0.6.0 • Published 7 years ago

react-animate-out v0.6.0

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Last release
7 years ago


Unmounts a component after a CSS animation completes.

This component manages the mounting of a component by relying entirely on CSS animation events which provides DRY-ness and performance advantages. As such, it does not support IE9 and requires React v15 or later.


ReactCSSTransitionGroup is overkill for a single component and requires you to re-define animation timings that you may already have defined in your CSS, leading to potential errors.


$ npm install react-animate-out


If we have a CSS class called "component-leave" and that uses a keyframe animation called "anim-close", we can apply AnimateOut to a DisplayElement component using the following logic:

import AnimateOut from 'react-animate-out'

const Module = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function() {
    return {
      showChild: true

  removeChild: function() {
    this.setState({showChild: false})

  render: function(props) {
    return (
      <AnimateOut showing={this.state.showChild} complete={this.removeChild}>

function DisplayElement(props) {
  // onAnimationEnd will only be defined if we wrap DisplayElement with AnimateOut
  return (
    <div className={(props.leaving ? 'component-leave' : '')}
      onAnimationEnd={props.onAnimationEnd ?
       props.onAnimationEnd.bind(null, 'anim-close') :
      Your content...
.component-leave {
  animation-duration: 0.3s;
  animation-fill-mode: forwards;
  animation-name: anim-close;

@keyframes anim-close {
  0% { opacity: 1; }
  100% { opacity: 0; transform: scale3d(0.9, 0.9, 1); }

You can of course add an enter animation as you would do normally and use AnimateOut with CSS Modules.


Props accepted:

  • showing is a boolean dictating if the children should mount and should usually be tied to a state
  • complete is a function called immeditaly to request switching showing to false -- when AnimatOut has processed a close call and has taken over mounting temporarily to complete the animation. If your modal has a single possible action, this is also where you can process it.

Props passed to the child element:

  • onAnimationEnd -- to properly notify of the leave animation end, bound this function with the name of your leave animation name and call it in the onAnimationEnd callback of the element of the children component bearing the animation
  • close -- calling this function will trigger the leave animation and call to complete
  • leaving is a boolean determining that the leave animation is in progress -- you can use this to display the leaving animation


Assuming the child component is a modal,

action                show modal        close -﹁ (calls complete)
                           |              |     ˅
showing (boolean)  false   `->  true      |   false
leaving (boolean)  false        false     `-> true     false
Modal              unseen       showing       leaving    | (on animation end)
CSS Animaton                    show          leave -----/

showing is managed by the application using AnimateOut, leaving is managed by AnimateOut. Complete is called immediatly to minimize delays in the application and prioritize user experience, if your complete action must necessarily unmount the AnimateOut itself, then don't use an animation or AnimateOut, just manage mounting as such:

return (
  {showing &&
    <DisplayElement onClose={this.complete} />


Include full-scale integration tests that confirm behavior through the CSS api as well as through javascript unit testing.


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago