1.3.1 • Published 3 years ago

react-codegen-cli v1.3.1

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Table of Contents


To install the latest version run the following command:

npm i react-codegen-cli --save-dev

React CodeGen lets you setup everything by simply running the following command:

npx react-codegen-cli init

Question by question, it will guide you through the whole process of setting up a configuration file, selecting stylesheet format, picking a destination of generated files, and a lot more.

Get Started

The following command can be used to generate code:

npm run react-codegen

After running the command in the terminal, you can enter the name of the component and configure the generation of the files. When creating a React component, you are given the choice to modify the component parts, such as connecting the useState, useEffect, propTypes and so on.

Demo Demo2

Configuration File

You also can set-up configuration file manually. React CodeGen uses cosmiconfig for configuration file support. This means you can configure it via:

  • A "react-codegen" key in your package.json file.
  • A .react-codegenrc file, written in JSON or YAML, with optional extensions: .json/.yaml/.yml (without extension takes precedence).
  • A .react-codegenrc.js or react-codegen.config.js file that exports an object.

react-codegen will look for a configuration file in root folder and use it if available. If no config file found it will fallback to a default configuration.

Configuration Options

stylesstringscssStylesheet format
typescriptbooleanfalseGenerate typescript files
jsxExtbooleantrueUse jsx extension for components
fileNameCasecame, pascal, snake, snakeUpper, kebabpascalFile name case for generated files (default: MyComponent.jsx)
pathstringsrc/componentsPath to generate files
wrapFolderbooleantrueCreate a wrap folder for generated files
cssModulesbooleanfalseGenerate css module
exportTypedefault, nameddefaultExport type to be used for modules
arrowFunctionbooleantrueUse arrow functions insead of regular


  "styles": "scss",
  "typescript": false,
  "jsxExt": true,
  "fileNameCase": "pascal",
  "path": "src/components"


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


React CodeGen CLI is open source software licensed as MIT.