0.1.0 • Published 7 years ago

react-cowsay v0.1.0

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Last release
7 years ago


A react wrapper for cowsay-browser


<Cowsay>I'm a cow!</Cowsay>

react-cowsay accepts almost all arguments from cowsay as props.

The only exception is f which does not accept a filepath, though any of the included cows can be used.

The options for cowsay are replicated here for convenience:

  -b  Mode: Borg                                                                                                                                  
  -d  Mode: Dead                                                                                                                                  
  -g  Mode: Greedy                                                                                                                                
  -p  Mode: Paranoia                                                                                                                              
  -s  Mode: Stoned                                                                                                                                
  -t  Mode: Tired                                                                                                                                 
  -w  Mode: Wired                                                                                                                                 
  -y  Mode: Youthful                                                                                                                              
  -e  Select the appearance of the cow's eyes.                                                                                                      [default: "oo"]
  -T  The tongue is configurable similarly to the eyes through -T and tongue_string.                                                                [default: "  "]                                                                                                               
  -n  If it is specified, the given message will not be word-wrapped.                                                                             
  -W  Specifies roughly where the message should be wrapped. The default is equivalent to -W 40 i.e. wrap words at or before the 40th column.       [default: 40]
  -f  Specifies a cow picture file (''cowfile'') to use. Use of the named cows included in the package.  [default: "default"]

Additionally text can be specified either as a prop or as children.

<Cowsay>This works</Cowsay>
<Cowsay text="This also works" />


The development environment is already setup and ready to go (hot-loading and linting included!)

  1. Build only your library component/components in /src folder (this is what will be published to npm)
  2. Rendering for testing/development should be done in /site/src (this can also be used as a static site for examples, docs, etc.)
  3. yarn start or npm start


Tests are written in the /test directory, using Jest, and enzyme
