0.0.1-alpha.0 • Published 2 years ago
rapid-rpc v0.0.1-alpha.0
A lightweight, typesafe, and scalable way of writing APIs that works with Next.js. Build to work with the App Router and server and client components.
This is an experimental version not meant for production use
Create your API
We recommend creating your API safely using the server-only package, to make sure you never expose server code to the client.
// filename: rpc/server.ts
import "server-only";
import { create } from "rapid-rpc";
export const [serverApi, connector] = create({
queries: {
getRecentTodos: async (max: number) => {
const todos: Todo[] = await db.readTodos(max);
return todos;
mutations: {
addTodo: async (text: string, completed: boolean) => {
const newTodo: Todo = await db.createTodo(text, completed);
return newTodo;
export type API = typeof serverApi;
Create your API client:
// filename: rpc/client.ts
"use client";
import { createClient } from "rapid-rpc/client";
import { API } from "./server";
export const api = createClient<API>("http://localhost:3000/api");
Connect your route:
// filename: app/api/[method]/route.ts
import { connector } from "@/rpc/server";
export const { GET, POST } = connector;
Use your API
Use the API in server components:
import { serverApi } from "@/rpc/server";
export default async function Page() {
const todos = await serverApi.getRecentTodos(5);
return <Home todos={todos} />;
Use the API in client components:
"use client";
import { api } from "@/rpc/client";
export default function MyClientComponent() {
const { data, isLoading, error, mutate } = api.getRecentTodos.useQuery(10);
const { mutate: addTodo } = api.addTodo.useMutation({
onSuccess: () => mutate(),
// You can call addTodo with two arguments anytime like so: addTodo("learn typescript", false)
The hooks useQuery
and useMutation
are thin wrappers around SWRs useSWR
and useSWRMutation
There is also the useQueryOptions
hook which gives you access to the options you have with the useSWR
"use client";
import { api } from "@/rpc/client";
export default function MyClientComponent() {
const { data, isLoading, error } = api.getRecentTodos.useQueryOptions({ refreshInterval: 5000 }, 10);
Create a protected API
import "server-only";
import { createProtected, MiddlewareOptions } from "rapid-rpc";
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import { cookies } from "next/headers";
export const [serverApi, connector] = createProtected({
// The returned context will be fed into every query and mutation call
getContext: async (): Promise<Token | null> => {
const sessionCookie = cookies().get("session");
const token: Token | null = auth.getToken(sessionCookie);
return token;
middleware: (options: MiddlewareOptions<Token | null>, next: () => any) => {
// options.ctx will contain the return value of getContext
if (!options.ctx) {
return NextResponse.json({ message: "Not logged in!" }, { status: 403 });
return next();
queries: {
getTodosByUser: async (ctx: Token | null, max: number) => {
const { userId } = ctx!;
const todos: Todo[] = await db.readTodosByUser(userId, max);
return todos;
mutations: {
addTodo: async (ctx: Token | null, text: string, completed: boolean) => {
const { userId } = ctx!;
const newTodo: Todo = await db.createTodo(userId, text, completed);
return newTodo;
export type API = typeof serverApi;
Combine APIs
import "server-only";
import { create, createProtected, combine } from "rapid-rpc";
const publicApi = create({
const protectedApi = createProtected({
export const [serverApi, connector] = combine(publicApi, protectedApi);
export type API = typeof serverApi;
2 years ago