1.2.9 • Published 3 years ago

react-control-library v1.2.9

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Last release
3 years ago


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npm install react-control-library

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yarn add react-control-library


import React from 'react';
import { SecureMaskedInput } from 'react-control-library';

const App = () => {

    const ssnMask = [/^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, '-', /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, '-', /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/];

    const [ssn, setSsn] = React.useState('');

    return (
            onChange={(e: any) => setSsn(e.target.value)}
                getValue: (detail, ssnValue) => {
                    return '***-HIDDEN';

export default App;



React-Control-Library With Material UI

React-Control-Library With ReactStrap


  1. NumberMask
  2. MaskedInput
  3. SecureMaskedInput
  4. NumberInput
  5. DecimalInput
  6. Password
  7. Alphanumeric
  8. TextInput
  9. Email
  10. Checkbox
  11. RadioButton


This project provides some awesome light weight controls for every web application that is designed and developed. They are developed upon pure HTML input controls and hence can be used and styled in a known manner. Controls can be styled using any styling library like BootStrap.

React-Control-Library was bootstrapped with Create React App. They are easy to use in any web application, easy to integrate with any third party libraries like ReactStrap, Material UI. Upon integration with ReactStrap or Material UI, you can have ReactStrap or Material UI controls working usually with all functionalities of this library.

Salient Features

Detail & Validation

All RCL controls (except Checkbox and RadioButton) comes with some validation features in-built which helps developers avoid writing repeated code. It makes development faster and convenient.

On every control onChange and onBlur event, eventArgs are populated with detail object. This behavior can be seen in demo for all controls.

Below is the schema for the detail object (in terms of typescript).

isValid: boolean,
value: any
attribute: string | null,
metadata?: any[]
detail: any
  • isValid (boolean)
    • Denotes weather the control is in valid or invalid state.
    • This flag is derived by based on various attributes that are sent to the controls.
    • In case of SecureMaskedInput, when value of the control is being set by the parent container/page, the metadata may contains value as ['Unknown Validity']. In these cases isValid flag maybe incorrect. This documentation will updated once this is addressed nicely :).
  • value (any)
    • Holds value of the control. We can continue to use e.target.value in order to fetch the value.
    • However in cases like MaskedInput and other such controls like phone number with format (987) 654-3210, e.target.value will provide the value in the same above format. But e.detail.value should provide you the actual value like 9876543210.
  • attribute (string | null)

    • When control is in invalid state, this attribute provides info on which attribute makes the control invalid.

      For example, in code <NumberInput min={100} > if user enters 50, then e.detail in onChange and onBlur should be populated with isValid: false and attribute: min.

    • When attribute value is userInput it denotes that the control is in invalid state due to behavior provided by rcl library. For example, if a user enters invalid email format in Email control, then attribute should be populated with userInput value.

  • metadata (any[])

    • This attribute is populated to provide further information about the state of control if needed.
    • Look for Password control. In case control is valid, then metadata is populated with strength of the password. In case it is invalid, metadata is populated with all the password violations and strength of the password.
  • detail (any)
    • This is populated with original e.detail value.
    • The value will be mostly null until set explicitly.


RCL controls accept all attributes that of HTML input controls. However there are additional attributes introduced with this library to perform additional validation.

