1.0.5 • Published 7 months ago

randomly-generate v1.0.5

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7 months ago


Gives you the possibility to generate random data such as: strings, arrays, numbers, dates and colors.

Table of contents


npm install randomly-generate


First you'll need to import the generator or generators that you want to use.

import { StringGenerator, NumberGenerator, ArrayGenerator, ColorGenerator, DateGenerator } from 'randomly-generate';


Creates a random string with a specific length using the english alphabet. It mixes both lower and upper cases. If no length is specified the default length is 10 characters.


  • generateRandomString(customLength:number) : Generates a random string with a custom length if customLength is specified. Otherwise the length is set to a default of 10 chartacters.
const stringGenerator = new StringGenerator()
console.log(stringGenerator.generateRandomString(5)) // Example output: "aBcDE"


Generates a random number within a specified range of your choice. If no range is specified it generates a random number between 1 and 10 000.


  • generateRandomNumber(minValue:number, maxValue:number) : Generates a random number within the range of minValue and maxValue. If no values are specified the default minValue is set to 1 and the maxValue is set to 10 000.

  • generateRandomEvenNumber(minValue:number, maxValue:number) : Generates a random even number within the range of minValue and maxValue. If no values are specified the default minValue is set to 1 and the maxValue is set to 10 000.

  • generateRandomOddNumber(minValue:number, maxValue:number) : Generates a random odd number within the range of minValue and maxValue. If no values are specified the default minValue is set to 1 and the maxValue is set to 10 000.

  • generateRandomFloatNumber(minValue:number, maxValue:number) : Generates a random float number within the range of minValue and maxValue. If no values are specified the default minValue is set to 1 and the maxValue is set to 10 000.

const numberGenerator = new NumberGenerator()
console.log(numberGenerator.generateRandomNumber(20, 123)) // Example output: 42
console.log(numberGenerator.generateRandomEvenNumber(20, 82)) // Example output: 24
console.log(numberGenerator.generateRandomOddNumber(20, 100)) // Example output: 73
console.log(numberGenerator.generateRandomFloatNumber(10.9, 11)) // Example output: 10.912345678910112


Generates a random date object within a specified range. If no range is specified it generates a random date object between 1900-01-01 and 2100-01-01


  • generateRandomDate(startDate:Date, endDate:Date) : Generates a random date object within the specified range. If no startDate is specified it is set to 1900-01-01 and if no endDate is specified it it set to 2100-01-01
const dateGenerator = new DateGenerator()
const startDate = new Date('1996-03-29')
const endDate = new Date('2023-09-25')
console.log(dateGenerator.generateRandomDate(startDate, endDate)) // Example output: Mon Nov 17 2008 08:16:28 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)


Can generate RGB, RGBA, HEX and HSL colors as a string.


  • generateRandomRGBString() : Generates a random RGB color as a string.
  • generateRandomHEXString() : Generates a random Hex color as a string.
  • generateRandomRGBAString() : Generates a random RGBA color as a string.
  • generateRandomHSLString() : Generates a random Hsl color as a string.
const colorGenerator = new ColorGenerator()
console.log(colorGenerator.generateRandomRGBString()) // Example output: "rgb(43,124,212)"
console.log(colorGenerator.generateRandomHEXString()) // Example output: "#659df7"
console.log(colorGenerator.generateRandomRGBAString()) // Example output: "rgba(43,124,212,0.55)"
console.log(colorGenerator.generateRandomHSLString()) // Example output: "hsl(280,80%,20%)"


Can generate an array of random numbers or an array with only even numbers within a specified range. Can also generate an array of strings where the lengths of the strings are random within a specified range. You can also choose a custom length to your array, if not specified it sets the length to 10.

Configuration Options:

  • lengthOfArray: Desired length of the generated array. Default is 10.
  • For number arrays:
    • minValueInArray: Minimum value an index in the array can be. Default is 1.
    • maxValueInArray: Maximum value an index in the array can be. Default is 10,000.
  • For string arrays:
    • minStringLength: Minimum length a string in the array can be. Default is 1.
    • maxStringLength: Maximum length a string in the array can be. Default is 10.


  • generateRandomNumbersArray({ lengthOfArray, minValueInArray, maxValueInArray }): Generates an array of numbers within the given range. If no range or length is provided, default values are applied.

  • generateRandomEvenNumbersArray({ lengthOfArray, minValueInArray, maxValueInArray }): Generates an array of even numbers within the given range. If no range or length is provided, default values are applied.

  • generateRandomStringsArray({ lengthOfArray, minStringLength, maxStringLength }): Generates an array of strings with lengths randomized within the specified range. If no range, string length, or array length is provided, default values are applied. Only generates random strings.

const arrayGenerator = new ArrayGenerator()
console.log(arrayGenerator.generateRandomNumbersArray({lengthOfArray: 4, minValueInArray: 5, maxValueInArray: 20})); // Possible output: [7, 19, 6, 12]
console.log(arrayGenerator.generateRandomEvenNumbersArray({lengthOfArray: 4, minValueInArray: 5, maxValueInArray: 20})); // Possible output: [6, 14, 8, 12]
console.log(arrayGenerator.generateRandomStringsArray({lengthOfArray: 5, minStringLength: 3, maxStringLength: 8})); // Possible output: ["aXe", "COyFx", "kjHgRsD", "abZ", "abCDeFgH"]


For any issues, bugs, feature requests or contributions please open an issue or a pull request on GitHub

Here is a basic workflow if you wish to contribute: 1. Fork the repository to your GitHub account. 2. Clone it to your local machine. 3. Navigate to your cloned repository's directory and install necessary dependencies using: npm install 4. Create a new branch to work on. 5. Make your changes/updates/improvements! Code, documentation or bug fixes, all is appreciated! 6. Run tests using the command "npm test" to make sure everything works properly. 7. Commit and push your changes back to your fork on GitHub. 8. Open a pull request, go to the original repository and click "New pull request". Select your fork and the branch you just pushed to. 9. Provide a title and a brief description of your changes then click "Create pull request".

Thank you for contributing!




7 months ago


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8 months ago