0.1.6 • Published 8 years ago

react-basic-forms v0.1.6

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8 years ago


Yep. Another forms library for react. I just had to add my own to the never ending list of form libraries. This one aims at solving the very basic problem of a form - validation - while giving the developer full control over the form components. The only form component provided is a simple Input component, and is only meant as an example of how to use the Form API.

Usage example

import {Form, Input} from 'forms'

class App extends Component {

    render() {
        return Form({onSubmit: checkedState => {}, onChange: state => {}, validators: {
            equals: (value, pattern) => {
                if (value == pattern) {
                    return {valid: true}
                return {
                    valid: false,
                    error: `must equal ${pattern}`
            Input({id: 'name', validation: 'alphanumeric|min:10|equals:John|required'})



Wraps children in a form DOM element and provides its API via context to children components.



Called when any of the fields under the form change. The state of all fields is given as the first parameter. Fields will formatted as an object containing the following properties.

  • valid [boolean] - Weather the field has passed its validation or not.
  • errors [array] - An array of validation errors. Empty if all validation has passed.
  • value [any] - The input components proposed value.

The state object will have an additional property flatten() [function] that will flat-map all fields to equal their value property.

Fields will be in a namespace according to their id. For instance, a field with an id of user.firstname will yield a state tree of:

    user: {
        firstname: {
            valid: true/false,
            errors: [...],
            value: ''

Called when the form is submitted. Submitting the form first checks each fields match and required validation properties (If specified) and then returns an object with the following properties:

  • valid [boolean] - Weather all fields in the form have passed their respective validation requirements or not.
  • state [object] - The state of the form. Follows the above state pattern.

If you would like to specify your own validators, then you can provide them here. Accepts an object whose keys are the names of the validators and whose values are functions that must return a validation object. The validators get given a value as the first argument, and component specified validator properties as all following parameters. For instance, if a component defines a validation of min:20- then the min validator will be called with parameters value as the first argument and 20 as the second argument. The returned validation object should have the following properties:

  • valid [boolean] - Weather or not the validation passed.
  • error [string] - The error to add to the fields state.

Default validators include:

  • numeric - Can only contain numbers.
  • alphanumeric - Can contain both numbers and letters.
  • string - Cannot contain numbers.
  • min:x - Must contain at least x characters.
  • max:x - Must container less than x characters.
  • between:x:y - Must be between x and y characters long.
  • matches:id - Must contain the same value as the field belonging to id. (checked on form submission)
  • required - The field is required. (checked on form submission)
  • email - Must be a valid email address.
  • equals:x1:x2:x3... - Must contain the same value as one of the given parameters.

A utility method to allow access to the forms fields on call. This prop will be called with a getter function as its first argument. The getter function, when called, returns the current state of the form.

Here is an example of its usage:

class App extends Component {

    someMethod() {
        this.getFields() // The current state of the form

    render() {
        return Form({getFields: getter => this.getFields = getter},


The component facing API is provided via context. Children have access to it by adding form to their context.


Allows the component to register itself with the Form. Must provide an object containing the following properties:

  • id [string] - The id of the components. This property is used to identify the component in the forms state and must be unique. Required
  • validation [string] - The validation rules that should be applied to the component. Multiple validation rules can be separated with |. Optional
  • validators [object] - A collection of custom validators that the component might want to provide. These validators take preference over the default. Optional
  • isEmpty [function] - A function that must return true or false depending weather the field component has a value. When validating the form, the Form API expects field values to be strings. If your custom components provides some other value type, like an array or object, then you will need implement this function. Optional
onChange(id, value)

Notify the Form that the components value has changed. This validates the new value according to the validation pattern provided for the component and then updates the Forms state.

  • id - The unique id of the component.
  • value - The new value of the component.

Returns the formatted value of the component matching the provided id. (valid, errors, value)

validate(id, value)

Validate some value according to the component matching the provided id's validation pattern.


Fetch the forms entire field state.


Submit the form


Here is a basic example of a custom component and how to use the context API. This component is also provided along with the library.

import { Component, createElement as $, PropTypes } from 'react'

export default
class Input extends Component {

    static contextTypes = {
        form: PropTypes.object

    static propTypes = {
        id: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
        validation: PropTypes.string

    static defaultProps = {
        validation: ''

    componentWillMount() {
            id: this.props.id,
            validation: this.props.validation

    render() {
        const {id} = this.props
        const {form: {onChange, select}} = this.context

        return $('input', {...this.props, onChange: e => onChange(id, e.target.value), value: select(id).value || ''})


$ npm i
$ npm start

navigate to http://localhost:8080


8 years ago


8 years ago


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8 years ago