1.0.19-alpha.20 • Published 8 months ago

raw-profiler v1.0.19-alpha.20

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MIT/X Consortium ...
Last release
8 months ago


The purpose of raw-profiler is to enable nodejs application profiling and high-volutme logging in production environments without the need for downtime, external service dependencies or running environment reconfiguration. To acieve this goal, raw-profiler offers the following facilities:

  • API for adding profiling and logging directly into your application's code;
  • control of profiling and logging levels without restarting the running instances, from none to full;
  • remote logging for offloading the application server from computationally-intense string-concatenation and IO operations;
  • log lifecycle management, including log rotation, archiving and compression.

Consider the following before using raw-profiler:

  • This node package does not provide any user inteface. Its sole purpose is to facilitate the generation and management of profiling- and other log data in an efficient way. Other tools shall be used to monitor and examine the generated logs.

  • raw-profiler keeps accumulated statistical data in memory. Restarting the application (or the logging server in remote scenarios) will reset the data. Log files are preserved between restarts.

  • Log data is queued in memory and lazy writing is performed after a configured timeout. Exiting the application without flushing the logs could result in logging data loss (NOTE: no flush function is currently implemented).

The best way to fully understand raw-profiler is to experiment with it. It's recommended to start with simple console logging (default) and gradually move towards file logging and remote logging. See the "Getting Started" section below.


  • Measuring and logging of sync and async code execution times, based on manually placed profiling API function calls.
  • Execution statistics collecting and logging - execution counters, min, average, max and total execution times, CPU usage during execution and various OS CPU and memory usage stats.
  • Suitable for production environments - enable and disable profiling without restarting the application (see below).
  • Zero performance overhead when profiling is disabled; otherwise performance overhead is manageable via verbosity settings adjustment and remote logging.
  • Use with heavy server loads with no performance impact - easy to set up remote logging via HTTP.
  • Centralized logging - syphon the logging and profiling feed from all your web servers towards a single logging server.
  • Detection and logging of never-ending profiling incidents.
  • Monitor the current statistics, examine full stats history.
  • Structure the stats into profiling buckets for easier analysis.
  • Extensible - provides easy ways to create custom loggers and data collector proxies.
  • Configurable logging in-memory queue with delayed file system writing operations, implemented as part of the default file logger.
  • Automatic log rotation.
  • Automatic compression of log files.
  • Automatic log removal of archive files.
  • Easy and simple - minimal code is required to set up and profile.


  • Profiling hit - a single run-time profiling incident that starts with a __pfbegin function call and ends with a corresponding __pfend function call.

  • Profiling hit point - application code location where some profiling begins, marked by a __pfbegin function call.

  • Profiling key - a key to identify the specific profiling hit, usually dynamically generated. Actual stats are collected per profiling key. Profiling keys are recommended to be specific enough to reflect the intention of the code being profiled, while staying generic enough to aggregate enough data for statistics. As an example, under the "CRUD" bucket (see below), possible profiler keys could be the strings "READ user [_id]" or "CREATE patient [name,email,ssn,password]". The key "CREATE patient [name,email,ssn,password]" will aggregate all create db ops for the patient collection with record schema containing the fields name, email, ssn, password, regardless of the specific values. An alternative key incorporating the specific values, for Ex. "CREATE patient [John,john@email.com,0011394075,MySeCrEt1]" would be argaubly used only once or twice during the whole application life time and won't provide any usable statistical data. Because profiling keys are dynamically generated during the application execution, their amount is set to increase during application's uptime.

  • Profiling bucket - a named collection of profiling keys; a single profiling bucket usually corresponds to a single profiling hit point in the code, for Ex. "CRUD", "REST", "RPC", "VerySpecificSuspiciousLoop". The profiling bucket keys are predefined and hardcoded by the developer, and their amount is fixed during application execution. The bucket key "header" is reserved and should never be used explicitly. Profiling buckets define the granularity unit for logging and profiling control granularity; logging and profiling can be configured and switched on/off per profiling bucket; log files are organized in subdirectories per profiling bucket.

  • Profiling hit text - this text will be printed as a part of the heading of the stats table for a single hit (give it a try to get a better idea). Profiling hit titles appear as log lines when profiling data printing is disabled, effectively providing a facility for pure logging without profiling.