  • exactLength (number)
    • This attribute can be passed to see if user input the control value is of exact length passed by user.
    • If user input is not that of length passed by user, validation is considered as failed and e.detail.isValid is populated with false flag. e.detail.attribute will hold exactLength as value.
  • hasError (boolean)
    • When passed as true, this will assign a class to control with value rcl-control-error.
    • Class rcl-control-error will also be assigned when e.detail.isValid is false on onChange and onBlur event.
    • This attribute is present for all controls.
  • mask (any[])
    • This attribute can be passed to MaskedInput and SecureMaskedInput control.
    • They are generally array of strings and regex to hold a mask on the control. See demo for more details on usage.
    • In case the mask is empty array, the control behaves without any masking and any of the characters are allowed.
  • mask (object)
    • This attribute is specific to NumberMask control.
    • It provides configuration for NumberMask control.
      1. prefix: (string): Prefix string that will concatenated to the user input when entered. Defaults to $.
      2. suffix: (string): Suffix string that will concatenated to the user input when entered. Defaults to empty string.
      3. thousandsSeparatorSymbol: (string): Can be useful to format currency. String that will be used every thousand denomination of the user input. When passed empty string, nothing no formatting will be done at thousand denomination. Defaults to ,.
      4. decimalLimit: (number): Maximum of decimal limit allowed in the user input. Defaults to 4. If passed as 0, then decimal will not be allowed.
      5. decimalSymbol: (string): String used to denote decimal point. Defaults to .. Will never be used if decimalLimit is passed as 0.
      6. maxLength: (number): Maximum length of user input allowed. Defaults to 20. This length will exclude thousandsSeparatorSymbol, decimalSymbol etc.
      7. negativeAllowed: (boolean): Negative currency allowed is true. Defaults to false.
  • inputTag (React Component)
    • RCL controls can be integrated with any third party libraries like ReactStrap, Material UI.
    • For example, we can pass Input from ReactStrap as inputTag attribute. Like <NumberInput inputTag={Input}.
  • detailModes (string[])
    • This attribute decides on which event e.detail is populated.
    • Possible values: onChange, onBlur, onKeyPress, none.
    • Default value is ["onChange", "onBlur"].
  • decimalLimit (number)
    • This attribute is specific to DecimalInput control. It limits the decimal point on the decimal value.
    • Default value is 4.
  • allowSymbols (string)
    • AlphaNumeric control allows only numbers, A-Z and a-z.
    • This attribute is specific to AlphaNumeric control. And allows any symbols passed in the control.
    • For example, <AlphaNumeric allowSymbols="@._" /> will allow '@', '_', '.' along with alphanumeric values.
  • restrictSymbols (string)
    • TextInput control allows any characters to be typed by user.
    • This attribute is specific to TextInput control. And restricts any symbols passed in the control.
    • For example, <TextInput restrictSymbols="@._" /> will restrict '@', '_', '.' characters to be typed by user.
  • passwordCriteria (object)
    • This attribute is specific to Password control.
    • It specifies the criteria for a password.
      1. capital: (number): Minimum number of capital characters required. Defaults to 1;
      2. minLength: (number): Minimum number of characters required. Defaults to 8;
      3. maxLength: (number): Maximum number of characters allowed. Defaults to 0 which means infinite.;
      4. numberCount: (number): Minimum numbers required. Defaults to 1.;
      5. symbols: (number): Minimum number of symbols required. Defaults to 1.;
      6. restrictSymbols: (string): Characters that are not allowed in password. User will be allowed to type the characters however.
      7. sequence: (object): Maximum sequence of characters allowed. a. number: (number): Defaults to 5. Means 6 or more consecutive numbers are considered invalid password. b. characters: (number): Defaults to 5. Means 6 or more consecutive characters are considered invalid password.
  • secure (object)
    • This attribute is specific to SecureMaskedInput control.
    • This provides the secure format of value when user leaves the control.
    • Function getValue is called to get the formatted text.
    • Original masking is not respected while showing secure text.
  • indeterminate (boolean)
    • This attribute is specific to Checkbox control.
    • When trues, checkbox is rendered as partially checked.
    • See demo for more usage.

Copy/Paste & Drag/Drop

  • RCL controls do allow copy/paste or drag/drop of text into the controls.
  • Only valid characters are accepted upon action for that specific control.
  • For example, <NumberInput /> upon dragging and dropping text of 425 123 4567 or (425) 123-4567, only 4251234567 will be seen and accepted in the control.

Seamless Integration with Third Library controls

  • RCL controls are designed to provide awesome and useful functionality. However they do not come with any predefined styles.
  • RCL controls can be integrated with any third party controls. Any Component to be rendered can be passed as inputTag.
  • For example, <NumberInput inputTag={TextField} /> will render TextField from @material-ui/core with functionality of NumberInput control.
  • Please note that, any custom-attributes like label, passing children for Checkbox/RadioButton, indeterminate etc. may or may not work based on the implementation of third party control and how they handle that attribute internally.


## NumberMask


NumberMask with Material UI

NumberMask With ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { NumberMask } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {

    const [data, setData] = React.useState('');

    function getNumberMask() {
        return {
            prefix: '$',
            suffix: '',
            thousandsSeparatorSymbol: ',',
            decimalSymbol: '.',
            decimalLimit: 4,
            maxLength: 20,
            negativeAllowed: false,

    return (
            Enter USD: <NumberMask mask={getNumberMask()} value={data} onChange={(e) => setData(e.target.value)} />

export default App;
  1. Attribute mask must be passed to NumberMask control. mask is of type object.
  2. Designed to take input of only numbers/digits and symbols/string passed in mask.
  3. Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop text from outside source must be formatted in control as per the mask provided.
  4. e.detail will be populated on onChange and onBlur event by default.
## MaskedInput


