1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

react-bootstrap-country-select v1.0.0

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3 years ago

React Bootstrap Country Select   Tweet

License: MIT NPM version Required react version Issues npm bundle size

A country select component with flag icons for React Bootstrap.

Go to the demos page to see it in action.


yarn add react-bootstrap-country-select


npm install react-bootstrap-country-select


React Bootstrap must be installed and the Bootstrap CSS imported (or included).


In your index.js or similar:

import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'; // or include from a CDN
import 'react-bootstrap-country-select/dist/react-bootstrap-country-select.css';

Your component:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import CountrySelect from 'react-bootstrap-country-select';

const MyComponent = () => {

  const [ value, setValue ] = useState(null); 

  return (



  • Compatible with React Bootstrap v1.0.0+ and Bootstrap 4;
  • Implemented using standard React Bootstrap components;
  • Autosuggest: a list of matching countries is displayed when the input text changes;
  • Country data is provided;
  • Specific countries can be excluded and additional countries added;
  • Country flag icons;
  • onChange and onTextChange callbacks;
  • Custom sort and country list formatter functions;
  • Bootstrap small (sm) and large (lg) sizes are supported
  • Aligns horizontally with Bootstrap form controls;

Options (as React props)

valueobject | stringThe current value: a country object, country ID or null. See valueAs.
onChangefunctionA callback fired when a country is selected or unselected. The argument is the country object, country ID or null.
onTextChangefunctionA callback fired when the input text changes. The first argument is the text value and the second argument is the input's change event object.
countriesarrayAn array of country objects used to populate the country list. Provide this if you'd like to use your own countries data. A country object has the properties: id, name, flag, alpha2, alpha3 and ioc.
exclusionsarrayAn array of country IDs that defines the countries to be excluded from the country list.
additionsarrayAdditional countries in the same format as countries.
valueAsobject | idobjectDetermines if value is a country object or an ID string.
flagsbooleantrueFlags are displayed when true and not displayed when false.
flushbooleantrueWhen true the selected country flag appears in the input. When false it is rendered using <InputGroup.Text/>.
disabledbooleanfalseDisables the country select.
placeholderstring"Type or select country..."Placeholder text displayed in empty input.
noMatchesTextstring"No matches"The text displayed when no countries match the entered input text.
size'sm' | 'lg'Input size variants, for compatibility with other Bootstrap form components.
listMaxHeightnumberMaximum pixel height of the list overlay.
sortfunctionA custom sort function that determines the order of the country list. The function's two arguments country objects.
matchNameFromStartbooleantrueIf true autosuggest matches country names from the start of the string.
matchAbbreviationsbooleanfalseIf true autosuggest matches against alpha2, alpha3 and IOC abbreviations in addition to country names.
countryLabelFormatterfunctionA custom country list item formatter. The argument is a country object.
throwInvalidValueErrorbooleanfalseIf true an error is thrown if the provided value does not match a country.
<!--closeOnSelectbooleantrueIf true the list overlay will close when a country is selected. If false the list overlay will remain visible while the input is focused.-->
formControlPropsobjectProperties applied to the <FormControl/> input.
overlayPropsobjectProperties applied to the overlay <div> element that contains the country list.
classPrefixstring'country-select'Change the underlying component CSS base class name and modifier class names prefix. This is an escape hatch for working with heavily customized CSS.

For further documentation and live examples visit the website.

If you have a usage query or feature request please create an issue.


Copyright (c) 2020 Jason Wilson

MIT License


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