  • Profiling hit last message - this text, which is provided at the hit's end, will be appended to the hit text. Profiling hit last messages appear as part of the log lines when profiling data printing is disabled, effectively providing a facility for pure logging without profiling.

  • Local profiling - all statistics formatting and logging is done on the application server; the time taken for formatting of statistics and logging affects the application pefrormance and can interfere with the profiling results in the case of nested profiling hit points.

  • Remote profiling - the profiler only performs measurments and simple mathematical operations on the application server, forwarding the results to a remote machine (the profiler data collector); all statistics formatting and logging is done on the remote server; the time taken for formatting of statistics and logging no more affects the application pefrormance and the profiling results are clean.


There are two ways to import raw-profiler:

  1. Inline, in every file where it's being used:

    const { __pf, __pfconfig, __pfenabled, __pfbegin, __pfend } = require("raw-profiler");

  2. Globally, in the main application file:


Option 1. is complient with the best programming practices by avoiding global scope contamination.

Option 2. allows for adding and removing of logging and profiling code quickly and easily without the burden of constantly adding and removing profiling function declarations. When working on large projects with lots of logging and profiling, this consideration might overcome the best programming practice requirements. raw-profiler intentionally uses rather specific function names lowering the chance for name collisions.

For illustrative purposes, both import styles are used interchangeably in this document.


  • __pfconfig({[dataCollector], ...}): void - a __pfconfig call is used to change its default behavior of console logging to file logging, remote logging or custom logging, depending on the value provided in dataCollector; possible configurations are documented below in this document.

  • __pfenabled(bucketKey: string): boolean - returns true if logging and profiling for the bucket with the specified key is enabled, otherwise returns false.

  • __pfbegin(bucketKey: string, key: string, text: string): object - starts a new profiling hit and returns a handle for that hit; the handle must be followed by exactly one __pfend call for that handle to collect and log the hit's data, otherwise the hit point will be reported continuously as open (unfinished).

  • __pfend(hit, postfix: string): void - finalizes a profiling hit by calculating the statistics and logging the result; postfix is appended to the text from the __pfbegin before printing the text.

  • __pfflush(): void - NOT IMPLEMENTED - synchronously flushes the current queue guaranteeing that all log data has been written to a persistent storage.

  • __pf - an object holding the current state of the profiler and several helper functions and properties:

    • __pf.FileLogger -
    • __pf.createFileLogger() -
    • __pf.createDataCollectorServer() -
    • __pf.createDataCollectorHttpProxy() -
    • __pf.utility.getKeysText(value) -
    • __pf.utility.stripStringify(obj, stripFieldPaths) -
    • __pf.utility.stripStringifyArray(arr, stripFieldPaths) -
    • __pf.EVerbosity - - __pf.osResourceStats.avgCpu10sec - OS CPU average for 10 s time window; - __pf.osResourceStats.avgCpu1min - OS CPU average for 1 min time window; - __pf.osResourceStats.avgCpu5min - OS CPU average for 5 min time window; - __pf.osResourceStats.avgCpu15min - OS CPU average for 15 min time window; - __pf.osResourceStats.psCpuUsage - {system: 0, user: 0} or the return value of process.cpuUsage(), if this method is supported; - __pf.osResourceStats.psMemUsage - the return value of process.memoryUsage(); - __pf.osResourceStats.psUptime - the return value of process.uptime(), - __pf.osResourceStats.osUptime - the return value of os.uptime(),
    • __pf.Profiler.instance - the actual instance of the profiler,


Here is a very simple NodeJS application implementing a single profiling hit point:

const { __pf, __pfconfig, __pfenabled, __pfbegin, __pfend } = require("raw-profiler");
const _sleep = ms => new Promise(f => setTimeout(f, ms));

async function test()
    let hit, err;
    if (__pfenabled())
        hit = __pfbegin("TEST BUCKET", "User [_id, active]", "profiling hit text");
        //  although _sleep is never exptected to throw an exception, this code is provided as a template for real-world profiling scenarios and demonstrates exception logging nevertheless
        await _sleep(1000);
    catch (ex)
        err = ex;
    if (__pfenabled())
        const postfix = err ? "; error=" + err : "";
        hit = __pfend(hit, postfix);


Setup for Local Console Logging

Appropriate for simple profiling scenarios with a single bucket.

