0.2.0 • Published 4 years ago

rabbit-reuse v0.2.0

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4 years ago

You will need an exchangeName for the channel and bindings to map keys to queues.

const MessageQueue = require('amqp-reuse');

const exchangeName = 'domfeed';
const bindings = {
    enqueued: 'unverified_domains',
    verified: 'verified_domains',
    failed: 'failed_cf_lookups'

Create a handler function for the onChannelReady parameter of the instance. onChannelReady must be a function. Both connection and channel are returned and are the respective objects from AMQP. In this function, you can publish, consume, or otherwise utilize both the channel and connection. In this case, flow is the handler for the open AMQP connection and channel.

This would also be a good place to set up an emitter to use events instead of a callback.

const flow = ({ channel, connection }) => {
    // we publish to exchanges
    const publish = (message, key) => channel.publish(exchangeName, key, Buffer.from(message), { persistent: true })

    // ... and we consume queues
    var i = 0;
    channel.consume('verified_domains', message => {
        console.log(`Consume Message ${i}: ${message.content.toString()} `);
        setTimeout(() => channel.ack(message), Math.random() * 5000);

    for (var i = 1000; i > 0; i--) {
        setTimeout(() => {
            publish('ping!', 'verified');
        }, Math.random() * 60000);

Create an instance of MessageQueue.

new MessageQueue({
    onChannelReady: flow

Example parameters: amqpUrl = 'amqp://localhost', bindings, channelOptions = { noAck: false }, exchangeName, exchangeType = 'topic', exchangeOptions = { durable: false }, onChannelReady

If, for some reason, you want to close the connetion, you can use: the onChannelReady.connection object connection.close()


4 years ago