0.0.14 • Published 4 years ago

react-awesome-popups v0.0.14

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Last release
4 years ago

React Awesome Popups

A lightweight, extendable, fast performing, highly customizeable, production ready React Component that renders an animated set of popups.

See this project at NPM


Key Features

  • 60 FPS animated popups
  • Customizable animated transitions
  • Customizable colours
  • OnPress ripple effect
  • Look and feel customisable and extendable in two ways: via custom CSS stylesheet override or style prop which can be determined at runtime.

Live demo

Checkout the live demo at my web portfolio page.

You can run this demo locally on 3000 by: 1. Cloning this repository

`git clone https://github.com/JSANJ/react-awesome-popups.git`
  1. Navigate to the demo directory

    cd react-awesome-popups && cd demo

  2. Installing the dependencies in the demo directory

    npm install --dev

  3. Starting the demo

    npm start


npm install --save react-awesome-poups


AwesomePopupsContainer API

AwesomePopupsContainer.popup(component, animStates) Adds the popup component and starts the animation using the animStates start key.

  • component: (AwesomePopup) - popup component to be displayed
  • animStates: ({string: AnimState} object) - start and end keys are required.

returns: popupId (string)

AwesomePopupsContainer.close(popupId) Performs the close animation on the popup and removes it elegantly.

  • popupId: (string) - the ID of the popup acquired when added to the container.

AwesomePopupsContainer.remove(popupId) Removes the popup with the given popupId immediately.

  • popupId: (string) - the ID of the popup acquired when added to the container.

AwesomePopupsContainer.remove(popupId) Removes the popup with the given popupId immediately.

  • popupId: (string) - the ID of the popup acquired when added to the container.


stylestringnullRender this style object as the next transitioned animation
durationnumber0Sets the transition to last this long, also triggers the next state at the end
nextStateKeystringnullThe key of the next 'AnimState' in the 'AnimStates' object
unmountOnCompleteboolfalseShould unmount the component when the animation duration passes

AwesomePopupsContainer props

childrenanynullThe component's children to be rendered


AwesomePopup API (Internal)

AwesomePopup.queueState(newState) Updates the animation state and queues the next state.

  • newState: (AnimState) - an object containing the style, duration, and other animation parameters

AwesomePopup.startUnmount() Begins the unmounting of the component by starting the end animation state.

AwesomePopup.queueDelete(ms, popupId) Queues the unmounting of the component after a given delay in milliseconds.

  • ms: (number) - delay in milliseconds
  • popupId: (string) - ID of the popup to be sent to the container for unmounting

AwesomePopup.doDelete(popupId) Calls the onUnmount function of the popup. Also triggers the onEndComplete callback

  • popupId: (string) - ID of the popup to be sent to the container for unmounting

AwesomePopup props

onClickfunctionnullTriggered when the component is clicked
onStartfunctionnullTriggered when the component is mounted
onStartCompletefunctionnullTriggered when the component reaches its 'wait' animation
onEndfunctionnullTriggered when the component is beginning its removal
onEndCompletefunctionnullTriggered when the component is just about to be unmounted
popupIdstringgeneratedThis is a key added to the popup when inserted into the AwesomePopupsContainer
closeButtoncomponentautoAn object placed at the end of the container to trigger closing the popup when pressed
styleobjectnullAn object to add as the React css style of the component
typestringcustom( successwarningerrorinfoneutral ) Substring of the css style to be applied to the component
animStatesobjectnull{string:AnimState} key-value object for animating the component
childrenanynullThe component's children to be rendered


This is a {string:AnimStates} key-value object. Each 'AnimStates' is then a {string:AnimState} object clip: An AnimStates object for a default clipping animation fade: An AnimStates object for a default fade animation

ReactAwesomePopups basic example

Checkout this example live on the storyboard.

In the App.js File

import { AwesomePopupsContainer } from 'react-awesome-popups'

global.ReactAwesomePopups = new React.createRef();

function App(props) {
  return (
        <AwesomePopupsContainer ref={global.ReactAwesomePopups}/>

export default App;

Then in any other file, call the API

import { AwesomePopup } from 'react-awesome-popups'
    <AwesomePopup type="info">
        Hello there!

You can create a custom popup to override the AwesomePopup class

import { AwesomePopup } from 'react-awesome-popups'

class YourAwesomePopup extends AwesomePopup {
    startUnmount() {
        // New start unmount logic

Developer Installation

Establish git hooks link Navigate to project directory and run:

git config --local core.hooksPath git_hooks

Future Work

React Native Version

(In Progress)


Justin San Juan

  • Checkout my Full-Stack Web Developer Website
  • Other open source projects @ Code Laboratory
  • A scope of my work @ Web Developer Portfolio


MIT. Copyright (c) 2020 Justin San Juan.


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