0.1.5 • Published 5 years ago

rdata v0.1.5

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5 years ago


Turn javascript data into extended EventEmitter.

An edata is an EventEmitter with .value (getter/setter), and helper methods to manipulate it.

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npm i -S edata


<script src="https://unpkg.com/edata"></script>
    // edata is a global


- Initialize edata

import edata from 'edata'
const edataFactory = edata({})
// build edata model object
const model = edataFactory({
    age: 20,
    firstName: 'Hello',
    lastName: 'World',
    address: {
        city: 'Earth'

model and everything inside is an edata (an EventEmitter with .value), so

edata = EventEmitter + '.value'

the edata.value is a getter/setter

model.value.firstName.value  // get: firstName
model.value.firstName.value = ''  // set: firstName

use edata.on to listen on value changes

model.value.firstName.on('data', newVal=>{
    console.log('First Name changed to: ' + newVal)

model.value.firstName.value = 'Hi'
//[console] First Name changed to: Hi

get an edata from path

const city = model.get('address.city')
//instead of:
// const city = model.value.address.value.city
city.value = 'Earth'

every edata is an EventEmitter, so

model.get('address.city').on('data', newVal=>console.log('new value:', newVal))
model.set('address', {city: 'Mars'})  // set to address.city, same as above!

model.unwrap('address')  // flatten: {city: 'Earth'}
model.unset('address')   // delete model.address

model.unwrap() // flatten all: {age: 20, firstName: 'Hello', lastName: 'World'}

Notice all edata object has default valueOf function that returns value, so below are same:

model.get('age').value + 10  // 30

// same as:
model.get('age') + 10  // 30

- Observe model changes

The root model has a change attribute, which is also an edata, you can callback for every changes.

observe changes of model

const onDataChange = ({data, type, path})=>{
    console.log('data mutated:', path, type, data.unwrap())
model.change.on('data', onDataChange)
model.set('address.city', 'Mars')
// [console] data mutated: [ 'address', 'city' ] add Mars
model.get('address.city').value = 'Earth'
// [console] data mutated: [ 'address', 'city' ] change Earth
// [console] data mutated: [ 'address', 'city' ] delete Earth

to stop, you can .off the event any time!

model.change.off('data', onDataChange)

- Define Data Relations

You can define data relations using setComputed, as below:

const firstName = model.get('firstName')
const lastName = model.get('lastName')
// set fullName = firstName + ' ' + lastName
    ['firstName', 'lastName'],
    (a, b) => a + ' ' + b
model.get('fullName').on('data', val => console.log(val))
firstName.value = 'Green'
// [console] Green World

// {firstName:'Green', lastName:'World', fullName:'Green World'}

- Use in React

const model = edata()({user: {name: 'earth'}})

class App extends React.Component {
        const {model} = this.props
        this.state = model.unwrap()
        // init: {name: 'earth'}
        this.onInputChange = e => {
            const {name, value} = e.target
            model.set(name, value)
        this.onModelChange = ({data, type, path})=>{
                [path]: data.value

        model.change.on('data', this.onModelChange)
        model.change.off('data', this.onModelChange)
        const {model} = this.props
        const userName = model.unwrap('name')
        return <div>
            <h3>Hello {userName}</h3>
            <input name='name' value={userName} onChange={this.onInputChange} />

ReactDOM.render(<App model={model.slice('user')} />, app)

You can play with the demo here


- import edata, {DefaultClass} from 'edata'

The lib expose a default edata function to use

The DefaultClass can be used for sub-class your own implemention of edata.

You can extends this class to add your own methods:

class MyedataClass extends DefaultClass {
        // do sth.


Be careful when using above class keyword, by default, you have to transpile your code to ES5 to run correctly.

If you need to use class without transpile, you should import edata/dist/node, or edata/dist/es, the different between the two is the node version use native events package for EventEmitter.

- edataFactory = edata(options)

the edataFactory is used to turn data into wrapped_edata.

A wrapped_edata is an edata with some helper methods, like get, set etc., so

wrapped_edata = EventEmitter + '.value' + '.get' + '.set' ...

options has below options:

  • WrapClass: Default implementation is here
  • unwrapConfig: when unwrap, you can add default config
  • addMethods: You can add your own API with this option

return: function(data) -> wrapped_edata

import edata, {DefaultClass} from 'edata'
class MyedataClass extends DefaultClass {
    map(fn) {
        this.on('data', fn)
        return () => this.off('data', fn)
var edataFactory = edata({
    WrapClass: MyedataClass
const root1 = edataFactory(data1)
const root2 = edataFactory(data2)

- root = edataFactory(data: any)

the above code example, root is a wrapped_edata, with all nested data wrapped.

return: wrapped_edata for data

root.change is also an edata object, you can listen to data event for children changes.

Any data inside root is a wrapped_edata, and may be contained by {} or [] edata object, keep the same structure as before.