MaskedInput with Material UI

MaskedInput With ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { MaskedInput } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {
    const [data, setData] = React.useState();
    const phoneMask = () => ["(", /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, ")", " ", /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, "-", /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/, /^[0-9]*$/];

    return (
            Enter Phone Number {" "}
                onChange={(e) => setData(e.target.value)}

export default App;
  1. Attribute mask must be passed to MaskedInput control. mask is an array of string and RegExp.
  2. Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop text from outside source must be formatted in textbox as per the mask provided.
  3. Attribute exactLength ca be passed which will be used to determine the validity of the control. Validation will be done against the values falling under regex and not the hard coded values. For example, if mask passed is [/^[0-9]*$/, '-', /^[0-9]*$/, '-', /^[0-9]*$/], then validation for value 3-1-3 will done against value 313.
  4. e.detail will be populated on onChange and onBlur event by default.
## SecureMaskedInput


SecureMaskedInput with Material UI

SecureMaskedInput with ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { SecureMaskedInput } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = React.useState("");
  const n = /^[0-9]*$/;
  const cardMask = () => [n, n, n, n, " ", n, n, n, n, " ", n, n, n, n, " ", n, n, n, n];

  return (
      Enter Credit Card Number {" "}
          getValue: (detail, data) => {
            if (detail.value.length < 16) {
              return data;
            return `****-****-****-${detail.value.substring(
              detail.value.length - 4,
        onChange={(e) => setData(e.target.value)}

export default App;
  1. Attribute mask must be passed to SecureMaskedInput control. mask is an array of string and RegExp.
  2. Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop text from outside source must be formatted in textbox as per the mask provided.
  3. Attribute secure must be passed to SecureMaskedInput control. secure is an object with a property getValue. The return value of getValue function will be used as the value after user leaves the control. getValue function gets 2 parameters, detail and currentValue of control.
  4. Attribute exactLength ca be passed which will be used to determine the validity of the control. Validation will be done against the values falling under regex and not the hard coded values. For example, if mask passed is [/^[0-9]*$/, '-', /^[0-9]*$/, '-', /^[0-9]*$/], then validation for value 3-1-3 will done against value 313.
  5. e.detail will be populated on onChange and onBlur event by default.
## NumberInput


NumberInput with Material UI

NumberInput with ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { NumberInput } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = React.useState("");

  return (
      Enter Numeric Characters {" "}
      <NumberInput value={data} onChange={(e) => setData(e.target.value)} />

export default App;
  1. Attribute max restricts the user character input if validation fails. This is unlike traditional controls who allows user input even when max validation fails.
  2. Attributes like min, minLength, max, maxLength, and exactLength can be passed to control to validate various conditions. All validation result will be present in e.detail.
  3. Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop text from outside source must be take numbers only from the text.
  4. During Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop, if validation fails based on the attributes passed, the value of control must not change and should remain as it was before user action.
## DecimalInput


DecimalInput with Material UI

DecimalInput with ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { DecimalInput } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = React.useState("");

  return (
      Enter Decimal Value{" "}
        onChange={(e) => setData(e.target.value)}

export default App;
  1. Attribute decimalLimit restricts the characters after decimal point. Default value for this attribute is 4.
  2. Attribute maxLength is closely related to decimalLimit. Default value of maxLength is {20}.
  3. For example, if maxLength value is 8 and decimalLimit is 2 then the control will allow the input in format of NNNNN.NN. That means 5 digits before decimal, 2 digits after decimal. So maxLength = 8 = 5 + 2 + dot.
  4. Attribute max will restrict user entry if validation fails for max.
  5. Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop text from outside source must be take numbers and dot only from the text. All the validations will still be restricted during the action.
  6. During Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop, if validation fails based on the attributes passed, the value of control must not change and should remain as it was before user action.
## Password


Password with Material UI

Password with ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { Password } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = React.useState("");

  const passCriteria = () => {
    return {
      capital: 1, // at least 1 capital
      minLength: 8, // must minimum length of password
      maxLength: 0, // Means no restriction
      numberCount: 1, // at least 1 number
      symbols: 1, // at least 1 symbol
      restrictSymbols: "", // any characters that are not allowed
      sequence: {
        number: 5, // max 5 consecutive numbers allowed.
        characters: 5 // max 5 consecutive characters allowed.