In the application main file (e.g. app.js), add


Setup for Local Logging to the File System

Appropriate for profiling scenarios with multiple buckets under lower server loads.

In the application main file (e.g. app.js), add

__pfconfig({logger: __pf.FileLogger, flushDelayMs: 4000});

//	will use __pf.FileLogger and store the profiler output in the ~/__pflogs directory; will flush the output 4 seconds after a new entry has been enqueued to an empty log queue
//  with a constant flow of logging data, `flushDelayMs: 4000` will effectively cause the file system logger to flush the accumulated data roughly every 4 seconds

To create a file logger with custom params, use

__pfconfig({logger: __pf.createFileLogger(
	sourceKey: "MyAppInstance",
	logDirectory: "/var/logs/raw-profiler",
	maxLogSizeBytes: 1024 * 1024,
	maxArchiveSizeBytes: 200 * 1024 * 1024,

//  will store the profiler output in the /var/logs/raw-profiler/MyAppInstance directory
//  the output won't be delayed but will be still written by a `setTimeout(..., 0)` callback
//  will monitor the total size of all *.log files, generated by the current profiling session
//      when the total size exceeds 1024 * 1024 bytes (1Mb), all accumulated *.log files will be moved to a zip-file
//  will monitor the total size of all *.zip files in the archive directory
//      when the total size exceeds 200 * 1024 * 1024 bytes (200Mb), the oldest archive files will be removed so that the total archive size is less than maxArchiveSizeBytes

Setup For Remote Logging

Appropriate for profiling scenarios with heavy server loads.

In the application main file (e.g. app.js), add

__pfconfig({dataCollector: __pf.createDataCollectorHttpProxy("http:", "node1"), requestTimeoutMs: 5000});

//	will proxy the stats to a remote server
//  will timeout outgoing logging requests in 5000 ms (default is 2000 ms)
//	the remote server will append "-node1" to the name of the subdirectory that will strore the logs from this particular application instance
//	    allowing one logging server to collect data from many application running instances

To start the remote profiling data collector server, create a new app.js file, like this

__pf.createDataCollectorServer({host: "<ip/host to listen on>", port: 9666, flushDelayMs: 300}).run();  //  adjust the port and flushDelayMs values by your preference

In order to perform custom feed source detection, run the remote profiling data collector server like this

 __pf.createDataCollectorServer({host: "<ip/host to listen on>", port: 9666, flushDelayMs: 300}).run(function(req, res)  //  adjust the port and flushDelayMs values by your preference
    return req.headers["x-forwarded-for"] ||
        req.headers["x-real-ip"] ||
        req.connection.remoteAddress ||
        req.socket.remoteAddress ||

You may need to run npm install before the server starts successfully.

Automatic Log File Compression and Archiving with Local Profiling

Intensive profling tends to generate huge logs, which could easily reach gigabytes per hour in production environments. Enabling the automatic log file compression and archiving mitigates this effect to some extent.

To enable the automatic log file compression and archiving for local profiling, specify the maxLogSizeBytes parameter for the file logger (0 - disabled; > 0 - enabled). In the application main file (e.g. app.js), add

__pfconfig({logger: __pf.createFileLogger({maxLogSizeBytes: 1024 * 1024}), flushDelayMs: 4000});

//  will monitor the total size of all *.log files, generated by the current profiling session
//      when the total size exceeds 1024 * 1024 bytes (1Mb), all accumulated *.log files will be moved to a zip-file

The file logger may be instructed to store the raw log files in a custom directory by providing an absolute path or a path, relative to the home directory of the user who runs the app:

__pfconfig({logger: __pf.createFileLogger({logDirectory: "/var/logs/raw-profiler", maxLogSizeBytes: 1024 * 1024}), flushDelayMs: 4000});

The file logger is able to prevent the total archive size from exceeding a certain value (by automatically deleting oldest archive (*.zip) files):

__pfconfig({logger: __pf.createFileLogger({logDirectory: "/var/logs/raw-profiler", maxLogSizeBytes: 1024 * 1024, maxArchiveSizeBytes: 10 * 1024 * 1024}), flushDelayMs: 4000});

//	will set the max uncompressed log size to 1Mb
//	will set the max archive size to 10Mb

Automatic Log File Compression and Archiving with Remote Profiling

See also the previous section. The automatic log file compression and archiving is enabled by default on the profiling data collector server, with maxLogSizeBytes set to 200Mb.

