1.0.8 • Published 3 years ago

radex-sdk-firestore v1.0.8

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3 years ago


radex-sdk-firestore is a sdk for the radex exchange using firestore as the back end for testing purposes.


To install radex-sdk-firestore, make sure you have nodejs installed and run the following command in your project directory.

npm install radex-sdk-firestore

To use the sdk in your project you can either import everything under one variable

import * as radex from "radex-sdk-firestore

You can then access any of the functions/classes etc as follows:


OR you can import the functions/classes etc individually

import {Order, getTokensList} from "radex-sdk-firestore

ACTION functions

function submitOrder (order: Order)

Submits an order for processing by the RaDEX exchange Order will either be matched immediately with an existing order, added to the list of pending orders or rejected with an error message

    Returns : Promise<string>

Will return "SUCCESS" if order was submitted successfully, otherwise will return error description in a string.

function cancelOrder (order: Order)

Cancels an order that has been submitted previously for processing by the RaDeX exchange Only orders with Status "PENDING" can be cancelled. Any part of the order that has already been fulfilled cannot be cancelled.

    Returns: Promise<string>

Will return "SUCCESS" if order was cancelled successfully, otherwise will return error description in a string.

READ-ONLY API functions

function getMarketOrderQuote (order: Order)

RETURNS: Promise<
    {pay: number;
    receive: number;
    fee: number;
    payToken: string;
    receiveToken: string;
    feeToken: string;
    } | null

Returns quote information for a specified market order - how many tokens it will cost (pay), how many tokens will be received (receive), fee payable (fee) and which tokens will be used. Will return NULL if the order is not a MARKET order or if the market order will fail.

function getTokensList()

RETURNS: Promise<string[]> 

Returns an array all the tokens that can be exchanged.

function getTokensPairMap ()

RETURNS: Promise<
    Map<string, {pairCode: string; pairId: string}[]>

Returns a map of all the tokens that can be exchanged as well as an array of the pairs that contain each token.

function getTokensPairMap$ ()

RETURNS: Observable<
    Map<string, {pairCode: string; pairId: string }[]>

Returns an Observable of a map of all the tokens that can be exchanged as well as an array of the pairs that contain each token.

function getPairInfo (pairCode: string)

RETURNS: Promise<Pair> 

Returns info for the specified pair.

function getPairInfo$ (pairCode: string)

RETURNS: Observable<Pair> 

Returns observable of info for the specified pair.

function getPairsList ()

RETURNS: Promise<Pair[]> 

Returns an array of all the pairs available on the exchange.

function getPairsMap ()

RETURNS: Promise<Map<string, Pair>> 

Returns a map of all the pairs available on the exchange

function getPairsMap$ ()

RETURNS: Observable<Map<string, Pair>> 

Returns an Observable of a map of all the pairs available on the exchange

function getPairOrderBook$ (pairId: string, limit: number = 40)

    sells: AggregateOrderEntry[]; 
    buys: AggregateOrderEntry[] 

Returns a list of aggregted Buys and Sells in the orderbook. Sell and Buy orders are sorted Ascending by price. "limit" specifies the maximum number of results to show. Default = 40.

function getPairBuyOrders$ (pairId: string)

RETURNS: Observable<Map<number, Order[]>> 

Returns a price indexed map of all Buy orders for the specified pair. Prices are sorted descending and orders are sorted by ascending dateCreated for each price.

function getPairSellOrders$ (pairId: string)

RETURNS: Observable<Map<number, Order[]>> 

Returns a price indexed map of all Sell orders for the specified pair. Prices are sorted ascending and orders are sorted by ascending dateCreated for each price.

function getPairTrades$ (pairId: string, limit: number = 1000)

RETURNS: Observable<Trade[]> 

Returns an array of trades for the specified pair. Trades are sorted ASCENDING based on the trade date. Results are limited to the last "limit" trades - default and max is 1000.

function getPairTradesByTime$

pairId: string,
startTime: number = 0,
endTime: number = 0,
limit: number = 1000,

"startTime" and "endTime" is specified in milliseconds since UTC.

RETURNS: Observable<Trade[]> 

Returns an observable of an array of trades for the specified pair between the specified date/time. Trades are sorted ASCENDING based on the trade date. Results are limited to the last "limit" trades - default is 1000.

function getPairSlices$ (pairId: string, limit: number = 1000)

RETURNS: Observable<TimeSlice[]> 

Returns an observable of an array of slices for the specified pair.

function getPairSlicesByTime$

pairId: string,
startTime: number = 0,
endTime: number = 0,
limit: number = 1000,

"startTime" and "endTime" is specified in milliseconds since UTC.