Any wrapped_edata have root and path propperties, get, set, ... helper functions.

var root = edataFactory({x: {y: {z: 1}}})

- wrapped_edata.get(path: string|string[])

get nested wrapped data from path, path is array of string or dot(".") seperated string.

return: wrapped_edata at path

var z = root.get('x.y.z')
// or
var z = root.get(['x','y','z'])
z.value // 2
z.value = 10

- wrapped_edata.slice(path: string|string[], filter?: ({data, type, path}):boolean, from = root)

get nested wrapped data from path, and attach a change edata object to it that filtered from (from||root).change edata object, the default filter is to test if the root.path starts with path.

return: wrapped_edata, which have a .change edata object

The wrapped_edata.change edata object's value has path property to reflect the sub path of the sliced data.

var xy = root.slice('x.y')
xy.change.on('data', ({data, type, path})=>console.log(type, path))
xy.set('z', 1)
// x.y changed! ['z']

- wrapped_edata.context(path: string|string[])

Roughly the opposite to slice, context find model from closest parent, with matching path using RegExp.

Passing "" will return root model.

return: wrapped_edata or undefined if not find

var xy = root.get('x.y')
var x = xy.context('x')  // get closest x

- wrapped_edata.set(path?: string|string[], value?: any, descriptor?: object)

set nested wrapped data value from path, same rule as get method. The descriptor only applied when path not exists.

return: wrapped_edata for value, at path

path can contain a.[3] alike string denote 3 is an array element of a.

value can be any data types, if path is omitted, set value into wrapped_edata itself.

If value is a edata object, then it's an atom data, which will not be wrapped inside.

descriptor is optional, same as 3rd argument of Object.defineProperty, this can e.g. create non-enumerable edata object which will be hidden when unwrap.

If data not exist in path, all intermediate object will be created.

var z = root.set('x.a', 10)
z.value  // 10

// same as: (only if x.a exits)
root.get('x.a').value = 10

var z = root.set('x.c', [], {enumerable: false})  // c is non-enumerable
Object.keys( z.get('x').value )  // ['a']

root.unwrap()  // {x: {y: {z: 1}}, a: 10}  // `c` is hidden!

root.set(`arr.[0]`, 10)
root.get('arr.0').value  // 10

root.unwrap()  // {x: {y: {z: 1}}, a: 10, arr:[10]}  // `arr` is array!

- wrapped_edata.getset(path?: string|string[], function(prevValue:wrappedData|any, empty?: boolean)->newValue, descriptor: object)

like set, but value is from a function, it let you set value based on previous value, the descriptor only applied when empty is true.

return: wrapped_edata for newValue, at path

// x.a = 10
var z = root.getset('x.a', val=>val + 1)
z.value  // 11

- wrapped_edata.ensure(invalid?: (val:wrapped):boolean, path: string|string[], value?: any, descriptor?: object)

like set, but only set when the path not exists or invalid test true for the path, otherwise perform a get operation.

The invalid test more like a set then get when specified.

return: wrapped_edata at path

var z = root.ensure('x.a', 5)
// x.a exists, so perform a get, `5` ignored
z.value  // 11

var z = root.ensure('x.b', 5)
// x.b not exists, so perform a `set`
z.value  // 5

// ensure `a.b` always >= 10
root.ensure(val=>val<10, 'x.b', 10).unwrap() //10

- wrapped_edata.unset(path: string|string[])

delete wrapped_edata or value in path

*return: deleted data been unwrapped*

var z = root.unset('x.b')
z // 5

- wrapped_edata.unwrap(path?: string|string[], config?: {json: true})

unwrap data and nested data while keep data structure, any level of wrapper on any data will be stripped.

If set config arg with {json: true}, then any circular referenced data will be set undefined, suitable for JSON.stringify.

If set config arg with {map: value=>...}, then the final value is first mapped, then returned, and the return value of unwrapConfig will be merged into this config.

return: unwrapped data

var z = root.unwrap()

z // {x: {y: {z: 11}}, a: [10]},   x.c is hidden

- wrapped_edata.setMany(kvMap: object, descriptors?: object)

multiple set key and value from kvMap, and find descriptor from descriptors with the key.

return: object with same key, and each value is result of set()

root.unwrap() // {a:10, x:20, y:30}
root.unwrap() // {a:10, x: 1, y:2}

- wrapped_edata.getMany(pathMap: object|string[]|string, mapFunc?:(val: IWrappedData|undefined)=>any)

multiple get each path from pathMap(can be array/object/string), and map each value with mapFunc as result.

return: result data with same shape as pathMap

root.unwrap() // {a:10, x:20, y:30}
root.getMany(['x', 'y'])  // [20, 30]

- wrapped_array.push(value: any)

push new value into wrapped data when it's array, all the inside will be wrapped.

return: newly pushed wrapped_edata

var z = root.set('d', [])
z.push({v: 10})
z.get('d.0.v').value  // 10

- wrapped_array.pop()

pop and unwrap last element in wrapped array.

return: unwrapped data in last array element

var z = root.ensure('d', [])
z.get('d').pop()  // {v: 10}