  return (
      Enter Password{" "}
        onChange={(e) => setData(e.target.value)}

export default App;
  1. Attribute passwordCriteria must be passed to Password control.
  2. passwordCriteria is an object. Following are the properties of the object with their default values.
    • capital: 1, // at least 1 capital
    • minLength: 8, // must minimum length of password
    • maxLength: 0, // Means no restriction
    • numberCount: 1, // at least 1 number
    • symbols: 1, // at least 1 symbol
    • restrictSymbols: "", // any characters that are not allowed
    • sequence: {
      • number: 5, // max 5 consecutive numbers allowed.
      • characters: 5 // max 5 consecutive characters allowed. }
  3. e.detail.metadata, an object array, provides additional information about the password typed by user.
  4. e.detail.metadata array last item provides Password Strength of the user input.
## AlphaNumeric


AlphaNumeric with Material UI

AlphaNumeric with ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { AlphaNumeric } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = React.useState("");

  return (
      Enter Alpha Numeric Characters{" "}
        onChange={(e) => setData(e.target.value)}

export default App;
  1. Control AlphaNumeric allows user to type only digits and alphabets in the control.
  2. Attribute allowSymbols allows user to type additional characters apart from alpha numeric characters.
  3. Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop text from outside source must be take alpha numeric characters and allowed symbols only.
## TextInput


TextInput with Material UI

TextInput with ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { TextInput } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = React.useState("");

  return (
      Enter Anything{" "}
        onChange={(e) => setData(e.target.value)}

export default App;
  1. Control TextInput allows user to type only anything like a regular textbox.
  2. Attribute restrictSymbols restricts user entry for certain symbols.
  3. Copy & Paste or Drag & Drop text from outside source must be take anything but restricted symbols.
## Email


Email with Material UI

Email with ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { Email } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = React.useState("");

  return (
      Enter Email{" "}
        onChange={(e) => setData(e.target.value)}

export default App;
  1. Allows all the characters to be typed.
  2. Internally Email control uses regex to validate user input. Regex is taken from here under RFC 2822 standard email validation.
  3. Attributes pattern overrides the default regex pattern.
  4. Do not pass pattern value that start with '/' and ends with '/'. Please ignore the escape characters while passing. As an example, if you want to pass email pattern as \^[^@\s]+@[^@\s\.]+\.[^@\.\s]+$\ then pass ^[^@\s]+@[^@\s\.]+\.[^@\.\s]+$ by leaving the escape characters out.
  5. Validation about the user input can be accessed via e.detail.
## Checkbox


Checkbox with Material UI

Checkbox with ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { Checkbox } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {
  const [ca, setCa] = React.useState(true);
  const [wa, setWa] = React.useState(false);

  function allInDiffState() {
    if (ca && wa) return false;
    if (!ca && !wa) return false;
    return true;

  function selectAllEvent(e) {

  return (
    <div id="checkbox">
        checked={ca && wa}
        onChange={(e) => selectAllEvent(e)}
      />{" "}
      Select All
      <br />
      <Checkbox checked={ca} onChange={(e) => setCa(e.target.checked)} /> CA
      <br />
      <Checkbox checked={wa} onChange={(e) => setWa(e.target.checked)} /> WA
      <br />

export default App;
  1. Clicking associated label must toggle checkbox. To have associated label, pass label attribute like <Checkbox label='Agreement Read' /> or children to component like <Checkbox>Agreement Read</Checkbox>.
  2. However note that, passing label in above mentioned fashion may not work in ReactStrap based on internal implementation of ReactStrap.
  3. Attribute indeterminate when passed as true, checkbox will be in partially checked state. indeterminate attribute may not work as expected in ReactStrap based on internal implementation of ReactStrap.
  4. All checked checkboxes will have a class assigned as checkbox_checked.
## RadioButton


RadioButton with ReactStrap

import React from "react";
import { RadioButton } from "react-control-library";

const App = () => {
  const [data, setData] = React.useState("");

  return (
    <div id="radio" className="App">
          checked={data === "email"}
          onChange={() => setData("email")}
        />{" "}
        <br />
          checked={data === "sms"}
          onChange={() => setData("sms")}
        />{" "}
        <br />
          checked={data === "push"}
          onChange={() => setData("push")}
        Push Notification
        <br />
          checked={data === "all"}
          onChange={() => setData("all")}
        />{" "}

export default App;
  1. Clicking associated label must toggle checkbox. To have associated label, pass label attribute like <RadioButton label='Home' /> or children to component like <RadioButton>Home</RadioButton>.
  2. However note that, passing label in above mentioned fashion may not work in ReactStrap based on internal implementation of ReactStrap.
  3. Clicking the label should toggle the checkbox value.
  4. All checked checkboxes will have a class assigned as {name}_radio_checked.