0.2.0 • Published 5 years ago

random-access-key-value v0.2.0

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5 years ago


⚠️ EXPERIMENTAL ️️️️️️⚠️

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Create a random-access-storage instance from any key-value store.

npm install random-access-key-value


This module lets you use any LevelDB-compatible data store as storage backend for any data structure in the Dat ecosystem, such as hyperdrive or hyperdb.

With a little bit of tweaking, you can use hyperdb as a storage backend for another hyperdb.


const levelup = require('levelup')
const memdown = require('memdown')
const randomAccessKeyValue = require('random-access-key-value')

const db = levelup(memdown())

const storage = randomAccessKeyValue(db, 'some/path')

storage.write(10, Buffer.from('hello'), function(err) {
  // write a buffer to offset 10
  storage.read(10, 5, function(err, buffer) {
    console.log(buffer) // read 5 bytes from offset 10


const storage = randomAccessKeyValue(db, prefix, [options])
  • db should be an object that is compatible with a really small subset of the LevelUP API. It only needs to support the most basic operations:

    db.get(key: string, cb: (err: Error | null, value: string | Buffer) => any)
    db.put(key: string, value: Buffer, cb: (err: Error | null) => any)
    db.batch(ops: Array<{ type: 'put', key: string, value: string | Buffer }>, cb: (err: Error | null) => any)
    // optional:
    db.open(cb: (err: Error | null) => any)
    db.close(cb: (err: Error | null) => any)

    Importantly, the db should return binary data (ie. Buffer) unchanged.

    (The requirement for db.batch may be dropped at some point, as it would be fairly straightforward to implement this for dbs that don't support this. Open an issue/PR if you'd like this removed.)

  • prefix is a string - it defines the prefix that all the pages are stored under.

  • options not implemented yet

How it works

The random-access-storage interface represents a single unbounded buffer that lets you read and write from any offset. This module splits this conceptual buffer into "pages" (currently 4KB, but this should be tuneable), which are stored as values in the key-value store.


MIT © 2018 harry lachenmayer