0.1.2 • Published 4 years ago
react-breakpoints-hook v0.1.2
yarn add react-breakpoints-hook
useBreakpoints configuration
// Configuration object consists of breakpoints names which have associated a min and a max value in pixels.
// Note: if max value is omitted it will be considered as the window width.
breakpointName1: {min: 0, max: 360},
breakpointName2: {min: 361, max: 960},
breakpointName3: {min: 961, max: 1400},
breakpointName4: {min: 1401, max: null},
breakpointName5: {min: 500, max: 1300},
useBreakpoints usage
// returns an object with corresponding boolean flags for each breakpoint, gets updated at rezise
let { xs, sm, md, lg } = useBreakpoints({
xs: {min: 0, max: 360},
sm: {min: 361, max: 960},
md: {min: 961, max: 1400},
lg: {min: 1401, max: null},
useCurrentWidth usage
// returns current width, gets updated at rezise
let width = useCurrentWidth();
import React from 'react';
import { useBreakpoints, useCurrentWidth } from 'react-breakpoints-hook';
const App = () => {
let width = useCurrentWidth();
let { xs, sm, md, lg } = useBreakpoints({
xs: {min: 0, max: 360},
sm: {min: 361, max: 960},
md: {min: 961, max: 1400},
lg: {min: 1401, max: null},
return (
{`Current width -> ${width}`}
{`Breakpoint: xs(${xs}) sm(${sm}) md(${md}) lg(${lg})`}
export default App;