0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

rabbit-worker v0.0.1

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MPL 2.0
Last release
9 years ago


Very basic node module for creating and consuming from RabbitMQ work queues


Because I am writing a lot of small services that use this sort of queue. It is just a light rabbit.js wrapper (if for some weird reason you were hoping to use this project, I would instead you use that library directly) that defaults to persistant queues and automatically reconnects on connection failures.


var rabbitWorker = require('rabbit-worker');
var worker = new rabbitWorker.Worker('localhost', 'work_queue_1', function (message, ack) {
    console.log('got message', message);
    ack();					//important! Signals to the queue that the work has been completed
var tasker = new rabbitWorker.Tasker('localhost', 'work_queue_1');
if (tasker.isReady()) {
    tasker.publish('New message');
} else {
    tasker.once('ready', tasker.publish.bind(tasker, 'New message');


  • Support for publisher confirms would be rad (I am currently living dangerously and not using them in the interest of code simplicity). Would require either a modification in the upstream rabbit.js library or that this module be converted to use amqplib as its upstream library directly (amqplib being the core module that rabbit.js relies on).

jsdoc-to-markdown output


Light wrapper over the rabbit module to easily create persistent workers and taskers.

Version: 0.0.1
Author: notnarb

rabbit-worker~Worker(rabbitserver, routingKey, workerFunction)

connects to the specified rabbitmq server as a worker for the specified routing key

Kind: inner method of rabbit-worker

rabbitserverStringThe hostname of the rabbit server to use
routingKeyStringthe routing key to listen on
workerFunctionfunctionthe function to call for each message. This function is called with 2 arguments: 'message', and 'ack'. Message is a string representation of the data passed and 'ack' is a function that must be called to acknowledge the function. Note: for simplicity: the function 'requeue' and 'discard' are omitted though they wouldn't be hard to add


var worker = new Worker('localhost', 'work_queue_1', function (message, ack) {
    console.log('got message', message);
    ack();					//important! Signals to the queue that the work has been completed

rabbit-worker~Tasker(rabbitserver, routingKey) ⇐ event.EventEmitter

connects to the specified rabbitmq server as a publisher for the specified routing key. Emits a 'ready' event when it can start taking publish commands.

Kind: inner method of rabbit-worker
Extends: event.EventEmitter

rabbitserverStringThe hostname of the rabbit server to use
routingKeyStringthe routing key to listen on


var tasker = new Tasker('localhost', 'work_queue_1');
if (tasker.isReady()) {
    tasker.publish('New message');
} else {
    tasker.once('ready', tasker.publish.bind(tasker, 'New message');


Publishes a message to the queue

Kind: instance method of Tasker

  • Error - if the queue is currently unavailable, this throws an error
messageStringmessage to publish to the queue

tasker.isReady() ⇒ Boolean

Checks to see if the tasker is currently connected to the queue

Kind: instance method of Tasker
Returns: Boolean - - true if currently can accept publish arguments


9 years ago