To change the maxLogSizeBytes value, create the profiling data collector server app.js file using:

__pf.createDataCollectorServer({host: "<ip/host to listen on>", port: 9666, flushDelayMs: 300, maxLogSizeBytes: 500 * 1024, maxArchiveSizeBytes: 10 * 1024 * 1024}).run();

//	will set the max uncompressed log size to 500Kb
//	will set the max archive size to 10Mb

The profiling data collection server may be instructed to store the raw log files in a custom directory by providing an absolute path or a path, relative to the home directory of the user who runs the app:

__pf.createDataCollectorServer({host: "<ip/host to listen on>", port: 9666, flushDelayMs: 300, logDirectory: "/var/logs/raw-profiler"}).run();

//	will use /var/logs/raw-profiler to store current log files

Placing Profiling Hit Points In Code

In the code, use __pfbegin and __pfend to profile

let hit = __pfbegin("bucketKey1", "key1" [, "text"]);
... //	synchronous or asynchronous code
hit = __pfend(hit [, " append to text"]);

Use if(__pfenabled()) {... /* profiling code */ } to prevent large portions of profiling code from executing when profiling is disabled (usually code that builds profiler keys), e.g.

let hit, err;
    const sb = [];
    hit = __pfbegin("CRUD", sb.toString(" "), "query=" + query);
    err = ex;
    hit = __pfend(hit, err ? "; error=" + err : "");

Use if(__pfenabled("<bucketKey>")) to check if a specific bucket is enabled.

To aid building schema-specific profiling keys for _pfbegin, use

const keysText = __pf.utility.getKeysText(data);   //	if data == {a: 1, b: {c: 1}}, keysText will be "a,b"

keysText can be appended to profiling keys to add schema specificity, for Ex., when profiling CRUD operations, one could build the profiling key by combining the db operation type (read, insert...), the db collection name and a keysText based on the query, e.g.:

"READ calendar_event [event_type,user]"

_pfbegin may be used also for logging. To strip sensitive data from a javascript object you would like to append to the log, you can use __pf.utility.stripStringify(obj, stripFieldNames):

__pf.utility.stripStringify(data, ["password", "deletedObject.password"]);

This function accepts both objects and arrays as its first argument. It sets all designated fields to "(stripped by raw-profiler)" and returns a JSON.stringify of the object. __pf.utility.stripStringify does not modify the original object.

Enabling and Disabling the Profiler (file: __pfenable)

The profiler can be enabled and disabled without restarting the application server. To enable profiling, create the file ~/__pfenable on the application server, to disable profiling, delete/rename the file ~/__pfenable.

Changing Profiler Preferences at Runtime (file: __pfconfig)

The profiler's runtime preferences are loaded from the ~/__pfconfig file. To edit the runtime preferences use the command

nano ~/__pfconfig

Sample config file:

	"sortColumn": "totalMs",
	"archivePath": "/media/archive",
	"verbosity": "brief",
			"enabled": false,
			"sortColumn": "total",

The following configuration fields are supported both as global configuration at config json's root and for separate buckets:

  • sortColumn - specifies the key of the stats table column to perform sorting on. sortColumn must be a name of a numeric data column, one of the following:

      maxMs -> default
  • archivePath - points to the directory where the log archive zip-files will be stored. When the field is not specified, the zip-files are created in the same directory as the log files. In order to save newly created zip-files to another location, provide as a value an absolute path or a path that is relative to the home directory of the user who runs the application.

  • verbosity - defines the level of output verbosity. The possible values are enumerated in __pf.EVerbosity:

    	- `__pf.EVerbosity.Full = "full" -> default` - will print full profiling stats for each profiling hit
    	- `__pf.EVerbosity.Brief = "brief"` - will print tables with summary and info only for the current profiling hit key
    	- `__pf.EVerbosity.Log = "log"` - won't print tables, only timestamped titles
  • buckets - provides control over which buckets are enabled for logging and lets you override per bucket the default sorting column preference:

    				"enabled": false,
    				"sortColumn": "total",

By default all buckets are enabled, and all buckets use the default sorting column.

