Number|String} - The id of the model to be deleted
       * @param {Boolean} [bConvertResultToJson=true] - if true, result will be converted to JSON, otherwise Bookself model instance will be returned
       * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} empty Model
      destroy (options, bConvertResultToJson = true)


       * Naive findAll - fetches all data for `this`
       * @param {Object} filter - The filter/ query that will be applied to the find all query
       * @param {Object} [options] - The bookshelf destroy options
       * @param {Boolean} [bConvertResultToJson=true] - if true, result will be converted to JSON, otherwise Bookself model instance will be returned
       * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Collection)} Bookshelf Collection of all Models
      findAll (filter, options, bConvertResultToJson = true) 


       * Naive findWhere - fetches all data for `this`. This method is an alias for findAll
       * @param {Object} filter - The filter/ query that will be applied to the find all query
       * @param {Object} options (optional)
       * @param {Boolean} [bConvertResultToJson=true] - if true, result will be converted to JSON, otherwise Bookself model instance will be returned
       * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Collection)} Bookshelf Collection of all Models
      findWhere (filter, options, bConvertResultToJson = true)


       * Find a model based on it's ID
       * @param {String | Number} id The model's ID
       * @param {Object} [options] Options used of model.fetch
       * @param {Boolean} [bConvertResultToJson=true] - if true, result will be converted to JSON, otherwise Bookself model instance will be returned
       * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)}
      findById (id, options, bConvertResultToJson = true)


       * Find or create - try and find the model, create one if not found
       * @param {Object} data - The data to use to find a model. If The model does not exist, this data will be persisted
       * @param {Object} options - The options thar are passed to fetch and create
       * @param {Boolean} [bConvertResultToJson=true] - if true, result will be converted to JSON, otherwise Bookself model instance will be returned
       * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} single Model
      findOrCreate (data, options, bConvertResultToJson = true)


       * Naive update - update a model based on data
       * @param {Object} data - The data to be used to update a model
       * @param {Object} options - The options to pass to save
       * @param {Boolean} [bConvertResultToJson=true] - if true, result will be converted to JSON, otherwise Bookself model instance will be returned
       * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} edited Model
      update (data, options, bConvertResultToJson = true)


       * Upsert - select a model based on data and update if found, insert if not found
       * @param {Object} selectData - Data for select
       * @param {Object} updateData -  Data for update
       * @param {Object} [options] options - for model.save
       * @param {Boolean} [bConvertResultToJson=true] - if true, result will be converted to JSON, otherwise Bookself model instance will be returned
       * @return {Promise(bookshelf.Model)} edited Model
      upsert (selectData, updateData, options, bConvertResultToJson = true)
