1.0.1 • Published 3 years ago

react-changeset v1.0.1

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Last release
3 years ago

React Changeset

It provides a react hook on top of validated-changeset library (which is base library for ember-changeset)

It makes forms easy to handle

Quick Start

For full react form codesandbox example, view


  1. Check if form isValid, isDirty(changed), changes(what fieds are changed), errors(error messages) without any extra logic
  2. Define validations for each form field in declarative way (based on ember-changeset-validations)

Steps to use

  1. Define initial values of your form with all fields
const user = {
  name: '',
  email: '',
  password: '',
  confirmPassword: '',
  1. Pass it to changeset hook to get changeset
import { useChangeset, lookupValidator } from 'react-changeset';

// without validations
const userChangeset = useChangeset(user);

// with validations
const userChangeset = useChangeset(

Example validation map here

  1. Bind changeset to react form fields
  onChange={({ target }) => {
    userChangeset.set('name', target.value);
  1. Enjoy changeset features, like
  • Get only changed fields to send for PUT/PATCH request
  • Enable/Disable submit button
  disabled={!(userChangeset.isDirty && userChangeset.isValid)}
  • Show errors for each field
userChangeset.error.username && userChangeset.error.username.validation[0];

For complete changeset API, visit validated-changeset

For full react form example, view

Validation Map

// validations/user-form.js
import {
} from 'react-changeset';

const validationMap = {
  name: [validateLength({ min: 8 })],
  email: [validateFormat({ type: 'email' })],
  password: [validateLength({ min: 5 }), validatePresence(true)],
  confirmPassword: [validateConfirmation({ on: 'password' })],

export default validationMap;

Available Validation Functions


Validates presence/absence of a value.

  propertyName: validatePresence(true), // must be present
  propertyName: validatePresence(false) // must be blank
  propertyName: validatePresence({ presence: true }) // alternative option syntax
  propertyName: validatePresence({ presence: true, ignoreBlank: true }) // If ignoreBlank true, treats an empty or whitespace string as not present.
  propertyName: validatePresence({ presence: true, message: "Property not present" }) // custom error message
  • All validators accepts message property for custom error message


Validates the length of a String

  propertyName: validateLength({ min: 1 }), // 1 or more
  propertyName: validateLength({ max: 8 }), // up to 8
  propertyName: validateLength({ min: 1, max: 8 }), // between 1 and 8 (inclusive)
  propertyName: validateLength({ is: 16 }), // exactly 16


Validates various properties of a number.

  propertyName: validateNumber({ is: 16 }), // exactly 16
  propertyName: validateNumber({ allowBlank: true }), // can be blank
  propertyName: validateNumber({ integer: true }), // must be an integer
  propertyName: validateNumber({ lt: 10 }), // less than 10
  propertyName: validateNumber({ lte: 10 }), // less than or equal to 10
  propertyName: validateNumber({ gt: 5 }), // greater than 5
  propertyName: validateNumber({ gte: 10 }), // greater than or equal to 10
  propertyName: validateNumber({ positive: true }), // must be a positive number
  propertyName: validateNumber({ odd: true }), // must be an odd number
  propertyName: validateNumber({ even: true }), // must be an even number
  propertyName: validateNumber({ multipleOf: 7 }) // must be a multiple of 7


Validates a String based on a regular expression.

  propertyName: validateFormat({ allowBlank: true }), // can be blank
  propertyName: validateFormat({ type: 'email' }), // built-in email format
  propertyName: validateFormat({ type: 'url' }), // built-in URL format
  propertyName: validateFormat({ regex: /\w{6,30}/ }) // custom regular expression
  propertyName: validateFormat({ type: 'email', inverse: true }) // passes if the value doesn't match the given format


Validates that a field has the same value as another.

  propertyName: validateConfirmation({ on: 'password' }), // must match 'password'
  propertyName: validateConfirmation({ allowBlank: true }), // can be blank

Custom Validators

For writing your own validators, refer 'Writing your own validators' section of ember-changeset-validations