The changes in the preferences from ~/__pfconfig will apply on the next profiling hit.


  • Enable profiling for the first time (works only on the application server)

    		user@appServer$ touch ~/__pfenable
  • Disable profiling (works only on the application server)

    		user@appServer$ mv ~/__pfenable ~/__pfenable.not
  • Reenable profiling (works only on the application server)

    		user@appServer$ mv ~/__pfenable.not ~/__pfenable
  • Monitor bucket output with local profiling

    		user@appServer$ watch cat ~/__pflogs/bucketKey1.now
  • See full profiling history with local profiling

    		user@appServer$ less ~/__pflogs/bucketKey1.log
    		user@appServer$ less ~/__pflogs/<timestamp>-bucketKey1.log       # with automatic log file compression and archiving
  • Change current sorting column with local profiling

    		user@appServer$ nano ~/__pfconfig


  • Monitor bucket output with remote profiling

    		user@profilingServer$  watch cat ~/__pflogs/<app-server-ip>-<source-key>/bucketKey1.now
  • See full profiling history with remote profiling

    		user@profilingServer$ less ~/__pflogs/<app-server-ip>-<source-key>/bucketKey1.log
    		user@profilingServer$ less ~/__pflogs/<app-server-ip>-<source-key>/<timestamp>-bucketKey1.log       # with automatic log file compression and archiving
  • Change current sorting column with remote profiling

    		user@profilingServer$ $ nano ~/__pfconfig


  • key - unique profiling key; stats are collected per profiling key
  • count - the count of profile hits for the specified key; sorting column name: count
  • d. - "discrepancy". values other than 0 indicate incidents of a profiling hit point that has been hit, but never ended (the corresponding __pfend has not been calld yet); the value represents the number of such pending hits; it's normal to see such indications from time to time appear and disappear; a problem could be recognized, if such indications last for longer times; sorting column name: discrepancy
  • minms - the shortest execution time for the specified key on record; sorting column name: minMs
  • avgms - the average execution time for the specified key since the profiling has started; sorting column name: avgMs
  • maxms - the longest execution time for the specified key on record; sorting column name: maxMs
  • totalms - the total execution time for the specified key since the profiling has started; sorting column names: totalSec, totalMs
  • max event time - the timepoint at which the value from maxms was recorded
  • CPU% - the load of the OS CPU during the hit duration; if multiple CPUs are reported by the OS, the highest value is taken; it is normal for this value to be close to 100% - this means that during the profiling hit the application's main thread did not wait; sorting column name: avgCpu
  • minCPU% - the minimum OS CPU load, measured for the last 1 minute at the end of a profiling hit for the specified key (this value has no direct relation to the CPU% value); sorting column name: minAvgOsCpu
  • avgCPU% - the average OS CPU load, measured for the last 1 minute since the profiling has started for the specified key (this value has no direct relation to the CPU% value); sorting column name: avgAvgOsCpu
  • maxCPU% - the maximum OS CPU load, measured for the last 1 minute at the end of a profiling hit for the specified key (this value has no direct relation to the CPU% value); sorting column name: maxAvgOsCpu


The profiler counts all profiling hits globally (N) and locally (per profiling key, LN). It also keeps track of all currently open hits, i.e. hits that did start but did not end yet.

  • delta LN - how many other hits of the same profiling key occured during the current hit's lifespan
  • ->LN - the local hit count at the time the current hit started
  • LN-> - the local hit count at the time the current hit ended
  • delta N - how many other hits of any profiling key occured during the current hit's lifespan
  • ->N - the global hit count at the time the current hit started
  • N-> - the global hit count at the time the current hit ended
  • delta open - the delta between the ->open and open-> values
  • ->open - how many hits have stared but haven't ended when the current hit started
  • open-> - how many hits have stared but haven't ended when the current hit ended
  • duration - the duration of the current profiling hit
  • CPU% - the average OS CPU load during profiling hit's execution (100% is ok, this means that the application hasn't waited during the hit); this value is not indicative of the performance of the code being profiled by the current profiling hit point


