0.1.6 • Published 1 year ago

rds-cli v0.1.6

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1 year ago


This AWS CDK project is designed to save time and reduce duplicated work when provisioning Amazon RDS instances. It automates the creation of AWS resources such as RDS secrets for CI, APP, and Readonly users, security groups, RDS proxy security groups, RDS proxy role, RDS database instance, RDS proxy, and RDS proxy target group. Additionally, the project provides output of the database related endpoints and names.


Before you can use this AWS CDK project, you must have the following prerequisites installed and configured:

  • Node.js and npm

You must also have appropriate AWS credentials configured on your system.


Clone this repository to your local machine. Navigate to the root directory of the project in your terminal or command prompt. Run npm install to install the project dependencies.

The cdk.json file tells the CDK Toolkit how to execute your app.


RDS-CLI repo

Modify the properties of the RdsStackProps interface to match your desired configuration for the RDS instance. Save the file.

In your terminal or command prompt, run the following command to provision the RDS instance:

cdk deploy

This will deploy the RDS instance and associated resources to your AWS account.

When the deployment is complete, the AWS CloudFormation console will display the output values for the stack. These values will include the endpoint and name of the RDS instance and other relevant information.

Other repos

  1. Install rds-cli npm module

run npm install rds-cli

  1. Provisioning the rds resources with specified DB, TIER, SIZE

run DB=fracture-segmentation TIER=t2 SIZE=small ENVIRONMENT=test rds

CDK_DEFAULT_REGION and CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT are read from the current aws credential. To run it locally, both of the environment variable are required.


When you are finished with the RDS instance, you can remove it from your AWS account to avoid incurring additional charges. To do this, run the following command in your terminal or command prompt:

cdk destroy

This will remove all resources associated with the stack.

Useful commands

  • npm run build compile typescript to js
  • npm run watch watch for changes and compile
  • npm run test:coverage perform the jest unit tests with coverage output
  • npm run test perform the jest unit tests
  • npm run audit check audit
  • npm run audit:fix fix audit
  • npm run lint check lint error
  • npm run lint:fix auto fix general lint error
  • npm run pretty:check check the code format
  • npm run pretty:fix code prettier
  • npm run ci check code style, lint error and audit issue
  • npm run patch-release release the command rds-cli
  • cdk list the ckd commands
  • cdk deploy deploy this stack to your default AWS account/region
  • cdk diff compare deployed stack with current state
  • cdk synth emits the synthesized CloudFormation template

Naming conventions

Given {pascalDbName : 'CdkTestDb', snakeDbName : 'cdk-test-db'}

AWS::SecretsManager::Secretcdk-test-db-test-RDS-ReadonlySecretusername: CdkTestDb_readonly, password: uuidv4, ssmUsername:/rds/cdk-test-db/test/readonly/username, ssmPassword:/rds/cdk-test-db/test/readonly/username
AWS::SecretsManager::Secretcdk-test-db-test-RDS-CISecretusername: CdkTestDb_ci, password: uuidv4, ssmUsername:/rds/cdk-test-db/test/ci/username, ssmPassword:/rds/cdk-test-db/test/ci/username
AWS::SecretsManager::Secretcdk-test-db-test-RDS-AppSecretusername: CdkTestDb_app, password: uuidv4, ssmUsername:/rds/cdk-test-db/test/app/username, ssmPassword:/rds/cdk-test-db/test/app/username
AWS::RDS::DBInstancecdk-test-db-testDBName: cdktestdbtest DBInstanceIdentifier: cdk-test-db-test, MasterUsername: CdkTestDb_ci, MasterUserPassword: uuidv4
OutputsCdkTestDbDatabaseProxy, CdkTestDbDatabaseHost,CdkTestDbDatabasePort,CdkTestDb`DatabaseName

8 digits will be added to resource name to make sure it's global unique


  1. Fn:Import value doesn't work properly in AWS-CDK, to resolve the problem, we would need to read the data from ssm or read from stack details
  2. RdsProxy IAMAuth is attached to Proxy rather than DBSecrets, so we can't have different IAMAuth configuration for the secrets under the RdsProxy. To resolve the issue, we override the generated raw CF (This approach can deal with most of the scenarios where the cdk lib's output mismatch the CF configuration).
  3. To create the credential and put it into ssm, we would need to check its existence, fetch ssm will throw an exception and terminate the deployment processes even if we captured the exception. To avoid the exception being thrown, we have to read the parameter describes to check existence.
  4. DBProxyTargetGroup deployment can't be processed successfully when the proxy is added to rds instance. To resolve the issue, the connection has to be bind explicitly. https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/8919, https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/pull/12953


To make it more usable, we could potentially enhance the index.js file to support the optional arguments with echo

To support more features, we can create a new cli command line

"bin": {
	"rds": "bin/index.js"
	"ssm": "bin/ssm.js"


This AWS CDK project can save you significant time and effort when provisioning Amazon RDS instances. It automates the creation of resources and provides output values that can be used to configure your applications to use the new RDS instance. By using this project, you can quickly and easily provision RDS instances without having to manually create and configure each resource.