RETURNS: Observable<TimeSlice[]> 

Returns an observable of an array of slices for the specified pair between the specified date/time. Slices are sorted ASCENDING based on the slice startTime. Results are limited to the last "limit" slices - default is 1000.

function getWalletTrades$

walletId: string,
pairIds: string[],
startTime: number = 0,
endTime: number = 0,
limit: number = 1000,

"startTime" and "endTime" is specified in milliseconds since UTC.

RETURNS: Observable<Trade[]> 

Returns an observable of an array of trades for the specified wallet and the specified time period Trades are sorted ASCENDING based on the trade date. Results are limited to the last "limit" trades - defualt is 1000.

function getWalletFees$

walletId: string,
pairIds: string[],
startTime: number = 0,
endTime: number = 0,

"startTime" and "endTime" is specified in milliseconds since UTC.

RETURNS: Observable<
{   paid: Map<string, number>,
    earned: Map<string, number> 

Returns a map with the fees paid and earned in various tokens for the specified wallet and the specified time period.

function getOrder (orderId: string)

RETURNS: Promise<Order | null> 

Returns specified order based on order id

DEV ONLY functions

These functions are only for testing and will not be included in the production version

function getWallets (wallets: string[])

RETURNS: Map<string, Observable<Map<string, number>>> 

Returns a map of all wallets with an observable of a map of the tokens held in each wallet.

function getWalletTokens (wallet: string)

RETURNS: Observable<Map<string, number>>

Returns an observable of a map of the tokens held in the specified wallet.


CLASS: Token

code: string
decimals: number


code: string
token1: string  //required
token2: string  //required
token1Decimals: number
token2Decimals: number
liquidityFee: number
platformFee: number
latestTimeSlice: TimeSlice

Creation function: create( pairObj )

pairObj is an object with at least the required fields and any other optional fields specified.

Example Usage:

Pair.create({token1: "BTC", token2: "XRD, code: "BTC-XRD"})

CLASS: Order

id: string = ''
owner: string = ''                  //required
pair: string = ''                   //required
token1: string = ''                 //required
token2: string = ''                 //required
dateCreated: number = 0
dateCompleted: number = 0
side: OrderSide = OrderSide.EMPTY   //required
type: OrderType = OrderType.EMPTY   //required
price: number = 0       //required for limit order
quantity: number = 0    //required for limit order if quantitySpecified = true
value: number = 0       //required for limit order if quantitySpecified = false
quantityFulfilled: number = 0
valueFulfilled: number = 0
quantitySpecified: boolean = true
status: OrderStatus = OrderStatus.EMPTY

Creation function: create( orderObj )

orderObj is an object with at least the required fields and any other optional fields specified.

Example Usage:

Order.create({owner: "Fred", pair: "BTC-XRD", token1: "BTC", token2: "XRD, side: OrderSide.BUY, type: OrderType.LIMIT, price: 23.4, quantity: 400.3})

ENUM: OrderSide

EMPTY = '',
BUY = 'BUY',

ENUM: OrderType

EMPTY = '',

ENUM: OrderStatus

EMPTY = '',
SUBMITTING = 'SUBMITTING', // order has been added to queue, but not yet processed
PENDING = 'PENDING', // order has been added to order book, awaiting fulfilment
COMPLETED = 'COMPLETED', // order has been fulfilled
CANCELLED = 'CANCELLED', // order has been cancelled by owner

INTERFACE: AggregateOrderEntry

pair: string;
side: OrderSide;
price: number;
quantity: number;
orderCount: number;

CLASS: Trade

id: string = ''
pair: string = ''
buyer: string = ''  
buyOrderId: string = ''
seller: string = ''
sellOrderId: string = ''
token1: string = ''
token2: string = ''
quantity: number = 0
price: number = 0
feePayer: TradeFeePayer = TradeFeePayer.EMPTY
feeToken: string = ''
liquidityFee: number = 0
platformFee: number = 0
date: number = 0
parties: string[] = []

ENUM: TradeFeePayer

EMPTY = '',

CLASS: TimeSlice

startTime: number = 0,
open: number = 0,
close: number = 0,
high: number = 0,
low: number = 0,
token1Volume: number = 0,
token2Volume: number = 0,
noOfTrades: number = 0,



3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago