1.0.0 • Published 4 months ago

ramukaka v1.0.0

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4 months ago

Ramukaka: an lightweight alternative to Nodemon.


npm i ....

How to use it?

ramukaka app.js

It has 3 components:

  • A CLI application
  • A child process
  • A event emitter on file changes

In simple term, we have to build a CLI application which will listen to file change event and create child process based on passed params.

How to Build CLI application in Node?

Check index.js file, it is starting with #!/usr/bin/env node. It tells system that the script (index.js) will be executed by node present at given path.

Also, in package.json, We need to create duplicate node binary by adding bin section.

Now, our CLI application is ready...🚀

Run npm link to run it globally like ramukaka [your_file_name.js]

Lets build, watcher for file changes and child process creator: We can use chokidar to look for changes and emit respective events. On each events, we need to restart the child process. Also, we need to pipe std io to parent process to view logs.


4 months ago