1.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

raccoon-api-2 v1.0.0

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5 years ago


$ yarn add raccoon-api


$ npm i raccoon-api


See racoon-api documentation here.


In this tutorial we will first use localhost as a server to develop the Telegram bot, but at the end of this tutorial we will try to change localhost to Heroku as a server.

Exposing localhost to the internet

In order for bots to receive incoming updates from the Telegram server, localhost needs to be exposed to the internet using Ngrok.

$ ngork http <PORT>

In this tutorial we use PORT = 5000


Here we will make a simple bot that makes the bot can respond back when the user sends certain commands to the bot. For example, when a user sends a message like this "/hello", the bot will respond "Hello, <your_name>"

  1. Create Project

    $ mkdir raccoon-api-example && cd raccoon-api-example
  2. Init Nodejs Project

    $ npm init --yes
  3. Install Raccoon-api

    $ npm install raccoon-api
  4. Create App

    $ touch index.js
  5. Open Project with Text Editor (vscode)

    $ code .
  6. Write a simple bot

    // index.js
    // import the module
    const { TelegramAPI } = require("raccoon-api");
    // A unique authentication token see: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#making-requests
    const YOUR_TOKEN = "123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11";
    // Ngrok forwarding secure url (prefix with 'https')
    const YOUR_HOST = "https://<unique_number>.ngrok.io";
    const port = 5000;
    // create bot instance
    const bot = new TelegramAPI(YOUR_TOKEN, YOUR_HOST);
    // start the webhook then the bot can receive incoming updates
    // it is recommended to use a secret path in the URL, e.g. YOUR_HOST/<YOUR_TOKEN>. Because no one else knows your bot token.
    bot.startWebhook("/secretPath", port, () => {
        console.log("Webhook started!");
    // define a command message
    bot.cmd("hello", ctx => {
        const { chat } = ctx;
        bot.sendText(chat.id, `Hello ${chat.first_name}`);
  7. It's time to try

    $ node index.js

    to see the results, try sending the "/hello" message to the bot and see the magic!

Deploy to Heroku

Follow the official tutorial from Heroku. Deploying Node.js Apps on Heroku

Note: Because this bot application is not a web application, but a process it is necessary to add the following script to the Procfile file.

worker: node index.js

Note: Before actually deploying an application to Heroku it is recommended to save variables such as token or other credentials to the environment variables. See.

Special Thanks

PT Privy Identitas Digital (PrivyID)

Thanks for giving the internship opportunity as a Back End Developer, this project began when PrivyID gave the task of making a Telegram bot to assist in the Stand-up Meeting.


Node Telegram Bot API




5 years ago