react-bootstrap-native-slider v2.0.1
React Bootstrap Native Slider
#PROJECT DEPRECATED# I am no longer updating this package. The code (without the native part) carries on as react-bootstrap-slider, which I am continuing to develop.
###Overview A ReactJS wrapper for the HTML5 input type="range" slider component, but using seiyria's Bootstrap Slider component as a polyfill where the HTML5 version is not available (IE 9) or otherwise suffers from a problematic implementation (any other version of IE).
###Background I like the HTML5 native range control, especially how easy it is manipulate via ReactJS, my current favourite JavaScript library.
Here's how the native JavaScript control is rendered in my plug-in:
render: function () {
return (
step={this.props.step} />
It's about as simple a rendering as you could want in React. You'd pass some props into your component, and render them as the corresponding attributes on the input field.
####Internet Explorer Problems The HTML5 slider control has problems on internet explorer: 1. It isn't supported on IE9 1. It's poorly implemented visually on IE10 and above. The part that you have to grab with your mouse, or finger on tablet, to actually slide the values is way too small, IMHO. (Check the oninput in IE11 video on this Impressive Webs article to see what I mean).
In the end, I made an executive decision in my React Bootstrap Slider component: I don't display the native HTML5 slider control on IE.
###How to use Install from npm with:
npm install --save react-bootstrap-native-slider
Require or import like so for ES6:
import ReactSliderNativeBootstrap from 'react-bootstrap-native-slider';
or like this for CommonJS:
var reactNativeBootstrapSliderObj = require('./react-native-bootstrap-slider.jsx');
var ReactNativeBootstrapSlider = reactNativeBootstrapSliderObj.ReactNativeBootstrapSlider;
The CommonJS syntax is a little more complicated because although CommonJS can handle a default export and named exports, unlike ES6 it cannot handle both at the same time. Note: this CommonJS syntax is a breaking change from version 1.0.3; sorry about that.
The control is implemented in UMD format, so should also work for AMD/RequireJS, but I've not tested that. You can also add it as a script tag.
Here's an example of how you might call it in your ReactJS's render method:
disabled="disabled" />
The value, step, max and min parameters should be self-explanatory. handleChange is the callback method that will be called when the slider actually changes. (NB: this is the onInput event for the native HTML5 control, and the "change" event for the Bootstrap slider.)
If the optional parameter disabled is included, and is set to "disabled", then the slider will display in a disabled state. If the parameter is not included, or is set to anything else except "disabled", then the slider control will be enabled.
####Forcing the Bootstrap or Native version all the time This package is basically a front-end for two other of my npm packages: react-html5-slider and react-bootstrap-slider. Install one or other of those packages, in preference to react-native-bootstrap-slider if you want to force of the native slider or the Bootstrap slider
##Development To develop, issue this command:
npm run start
then point your browser to http://localhost:8080/src/index.html. You need to edit the code in the /src folder. It will update in the browser automatically, courtesy via webpack-dev-server.
To build the distribution version, issue:
npm run build
The build JavaScript file will go on the /dist folder as react-native-bootstrap-slider.js. This is the main file for the project, which is used whenever this the react-bootstrap-native-slider package is loaded from npm.
To build the demo, issue:
npm run buildDemo
Wepback will build the JavaScript files for the demo in the /demo/js/ folder. Your code will go in the slider-bundle.min.js file. Any 3rd-party code (jQuery, Bootstrap etc) goes into the vendor.min.js file. Source maps are generated both.
Note: as of version 2.0.0, most of the heavy coding was devolved to two new npm packages: react-html5-slider and react-bootstrap-slider.
- Version 2.0.1: Nov 20 2016. Project deprecated in favour of react-bootstrap-slider. No actual code changes.
- Version 2.0.0: April 10 2016. Major rewrite. Moved most of code to two new npm packages: react-html5-slider and react-bootstrap-slider. This package is now a front-end to dynamically switch between those two.
- Version 1.1.6: April 9 2016. Changed to point to renamed Git repository. (No actual code changes.)
- Version 1.1.5: April 9 2016. Updated to React 15.