  • All file paths used by the profiler are relative to the home directory of the user who runs the application.
  • All functions used for profiling are synchronous (__pfbegin, __pfend, __pfenabled).
  • Writing logs is asynchronous (no thread blocking with IO operations).
  • Use multiple profiling buckets to split the profiler output into separate tables / files.
  • Disabling the profiler by deleting/renaming the file ~/__pfenable will retain all profiling stats and won't delete the *.log and *.now files. Enabling the profiler will continue from where it left off.
  • Enabling and disabling the profiler via ~/__pfenable works only on the application server and not on the remote data collector server. On the remote data collector server the ~/__pfenable file is ignored.
  • With local profiling, the loggers use the sorting column, specified in ~/__pfconfig on the application server.
  • With remote profiling, the loggers use the sorting column, specified in ~/__pfconfig on the remote data collector server (in which case the app server sorting column preference is ignored).
  • Multiple applications/node instances can feed towards the same data collector server; different sources will be differentiated based on the feed source server's IP, combined with the feed source server's sourceKey setting.
  • When the automatic log file compression and archiving is enabled, the naming of the log files changes from ~/__pflogs/[<app-server-ip>-<source-key>/]bucketKey1.log to ~/__pflogs/[<app-server-ip>-<source-key>/]<timestamp>-bucketKey1.log. The timestamp is regenerated every time the current log files are moved to a zip file. The zip file names correspond to the timestamp of the archived log files and can be used for sorting (zip-files with larger numbers in names are generated later).
  • When the automatic log file compression and archiving is enabled, orphaned log files are archived automatically - hit the logs directory is periodically checked for *.log files with a time stamp in the name that does not match the current time stamp; all such files are zipped to a file named <timestamp>-orphaned.zip and deleted.
  • The profiler rereads the configuration file on every profiling hit but no more than once every 5 seconds.

  • When included, the profiler starts its own system and process resources monitoring timer with resolution 5s. The collected stats are used profiling, but are also available at any time via __pf.osResourceStats:

    	- `__pf.osResourceStats.avgCpu10sec` - OS CPU average for 10 s time window;
    	- `__pf.osResourceStats.avgCpu1min` - OS CPU average for 1 min time window;
    	- `__pf.osResourceStats.avgCpu5min` - OS CPU average for 5 min time window;
    	- `__pf.osResourceStats.avgCpu15min` - OS CPU average for 15 min time window;
    	- `__pf.osResourceStats.psCpuUsage` - {system: 0, user: 0} or the return value of process.cpuUsage(), if this method is supported;
    	- `__pf.osResourceStats.psMemUsage` - the return value of process.memoryUsage();
    	- `__pf.osResourceStats.psUptime` - the return value of process.uptime(),
    	- `__pf.osResourceStats.osUptime` - the return value of os.uptime(),

All values are updated every 5 seconds. Using cached values prevents the nodejs process from exhausting available file descriptors on extremely heavy server loads (every sytem/process resource check is done by reading from a /proc/ or /sys/ or /dev/* file). Because of the caching, the RAM deltas reported in log files are no more precise (the 5s update resolution is way too large for a typical profiling hit), but can be informative when profiling long-lasting processes.

  • The data collection proxy accept a second parameter: sourceKey. If sourceKey is set, the data collection server will append a stripped version of this string to the logging subdirectory, e.g. it will use instead of the plain

  • Adds a parameter logRequestArchivingModulo to __pf.createFileLogger (with default value 25) and __pf.createDataCollectorServer (with default value 100). This value causes the file logger to try to archivate current log files on every logRequestArchivingModulo-th logging request rather than on every logging request (previous behavior).

  • Adds automatic orphaned log file archiving (only if archiving is enabled) - on every profiling hit the logs directory is checked for *.log files with a time stamp in the name that does not match the current time stamp; all such files are moved to an archive named <timestamp>-orphaned.zip.

  • The __pf* public methods never throw exceptions (but log all exceptions to the console).


  • Documentation - Better documentation structure (add separate sections for every major component) - Add a "HOW TO EXTEND" documentation topic.
    • Convert the NOTES section to elaborate documentation.
  • Known problems - Orphaned file archives can have too recent time signatures in the names.


MIT/X Consortium License (see the included LICENSE file).


Send bug reports and suggestions to daniel@falael.com.


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