0.1.2 • Published 4 years ago

react-customizable-autocomplete v0.1.2

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Last release
4 years ago


A library to create search with autocomplete. Demo.


This package requires Promise to be available globally, it is not bundled as it's very much likely you already have one.


  • Handles all the state changes regarding user input, you just fill the components
  • Css solution of your choice
  • Allows for WAI-ARIA compliant implementation
  • Provides a callback to cancel queries as soon as they become obsolete
  • Allows customization of any part of the component
  • Allows configuring characters number required to start querying
  • Allows configuring debounce step
  • Typescript support


This library comes in three flavours: ejs, cjs and umd. Ejs and cjs bundles require necessary modules in their code, while the umd bundles all the modules. As a result, unpacked ejs/cjs bundle will add to your project from 11kb to 32kb (3.5kb to 12kb gzipped, depending on how much polyfills you already use), and the umd size will add 32kb (12kb gzipped). All bundles can be found in dist directory.



npm install react-customizable-autocomplete


yarn add react-customizable-autocomplete

If you want to use umd build:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/react-customizable-autocomplete/dist/index.umd.min.js"></script>
<!-- The library is available under ReactCustomizableAutocomplete name -->



onQuery: (query) => Promise<{ id, text, data? }[]>

Is called every time the autocomplete needs more data. Should return a promise which resolves to an array of objects with at least two fields: id and text. The resolved array will be passed partially or as a whole to other props. If the promise of the last onQuery is rejected, errorComponent will be rendered. If the reject happens after submission, or when the required number of characters is not enough to fulfill minCharsRequired, then errorComponent won't be rendered.

  • query: string - the input for which onQuery is called.

  • id: string - used internally for managing suggestions.

  • text: string - placed in the input while user navigates with a keyboard.

  • data?: any - a place to store additional information about a suggestion so that we could render custom suggestion components (e.g. text with an image).

onQueryBecomesObsolete?: (onQueryResult) => void

Is called right after the last onQuery was issued with the previous onQuery result. During the execution of onQueryBecomesObsolete callback it's safe to reject the promise: errorComponent won't be shown to the user.

onSubmit: ({ query, id, suggestions, resetInput }, formEvent) => void

Is called when the user submits the form.

  • query: string - the input that user submits.

  • id: string | null - if the user submits by selection of one of the suggestions, the corresponding id from onQuery result will be passed, otherwise null.

  • suggestions - the onQuery result. E.g. if the query matches the first suggestion you might want to redirect user to the suggestion page directly.

  • resetInput: () => void - a callback that cleans the input. It allows cleaning input after additional submission request, e.g. after the user submits specific suggestion, you fetch page result and only then clean the input.

  • formEvent - the original React form submit event.


Additional props to be passed to the form element. The only two forbidden props are ref and onSubmit. In development mode these two props will throw when passed, in production they will be ignored. Use the component onSubmit and form callbacks to handle the task.

debounceMs?: number = 150

The delay used by debounce function.

minCharsRequired?: number = 3;

The number of chars user needs to type for onQuery to be called.


A component that will be rendered in the form and should contain the input field. It will be passed following props:

  • inputProps - the object containing input props that should be applied directly on the input element. It contains the following fields: value onChange onFocus onBlur onKeyDown autoComplete ref.

  • selectedItem - an item from onQuery result array, which is currently selected.

  • isFetching: boolean - a flag indicating that the autocomplete is fetching. NOTE: For better ux, it is also true if there will be a request, i.e. after the user started to type but before the request sent.

  • isOpen: boolean - whether the list is shown or not.

  • submit: () => void - a callback to trigger submit.

  • reset: () => void - a callback reset to user input.


A component that will be rendered in the form and contains all other components except inputComponent. It will be passed following props:

  • containerProps - the object containing props that should be applied directly on the container element. It contains the following fields: onMouseLeave.

  • selectedItem - same as in inputComponent.

  • isFetching: boolean - same as in inputComponent.

  • isOpen: boolean - same as in inputComponent.

  • submit: () => void - same as in inputComponent.


A component holding the suggestions. Renders inside listContainerComponent. Will be passed the following:

  • suggestions - suggestions array from onQuery.

  • selectedId - an id of the currently selected suggestion.

  • suggestionHandlers: { onMouseDown: (id) => void, onMouseOver: (id) => void } - these handlers should be called with an id of the suggestion whenever the item's original onMouseDown and onMouseOver are called.


The component to render when there is not enough chars to satisfy minCharsRequired. Renders inside listContainerComponent.


The component to render when onQuery yields an empty array. Renders inside listContainerComponent.


The component to render when the last onQuery result is rejected. If the reject happens after submission, or when the required number of characters is not enough to fulfill minCharsRequired, then errorComponent won't be rendered. Renders inside listContainerComponent.