0.0.4 • Published 4 years ago

randomize-unique v0.0.4

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4 years ago


$ npm install randomize


Random Integer:

2 Parameters.

  1. minNumber - optional (Default value : 1)
  2. maxNumber - optional (Default value : 100)

Syntax : randomInteger(minNumber, maxNumber)

var randomize = require("randomize-unique");

## `if you want 3 digit random code than use like this:`
console.log(randomize.randomInteger(100, 999));
//» 441
//» 568

## `if you want 4 digit random code than use like this:`

console.log(randomize.randomInteger(1000, 9999));
//» 5036
//» 6493

## `if you want 6 digit random code than use like this:`

console.log(randomize.randomInteger(100000, 999999));
//» 539864
//» 459781

Random Float:

3 Parameters.

  1. minNumber - optional (Default value : 1)
  2. maxNumber - optional (Default value : 10000)
  3. fraction - optional (Default value : 2)

Syntax : randomFloat(minNumber, maxNumber, fraction)

var randomize = require("randomize-unique");

## `if you want 3 digit random float code than use like this:`

console.log(randomize.randomFloat(100, 999));
//» 441.32
//» 568.45

## `if you want 4 digit random float code than use like this:`

console.log(randomize.randomFloat(1000, 9999));
//» 5036.32
//» 6493.65

## `if you want 3 number after .(dot) than use like this:`

console.log(randomize.randomFloat(1000, 9999, 3));
//» 5036.327
//» 6493.651

## `if you want 1 number after .(dot) than use like this:`

console.log(randomize.randomFloat(1000, 9999, 1));
//» 5036.3
//» 6493.6

Random Boolean:

Syntax : randomBoolean()

var randomize = require("randomize-unique");

//» false
//» true
//» true
//» false

Random String or Random Password Generator:

4 Parameters.

  1. length - optional (Default value : 8)
  2. isCapitalAllow - optional (Default value : false)
  3. isNumberAllow - optional (Default value : false)
  4. isSpecialCharAllow - optional (Default value : false)

Syntax : randomString(length, isCapitalAllow, isNumberAllow, isSpecialCharAllow)

var randomize = require("randomize-unique");

//» wltvqprk

## `if you want 10 character random string than use like this:`

//» rqmflwrusp

## `if you want capital letter in random string than use like this:`

//» kYbQYlpoX

## `if you want capital letter and digit in random string than use like this:`

console.log(randomize.randomString(8, true, true));
//» 6YbQ9lpoX

## `if you want capital letter, digit and special character in random string than use like this:`

console.log(randomize.randomString(8, true, true, true));
//» 6Je*w#Lq

Random Array:

1 Parameters.

  1. length - optional (Default value : 10)

Syntax : randomArray(length)

var randomize = require("randomize-unique");

//» [1,44,56,32,87,71,41,69,51,70]

## `if you want 5 element in array than use like this:`

//» [1,44,56,32,87]

Random String Array:

4 Parameters.

  1. length - optional (Default value : 5)
  2. minStringLength - optional (Default value : 5)
  3. maxStringLength - optional (Default value : 10)
  4. isSpaceAllow - optional (Default value : true)

Syntax : randomStringArray(length, minStringLength, maxStringLength, isSpaceAllow)

var randomize = require("randomize-unique");

//» ['A Q','kMhg na','HRtmFGu','lc GWR',' O A ca']

## `if you want 3 element and string length is in between 10 to 20 in array than use like this:`

console.log(randomize.randomStringArray(3, 10, 20));
//» ['s EvprF lJx kE',' QsWuyjjcEDt e',' aVdAGjhveSbN']

Random or Unique Image Name:

2 Parameters.

  1. prefix - optional (Default value : "")
  2. suffix - optional (Default value : "")

Syntax : uniqueImageName(prefix, suffix)

var randomize = require("randomize-unique");

//» 1591685161249

## `if you want prefix in image name than use like this:`

//» profile_1591685161249

## `if you want suffix in image name than use like this:`

//» 1591685161249_img

## `if you want prefix and suffix in image name than use like this:`

//» profile_1591685161249_img

Random RGB Color:

Syntax : randomRGBColor()

var randomize = require("randomize-unique");

//» rgb(255, 10, 34)

Random HEX Color:

Syntax : randomHEXColor()

var randomize = require("randomize-unique");

//» #ff0000

Random HSL Color:

Syntax : randomHSLColor()

var randomize = require("randomize-unique");

//» hsl(0, 100%, 50%)

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